[Amended 9-1-1994 by L.L. No. 3-1994; 3-6-1997 by L.L. No. 2-1997; 12-2-1999 by L.L. No. 7-1999; 12-30-1999 by L.L. No. 8-1999; 2-3-2000 by L.L. No. 1-2000; 11-16-2000 by L.L. No. 4-2000; 4-5-2001 by L.L. No. 2-2001; 5-6-2010 by L.L. No. 4-2010; 11-5-2015 by L.L. No. 5-2015; 9-1-2016 by L.L. No. 4-2016]
Review fees.
Review fees required by this chapter (§ 151-44) shall be paid to the Town prior to an application being added to the Planning Board agenda or prior to an application for a one-lot or one-parcel residential subdivision being reviewed by the Code Enforcement Officer and engineer for the Town as set forth in § 151-18. Said fees are set forth at the Town of Walworth Fee Schedule on file with the Walworth Town Clerk, which fees have been and shall be determined by Town Board resolution. As more specifically set forth in the Walworth Fee Schedule, said fees shall include fees for:
Each application pertaining to which subdivision, site plan and/or special use permit approval is requested in a residential development;
Any residential or nonresidential development in which an extension of a special use district is requested by the developer;
Each parcel resulting from the subdivision of residential or nonresidential land without the approval to construct a building;
Each 100 square feet of building area applied for in any nonresidential development.
Reimbursement of fees. Consulting and professional fees shall be reimbursed to the Town in accordance with Chapter 74 of the Walworth Town Code, Reimbursement of Consultant and Professional Fees.
If as part of an application for preliminary subdivision approval or site plan approval percolation tests are required, the applicant shall pay to the Town with the application a fee for the same as set forth at the Town of Walworth Fee Schedule on file with the Walworth Town Clerk, which fee has been and shall be determined by Town Board resolution.
[Amended 3-6-1997 by L.L. No. 2-1997; 3-20-2003 by L.L. No. 1-2003; at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Reimbursement of inspection costs and security. The developer shall be responsible for promptly reimbursing the reasonable cost to the Town of inspections of its project, including inspections/reporting conducted by inspectors/engineers retained on behalf of the Town as well as by Town employees, such as building inspectors. Prior to any right to commence construction, including site work, the developer shall provide to the Town of Walworth security, including in the form of escrow or a letter of credit, all as more specifically provided in the Town's Design Criteria and Specifications, to cover the cost to the Town of all such inspections.
Actual cost; audit. The cost to the Town shall be based upon the actual costs incurred by the Town, including any vouchers which may be submitted by nonemployees for any inspections made on behalf of the Town. The Town Board shall review and audit the vouchers and approve payment of only such fees that are reasonable in amount and necessarily incurred by the Town in connection with inspection costs.
Insufficient security. If at any time during the inspection process or upon completion of the inspection process, but before offer of dedication by the developer of any improvements to be conveyed to the Town by deed or easement, there shall be insufficient monies on hand to the credit of the developer to reimburse the Town for actual costs of the inspections or if it shall reasonably appear to the Town that such monies will be insufficient to reimburse the Town for inspection expenses not yet incurred but anticipated, upon notification of the same by the Town, the developer shall deposit with the Town additional funds that the Town deems necessary or advisable in order to meet such expenses or anticipated expenses.
Release. Upon the offer by the developer and acceptance of and dedication by the Town Board of any improvements to be conveyed to the Town by deed or easement, then in that event, the sums remaining in the account to the credit of the developer shall be returned to the developer along with a statement of the monies paid.
Failure to comply. If inspection fees or security therefor are not paid as and when required by this section, no building permit or corresponding certificate of occupancy or certificate of compliance will be issued until the required fees are paid. It is the intent of this section that the inspection fees incurred as a result of inspections made by the Building Inspector, Code Enforcement Officer or other inspectors hired or contracted by the Town upon recommendation of the engineer for the Town shall ultimately be paid by those that seek to profit from such development rather than the general Town funds, which are raised by assessments paid by the taxpayers.
This section is enacted under authority of the Municipal Home Rule Law. To the extent that Town Law §§ 274-a, 276 and 277 do not authorize the Town Board or the Planning Board to require the reimbursement to the Town of costs as provided in this chapter, it is the express intent of the Town Board to change and supersede such statute. More particularly, to the extent statutes do not authorize deferral or withholding of a building permit/certificate of occupancy/certificate of compliance in the event such expenses are not paid to the Town, it is expressly the intent of the Town Board to change and supersede Town Law §§ 274-a, 276 and 277 to empower the Town to require such payments as a condition of issuing a building permits/certificates.
[Amended 1-15-1998 by L.L. No. 1-1998; 5-4-2006 by L.L. No. 3-2006; 11-5-2015 by L.L. No. 5-2015]
Sewer hookup fees shall be paid to the Town upon application for a building permit to construct a structure on any lot or parcel. Such application shall not be deemed complete until the sewer hookup fee is paid. The amount of the fee is set forth at the Town of Walworth Fee Schedule on file with the Walworth Town Clerk, which fee has been and shall be determined by Town Board resolution.
[Amended 6-1-1995 by L.L. No. 2-1995; 11-5-2015 by L.L. No. 5-2015]
A water system connection fee shall be paid to the Town upon application for water service. Such application shall not be deemed complete until the connection fee is paid. The fee is to cover the cost of labor and materials, including but not limited to the cost of installation of a water meter, and any miscellaneous costs which may be incurred by the Town. The amount of the fee shall be the same fee charged the Town for the applicant's installation by the Wayne County Water and Sewer Authority, plus an additional amount set forth at the Town of Walworth Fee Schedule on file with the Walworth Town Clerk, which fee has been and shall be determined by Town Board resolution.