[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Westfield as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Junkyards — See Ch. 106.
Littering — See Ch. 111.
[Adopted 5-2-1990 by L.L. No. 1-1990]
Findings and intent. The Town Board finds and declares that the proper management of solid wastes is necessary and desirable to protect public health and the quality of the environment in the Town of Westfield. Toward this end, reduction of solid waste generation, recovery and reuse, energy recovery and improved disposal are recognized statewide goals. The Town Board of the Town of Westfield further finds that when accompanied by adequate markets for materials separated from the waste stream, source separation and recycling can be an effective way to reduce the ultimate volume of solid waste requiring disposal and to recapture the economic benefits lost in the disposal of recyclable materials and to reduce the demand upon limited natural resources and finances. It is the intent of the Town Board of the Town of Westfield to establish a program for the mandatory separation of recyclables from garbage, rubbish and other nonrecyclable wastes in the Town of Westfield. The Town of Westfield has a local trash/garbage/refuse collection service on a weekly basis for town residents, operated under contract. This service is at the expense of the Town of Westfield, and the ultimate disposal of refuse, garbage and trash collected is the Chautauqua County Landfill and/or transfer stations. It is the intention of the article to bring the operations conducted by the Town of Westfield in its local trash/garbage/refuse collection service and all other trash, garbage or refuse collection services in the Town of Westfield into compliance with the program for recycling and landfilling promulgated by the County of Chautauqua.
State law. This article is enacted pursuant to the authority granted by the New York State Legislature in the Solid Waste Management Act of 1988, Chapter 70 of the Laws of 1988.
Chautauqua County. This article is enacted and is intended to be compatible with the recycling requirements and landfilling requirements of the Chautauqua County Landfill and Transfer Stations.
Regulations. It is the intent of this article to authorize the Town Board of the Town of Westfield to promulgate from time to time rules and regulations concerning the specific components to be recycled and source-separated and specific methods of doing so in order to stay in compliance with the County of Chautauqua's rules and regulations from time to time enacted so that disposal of trash/garbage/refuse can be accomplished through the Chautauqua County Landfill and Transfer Operations. Pursuant thereto, such authority is granted to the Town Board of the Town of Westfield to enact from time to time and adopt from time to time appropriate rules and regulations governing the specific components to be source-segregated and recycled and the methods and procedures of doing so.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Paper, glass, metals, plastic, garden and yard waste and any other materials identified in this article or in the rules and regulations adopted hereunder by the Town Board.
Instances in which the full avoided cost of proper collection, transportation and disposal of source-separated materials are equal to or greater than the cost of collection, transportation and sales of said materials, less the amount received from the sale of said materials.
Includes any individual, partnership, corporation, society, club, firm or association.
A component of the solid waste stream for which an economic market is available.
Shall apply to private residences, commercial, industrial, governmental and all other generators of solid waste in the Town of Westfield.
The admission sticker purchased by a resident or property owner of the Town of Westfield from the Town Clerk and affixed to a vehicle which shall be granted admission to the Town of Westfield's collection service for local trash, garbage and refuse.
General requirement. Recyclables left for collection or delivered to a solid waste management facility shall be separated from all other garbage, rubbish or trash and other nonrecyclable solid wastes in accordance with this article.
No mixed containers. Recyclables shall not be placed in the same garbage can or container or otherwise mixed with other forms of solid waste for collection, removal or disposal.
No collection of mixed containers. It shall be unlawful for a person to collect, remove or dispose of solid waste which consists of recyclables combined with other forms of solid waste.
General requirements. Residents in the Town of Westfield shall source separate recyclables in accordance with the New York State Solid Waste Management Act of 1988, which shall be a minimum requirement, together with all applicable Chautauqua County regulations and shall further comply with the additional requirements set forth in this article and any local rules or regulations promulgated hereunder.
Specific requirements. The Town Board of the Town of Westfield may, from time to time by resolution, formulate, adopt, promulgate, amend and repeal rules and regulations in furtherance of this article for controlling the storage, collection, recycling and disposal of solid wastes in the Town of Westfield.
Recyclable and reusable materials not covered by this article. Notwithstanding that the following materials may be recyclable or reusable, the following are prohibited from being included with recyclables intended for collection and delivery in accordance with this article:
Toxic, nuclear or other hazardous wastes.
Biodegradable plastics.
Any other materials which are governed by other state, federal, county, local law or regulation, or which require special handling or which would be hazardous or harmful to the general health and welfare if included in the recyclable waste stream.
Public. Where public trash receptacles are provided in town parks, recreation areas or public buildings or commercial establishments to which the public has entry, the following shall apply:
It is prohibited for anyone to place nonrecyclables or the wrong type of recyclable, or the correct type of recyclable which is in unacceptable condition, in a container marked for a particular type of recyclable.
It is prohibited for anyone to place recyclables in a container marked for nonrecyclables.
Private. Where private trash containers, dumpsters or other types of collectors are located, the following shall apply:
It is prohibited for anyone to place nonrecyclables or the wrong type of recyclable, or the correct type of recyclable which is in unaccepted condition, in a container marked for a particular type of recyclable.
It is prohibited for anyone to place recyclables in a container marked for nonrecyclables.
Exceptions. The provisions of this article need not be complied with when the person or resident contracts with a private disposal service and said private disposal service permits waste of all types to be mixed together in a suitable container which will then be properly disposed of by that private disposal service, either outside or inside Chautauqua County, in accordance with law. Further, nothing in this article shall be deemed to prohibit any person from contracting with a private disposal service for removal of solid wastes and recyclables for ultimate disposal inside or outside Chautauqua County in accordance with law.
The Town of Westfield, for so long as it operates a local trash/garbage/refuse collection service on a weekly basis, shall admit to the collection site only vehicles to which have been affixed the vehicle admission sticker purchased from the Town of Westfield.
It shall be the responsibility of all persons and residents using the town's trash/garbage/refuse collection service to separate all nonrecyclable garbage, trash and refuse from recyclables as provided in this article.
All recyclables shall be separated into newspaper, cardboard, glass, metals, plastics and garden or yard waste for separate transfer. No mixing of individual recyclables or recyclables with nonrecyclables shall be permitted. Each different type of recyclable shall be reasonably clean and washed, with labels removed and tops and lids removed.
The Town Board of the Town of Westfield may, from time to-time, promulgate specific rules and regulations identifying recyclables and promulgating rules and regulations setting forth specific procedures to be followed in source segregation and in transfer and ultimate disposal of recyclables as such are defined by rule and regulation. Such rules and regulations as amended and promulgated from time to time by resolution of the Town Board of the Town of Westfield, shall be published and posted so as to make the general public aware of their existence.
The Town Board of the Town of Westfield is hereby authorized to adopt a fee schedule for admission stickers for vehicles by resolution, and said fee schedule shall also be published and posted for general circulation within the Town. Such fee schedule may, from time to time, be amended by resolution of the Town Board.
No person shall bury or cause to be buried garbage, refuse, trash or other waste or materials within the Town of Westfield.
It shall be a violation for nonresidents of the Town of Westfield to transport or cause to be transported garbage, refuse or trash or recyclable materials into the Town of Westfield for disposal to the town-operated trash/garbage/refuse collection service. Further, it shall be a violation for any resident of the Town of Westfield, owner, lessee or person in control of real property within the Town of Westfield to permit any person to bring in, place or deposit any refuse, garbage or trash or recyclables originating from outside the Town of Westfield on any real property owned or leased by him or her or under his or her control for the purpose of disposal under the town-operated collection and recycling service.
This article and the regulations adopted pursuant thereto shall be enforced by the town's Code Enforcement Officer and any deputies and shall also be enforced by any constable given special duties to enforce the recycling provisions and by any peace officer or police officer.
As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
An intentional or knowing violation as those terms are defined in the Criminal Procedure Law of the State of New York.
Any violation repeated within one year of a prior violation under this article.
A failure to comply with the requirements of this article or the rules and regulations adopted thereunder shall constitute a violation and subject the violator to the criminal and civil penalties provided for herein.
Criminal penalties. A person convicted of violating any provision of this article or the rules or regulations adopted thereunder shall be guilty of a violation which is punishable as follows:[1]
For a first conviction: by a fine of $25 or a term of imprisonment for not more than 15 days or both.
For a repeat violation: by a fine of $50 or a term of imprisonment for not more than 15 days or both.
For a third violation within one year: by fine of up to $250 or a term of imprisonment for not more than 15 days or both.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Civil penalties. A person violating this article or the rules and regulations adopted thereunder shall be liable for a civil penalty as follows:
For each violation: by a fine not to exceed $25.
For a repeat violation: an additional amount not to exceed $50.
For a third violation within one year or an intentional or knowing violation: an additional amount not to exceed $250.
Injunctive and other relief. The Town of Westfield may seek such injunctive, equitable or other relief as may apply in the circumstances to correct the violation.
Expenses of correction. A person determined to have violated this article or the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder shall be liable for all costs of correcting the violation.
Expenses of enforcement. A person determined to have violated this article or the rules or regulations promulgated thereunder shall be liable for all costs of enforcing this article, the rules or regulations, including reasonable attorney's fees, in addition to the criminal and civil penalties provided.
Nonexclusivity. The remedies herein provided for violations of this article or rules and regulations promulgated thereunder may be pursued singly, concurrently, sequentially or in any combination thereof. The use of any one remedy shall not preclude the use of any other remedy.
Liability on the part of the town. No liability for damages or otherwise shall be incurred by the Town of Westfield or its public officers, employees, agents or enforcement officers, or any other officer or person authorized to enforce this article and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, on account of exercising the procedures and actions authorized under this article or the rules or regulations promulgated thereunder.
Chautauqua County Landfill regulations. It shall be an affirmative defense to an alleged violation of this article or the rules or regulations promulgated thereunder that the recyclable or the component of the waste stream in question is intended to be delivered to the Chautauqua County Landfill or County Transfer Station and is acceptable at the Chautauqua County Landfill or County Transfer Station and was accepted at such county landfill or transfer station.
Nonrecyclability. It shall be an affirmative defense to an alleged violation under this article or any of the rules or regulations promulgated thereunder that the material in question is not recyclable.
Village of Westfield. This article and the rules and regulations adopted thereunder apply only in the Town of Westfield outside the Village of Westfield.