Permitted principal uses and structures in the Commercial (C) District shall be as follows:
Any use permitted and as regulated in the R-A District or two-family or multifamily dwellings.
The following uses:
[Amended 6-6-2012 by L.L. No. 1-2012]
Customary retail stores.
Personal service shops.
Restaurants and other eating places.
Hotels, banks and offices.
Undertaking establishment, mortuary or funeral home.
Commercial recreation establishments.
Automobile sales or boat sales.
Public garages and motor vehicle repair shops.
Laundry and dry cleaning plant.
Wholesale business and storage.
Shops for custom work, such as woodworking, plumbing and electrical trades, and the making of articles for sale on the premises provided that:
No more than five persons are employed in such shops.
Only light machines and hand tools are used in connection therewith.
No operation or activity is so conducted as to be noxious or offensive to any adjacent occupant.
Building material supply and incidental millwork.
Monument works.
Feed and solid-fuel storage.
Contractors equipment storage.
Commercial greenhouse.
[Added 7-25-2022 by L.L. No. 2-2022]
Gasoline service station.
Farm implement sales, service and rental.
Used car lots.
Mobile home parks, when approved by the Town Board in accordance with the provisions of Article XI.
Service buildings and storage yards, with fencing and shrubbery as prescribed by the Town Planning Board for public utilities and public agencies.
[Amended 7-1-1998 by L.L. No. 1-1998]
Sale of manufactured and mobile homes, recreational vehicles, truck caps and customary accessory products.
[Added 7-1-1998 by L.L. No. 1-1998]
Additionally, in any C District, any part of which fronts on Lake Erie, the following shall be permitted:
[Amended 7-1-1998 by L.L. No. 1-1998]
Commercial fishing establishments.
Processing of fish.
Retail sale, rental and servicing of boats and other marine articles.
Sale or bait for fishing.
Additionally, in the East Main Road Commercial District, only and by special use permit from the Town Board, in accordance with the provisions of Article XI, the following uses shall be permitted:
[Added 12-6-2023 by L.L. No. 2-2023[1]]
Manufacturing, limited to the processing and packaging of fruits, vegetables, and other natural food products, subject to the same general standards required of such uses in the Manufacturing District pursuant to § 185-36 hereof and other reasonable conditions imposed by the Town Board to mitigate the impact of such uses on surrounding properties, including parking lot design, vegetative screening, outdoor storage of materials, etc.
Editor's Note: This local law also redesignated former Subsection J as Subsection K.
No structure (other than a fence) shall be placed within eight feet of any property line, and no equipment or other material shall be placed within four feet of any property line.
[Added 7-1-1998 by L.L. No. 1-1998]
Permitted accessory uses and structures in the Commercial (C) District shall be as follows:
Accessory uses and structures permitted and as regulated in the R-A District.
Other customary accessory uses, including nonflashing signs accessory to the main use of the premises or advertising any commercial enterprise lawfully conducted within the same C District.
[Amended 6-6-2012 by L.L. No. 1-2012]
Minimum area requirements in the Commercial (C) District shall be as follows:
Side yard: 20 feet where the side yard adjoins a lot in an R District.
Rear yard: 25 feet where the rear yard adjoins a lot in an R District.
Adequate area shall be preserved on all lots to properly maintain sewage disposal facilities where community facilities are lacking.
The maximum height of principal buildings in the Commercial (C) District shall be 30 feet.
The minimum size of principal buildings in the Commercial (C) District shall be 1,000 square feet.