The employment in any job position, excluding administrative and clerical personnel, shall require successful passing of a physical examination prior to employment to assure that the work required to be performed will not cause injury to the employee and that the person is physically fit to meet the requirements of the job. Administrative and clerical personnel shall be required to produce a certificate of health from a licensed physician of the state as a prerequisite for such employment. This certificate must indicate that said employee has had a physical examination within the last year and is physically fit to perform all job duties. Physical examinations may be required thereafter for all employees at Borough expense and shall be made by a physician designated or approved by the Borough.
[Added 10-10-1995 by Ord. No. 95-9]
For the purpose of calculating vacation time for permanent full-time employees, the date of employment shall be the date originally appointed a full-time employee with the Borough of New Providence. If a permanent full-time employee was originally appointed as a permanent part-time employee, without any break in service, the date of employment for calculating vacation time, shall be that of the date of appointment as a permanent part-time employee.
For purposes of calculating longevity, and seniority, the date of employment shall be the date of the full-time appointment with the Borough of New Providence.
[Amended 10-10-1995 by Ord. No. 95-9]
All new Borough nonbargaining employees shall be hired for a probationary period of up to 12 months, which may vary due to job skills, to assure full qualification for the work. Upon recommendation of the Borough Administrator and review with the Personnel Committee, an employee may be terminated during the probationary period, without assigned reason, by the Borough Council. Probationary employees may attain permanent status upon favorable recommendation of the department head and approval by the Borough Administrator and Borough Council. Bargaining unit employees shall be governed by the labor agreement currently in effect.
[Amended 10-10-1995 by Ord. No. 95-9]
It is understood that the conduct of Borough affairs is open to public scrutiny, and all efforts to keep the public informed should be used. However, it shall be the responsibility of the Borough employees to restrict security matters, personnel administration and other material of a nonpublic and confidential nature, as determined by the Mayor and Council, to the Mayor, Council and affected department heads and supervisors. Improper disclosure of such information shall constitute a breach of discipline and subject the employee to disciplinary action. Requests by the public for information considered confidential should be referred to the Borough Administrator. All personnel files relating to employees of the Borough shall be maintained in safekeeping by the Borough Administrator. Additional access to personnel files shall be limited to the Mayor and Borough Council.
Permanent full-time Borough employees may not perform work for another employer or operate a business which will at any time interfere with their assigned duties as employees of the Borough or interfere with the normal standard hours of work for their office.
In the event that a Borough employee does perform regular work for another employer or does operate a business which interferes with their assigned duties or normal standard hours of work, they will be subject to disciplinary action. This action could result in suspension, demotion or dismissal of such employee by action of the Mayor and Borough Council.
No permanent employee may engage in regular outside work for another employer or operate a business without first obtaining approval for such work or business from the Borough Administrator, who shall, after consultations with the department head, grant approval to such additional employment only if it clearly be shown that such additional employment will in no way interfere with the assigned duties of the employee.
[Added 10-10-1995 by Ord. No. 95-9]
Any employment by another governmental authority is prohibited unless expressly approved by Mayor and Council.
[Added 10-10-1995 by Ord. No. 95-9]
Borough employees shall not engage in any partisan political activities during working hours.
A Borough employee who does engage in partisan political activities during working hours will be subject to immediate suspension without pay pending the proper investigation by an individual appointed by the Mayor and Council.