This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "Earth Terminal
Antenna Ordinance of the Borough of New Providence."
This chapter is enacted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of New
Providence to provide rules and regulations, standards and procedures for
the construction, placement and operation of earth terminal antennas within
the Borough of New Providence, the regulation of which is necessary and essential
to promote the public health, safety and welfare of the community; to promote
a desirable visual environment and good civic design and arrangements; to
secure safety to the public from technological man-made electronic devices;
to ensure the orderly installation of such equipment; and to provide sufficient
space in appropriate locations for such residential and commercial use of
antennas according to recognized environmental safety requirements to meet
the needs of all New Jersey citizens.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings
set forth herein as follows:
The one filing the application. The person filing such application
shall be responsible for all facets of compliance with this chapter.
An earth terminal, including all accessory buildings for housing
only such equipment as is necessary for the direct transmission or reception
of electromagnetic energy signals through the earth transmission of electromagnetic
energy from a satellite and employed for commercial use.
Any apparatus or device, commonly known as an "earth terminal antenna,"
"earth terminal," "earth station," "satellite communications antenna," "satellite
antenna," "microwave dish antenna" or "dish antenna," including as part of
such apparatus or device the main reflector, subreflector, feed, amplifier
and support structure, which is designed for the purpose of transmitting and/or
receiving microwave, television, radio, satellite or other electromagnetic
energy signals into or from space, but does not include conventional television,
radio and amateur radio antennas.
The vertical distance measured from the ground level of the area
on which the earth terminal is located and up to and including the highest
point of the earth terminal when extended to its fullest height.
That part of an earth terminal, commonly known as a "dish," which,
absent any protective covering, is dish-shaped, parabolic, spherical or conical
in configuration and is designed for the reception and/or transmission of
electromagnetic energy.
An earth terminal intended solely for the reception of radio and/or
television signals from a satellite being employed for private noncommercial
use only.
Any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of this chapter
shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine not to exceed $1,000 or by imprisonment
in the county jail for a term not exceeding 30 days, or both, for each offense.
Each day that a violation occurs or is committed shall constitute a separate
The Planning Board shall grant final approval on applications for the
construction and operation of commercial or personal earth terminals upon
a finding that the proposed installation fully conforms to all requirements
set forth in this chapter as well as other applicable provisions of the Zoning
Ordinance of the Borough of New Providence.
An applicant receiving final approval for the construction, placement
and operation of an earth terminal shall not subsequently modify or alter
the structure of the earth terminal, except to change the direction of its
main reflector, without the approval of the Planning Board pursuant to an
application as set forth in this chapter.
[Amended 5-13-1996 by Ord. No. 96-3]
A. The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to earth
terminals having main reflectors not exceeding seven feet in diameter which
are solely used for public law enforcement and/or public safety purposes.
B. The provisions of this chapter shall also not apply to
personal earth terminals having a main reflector of 18 inches or less in diameter;
provided, however, that such personal earth terminals shall not be located
on the front yard of any property or on the front of any house or structure.
The Construction Official of the Borough of New Providence is hereby
designated as the public officer charged with the enforcement of the terms
of this chapter. All complaints for alleged violation of any of the terms
of this chapter shall be submitted in writing to the Construction Official.