[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of New Providence 5-14-1984 as Ord. No. 84-7. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Subdivision of land and site plan review — See Ch. 305.
Zoning — See Ch. 310.
This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "Earth Terminal Antenna Ordinance of the Borough of New Providence."
This chapter is enacted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of New Providence to provide rules and regulations, standards and procedures for the construction, placement and operation of earth terminal antennas within the Borough of New Providence, the regulation of which is necessary and essential to promote the public health, safety and welfare of the community; to promote a desirable visual environment and good civic design and arrangements; to secure safety to the public from technological man-made electronic devices; to ensure the orderly installation of such equipment; and to provide sufficient space in appropriate locations for such residential and commercial use of antennas according to recognized environmental safety requirements to meet the needs of all New Jersey citizens.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth herein as follows:
The one filing the application. The person filing such application shall be responsible for all facets of compliance with this chapter.
An earth terminal, including all accessory buildings for housing only such equipment as is necessary for the direct transmission or reception of electromagnetic energy signals through the earth transmission of electromagnetic energy from a satellite and employed for commercial use.
Any apparatus or device, commonly known as an "earth terminal antenna," "earth terminal," "earth station," "satellite communications antenna," "satellite antenna," "microwave dish antenna" or "dish antenna," including as part of such apparatus or device the main reflector, subreflector, feed, amplifier and support structure, which is designed for the purpose of transmitting and/or receiving microwave, television, radio, satellite or other electromagnetic energy signals into or from space, but does not include conventional television, radio and amateur radio antennas.
The vertical distance measured from the ground level of the area on which the earth terminal is located and up to and including the highest point of the earth terminal when extended to its fullest height.
That part of an earth terminal, commonly known as a "dish," which, absent any protective covering, is dish-shaped, parabolic, spherical or conical in configuration and is designed for the reception and/or transmission of electromagnetic energy.
An earth terminal intended solely for the reception of radio and/or television signals from a satellite being employed for private noncommercial use only.
Permitted districts. Commercial earth terminals shall be permitted in the Light Industry and Research Laboratory Districts only, as an accessory use subject to site plan approval by the Planning Board in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
Application. Any person, firm or corporation desiring to construct and operate a commercial earth terminal shall, prior to such construction and operation, submit an application to the Planning board which shall consist of the following:
A site plan showing:
The proposed commercial earth terminal, protective fencing and existing and proposed plantings or other barriers to provide protection and screening.
the height of the proposed commercial earth terminal and protective fencing and the diameter of the main reflector.
The name and address of the applicant and owner of the property on which the commercial earth terminal is to be located.
The tax lot and block numbers and the property lines of the property as disclosed on the Borough Tax Map.
All existing buildings and structures and all accessory buildings and structures on the property.
The tax lot and block numbers and the property lines of all properties as disclosed on the Borough Tax Map within 200 feet from the property.
Such other information as is required by the Site Plan Ordinance of the Borough of New Providence.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 305, Subdivision of Land and Site Plan Review.
A statement certified by the applicant which sets forth the range of azimuth and elevation angles within which the proposed commercial earth terminal may be operated and the maintenance program which will be observed by the applicant with respect to the proposed commercial earth terminal and which states that the proposed commercial earth terminal fully complies with all applicable federal and state statutes, regulations and requirements and has attached thereto copies of any license or approval for the construction, placement or operation of the proposed commercial earth terminal required by any federal or state agency having jurisdiction. If the earth station is not in operation for 14 consecutive days, the applicant shall conduct the mandatory requirements and file the statement.
A statement certified by a qualified engineer which sets forth the maximum anticipated effective radiated power and the antenna pattern of the proposed commercial earth terminal, which contains a structural engineering analysis of the proposed commercial earth terminal, and which states that the proposed commercial earth terminal fully complies with the design standards applicable to commercial earth terminals as set forth in this chapter.
A copy of the applicable portion of the Borough Tax Map, on which is identified all buildings within the borough that are within 15° in all directions of the center line of the main beam of the antenna pattern of any proposed commercial earth terminal intended for the transmission of electromagnetic energy for all spatial orientations in which the earth terminal may be operated, or a statement that no buildings are within 15° of the center line of such beam. Either of which buildings which are so identified shall be notified in writing by personal service or certified mail of the proposed installation as part of the requirements for the public hearing on the application, proof of which shall be filed with the Planning Board.
A statement from the Construction Official of the borough that the proposed commercial earth terminal complies with all applicable requirements of the Zoning Ordinance of the Borough of New Providence.[2]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 310, Zoning.
Design standards. All commercial earth terminals shall fully comply with the following design standards:
A commercial earth terminal shall only be located in a rear or side yard, shall not be closer to any property line than the height of the commercial earth terminal and shall not be located in a buffer area.
A commercial earth terminal shall not violate the rear or side yard setback requirements applicable to the principal building within the particular district as set forth in the Zoning Ordinance.[3]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 310, Zoning.
The commercial earth terminal support shall be erected only on the ground on a secure foundation.
The height of a commercial earth terminal shall not exceed 40 feet.
The main reflector of a commercial earth terminal shall exceed a diameter of 12 meters.
All wiring or connecting cables between the commercial earth terminal and the principal building on the property shall be buried underground.
Any accessory building of the commercial earth terminal used for housing equipment necessary for the operation of the commercial earth terminal shall not be greater than one story, shall not exceed a building height of 12 feet and shall not exceed 150 square feet in area.
A commercial earth terminal shall be surrounded by a nonclimbable fence or other suitable barrier of a minimum height of six feet designed to prevent access to the earth terminal and may be equipped with appropriate lighting and an alarm system which shall not be offensive to surrounding properties.
A commercial earth terminal shall be so located and shall be effectively screened from view by natural plants, trees or other suitable sight barrier, which shall be maintained in good condition, in order to minimize the noise and visibility of the commercial earth terminal from any adjacent property and public streets, as approved by the Planning Board.
Only one earth terminal shall be permitted on the applicant's property.
A commercial earth terminal shall be accessory to the principal building and incidental to the use of the principal building, and the applicant shall be the principal user of the commercial earth terminal.
The reception or transmission of electrical signals to or from a commercial earth terminal to or from an off-site ground location shall only be through underground or aerial wire, cable or fiber-optic facilities. Terrestrial microwave communication directly between earth terminals or via passive reflectors is prohibited.
The construction and operation of a commercial earth terminal shall fully comply with all applicable federal and state statutes, regulations and requirements, including those pertaining to safety levels of radio-frequency electromagnetic fields with respect to human exposure. In the absence of federal or state regulation pertaining to safety levels of radio-frequency electromagnetic fields with respect to nonoccupational human exposure, the levels of electromagnetic energy emitted by the commercial earth terminal as measured at the top of the protective fence surrounding the earth terminal and at any point accessible to the public shall be no more than one-tenth (1/10) of the applicable safety levels as set forth in the American National Standard Institute's Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 300 kHz to 100 GHz, ANSI C95.1-1982.
Testing requirements.
An applicant receiving final approval for the construction, placement and operation of a commercial earth terminal which transmits electromagnetic energy shall not operate it, except for testing purposes, until the applicant conducts actual field measurements of the levels of electromagnetic energy emitted by the commercial earth terminal at the points specified below and files a statement with the Planning Board and Construction Official of the borough certifying that the measured levels do not exceed the safety levels specified in Subsection C(13) of this section.
All such measurements shall be made with the commercial earth terminal operating at the maximum power level approved by the Federal Communications Commission or shall be scaled to correspond to the maximum power level approved by the Federal Communications Commission. These measurements shall be made with a measuring device having a sensitivity adequate to measure levels of electromagnetic energy at the frequency of operation equal to one-hundredth (1/100) of the applicable safety levels set forth in ANSI C95.1-1982 and shall be taken in at least the following locations:
The top of the protective fence surrounding the commercial earth terminal at a point directly under the center line of the main beam of the antenna pattern of the commercial earth terminal and the top of this fence at points every five degrees from the center line of the beam up to 45° and then at points every 15° up to 90°, in either direction.
The property line of the applicant's property at a point directly beneath the center line of such beam.
The occupied space nearest the center line of such beam of any building identified as being within 15° of the center line of such beam, if requested by the property owner.
The roof peak or highest accessible point of all buildings on the applicant's property at a point closest to the center line of such beam.
If the direction of the main reflector of such a commercial earth terminal is subsequently changed or the power level approved by the Federal Communications Commission is increased, the applicant shall again conduct such actual field measurements and file a statement with the Planning Board and Construction Official of the borough certifying that the measured levels do not exceed the safety levels specified in Subsection C(13) of this section and that the commercial earth terminal is in compliance with all applicable federal and state statutes, regulations and requirements, within 14 days of such change of direction or increase in approved power level.
Report filing requirements. In addition, an applicant receiving final approval for the installation and maintenance of an earth terminal shall thereafter, on a continuing and timely basis, file with the Construction Official of the Borough of New Providence, within 10 days of their submission, copies of such periodic government report as are required to be filed with federal and state agencies.
Any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of this chapter shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine not to exceed $1,000 or by imprisonment in the county jail for a term not exceeding 30 days, or both, for each offense. Each day that a violation occurs or is committed shall constitute a separate offense.
Permitted districts. Personal earth terminals shall be permitted in all districts as an accessory use subject to site plan approval by the Planning Board in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
Application. Any person desiring to construct and operate a personal earth terminal shall, prior to such construction and operation, submit an application to the Planning Board, which shall consist of the following:
A site plan showing:
The proposed personal earth terminal, existing and proposed plantings and fencing or other barriers to provide protection and screening.
The height of the proposed personal earth terminal and the diameter of the main reflector.
The name and address of the applicant and owner of the property on which the personal earth terminal is to be located.
The tax lot and block numbers and the property lines of the property as disclosed on the Borough Tax Map.
All existing buildings and structures and all accessory buildings and structures on the property.
The tax lot and block numbers and the property lines of all properties as disclosed on the Borough Tax Map within 200 feet from the property.
Such other information as is required by the Site Plan Ordinance of the Borough of New Providence,[1] unless waived by the Planning Board.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 305, Subdivision of Land and Site Plan Review.
A statement certified by the applicant that the proposed personal dish antenna fully complies with the design standards applicable to personal earth terminals as set forth in this chapter, that the proposed personal earth terminal fully complies with all applicable federal and state statutes, regulations and requirements and which has attached thereto copies of any license or approval for the construction, placement or operation of the proposed personal earth terminal required by any federal or state agency having jurisdiction.
A statement by the Construction Official of the borough that the proposed personal earth terminal complies with all applicable requirements of the Zoning Ordinance of the Borough of New Providence.[2] The "applicant" shall be defined as the one filing the application. The person filing such application shall be responsible for all facets of compliance with said ordinance. If the earth station is not in operation for 14 consecutive days, the applicant shall conduct the mandatory requirements and file the statement.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 310, Zoning.
Design standards. All personal earth terminals shall fully comply with the following standards:
A personal earth terminal shall only be located in a rear yard, shall not be closer to any property line than the height of the antenna and may not be located in a buffer area.
The personal earth terminal shall not violate the yard setback requirements applicable to accessory structures within the particular district as set forth in the Zoning Ordinance.[3]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 310, Zoning.
A personal earth terminal shall be erected only on the ground in a secure fashion.
The height of a personal earth terminal shall not exceed eight feet.
The main reflector of a personal earth terminal shall not exceed a diameter of seven feet.
All wiring or connecting cables between the personal earth terminal and the principal building shall be buried underground.
A personal earth terminal shall be so located and shall be effectively screened from view by natural plants, trees or other suitable sight barrier, which shall be maintained in good condition, in order to minimize the noise and visibility of the personal earth terminal from any adjacent property and or public street, as approved by the Planning Board.
Only one earth terminal shall be permitted on the applicant's property.
A personal earth terminal shall only be used by residents of the principal building on the applicant's property. Any connection, by cable or otherwise, to adjacent properties shall constitute a violation of yard and setback requirements.
Fees. In addition to any fees required of the applicant for site plan review, the applicant shall deposit the sum of $100 with the Borough Clerk to cover the cost of review services provided by the Construction Official, Borough Engineer, Borough Attorney, Planning Board Attorney or other borough personnel. Any unused portion of the deposit shall be returned to the applicant. If the cost of review services exceeds the amount of deposit, sufficient additional funds shall be deposited before any building permit shall be issued.
The Planning Board shall grant final approval on applications for the construction and operation of commercial or personal earth terminals upon a finding that the proposed installation fully conforms to all requirements set forth in this chapter as well as other applicable provisions of the Zoning Ordinance of the Borough of New Providence.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 310, Zoning.
An applicant receiving final approval for the construction, placement and operation of an earth terminal shall not subsequently modify or alter the structure of the earth terminal, except to change the direction of its main reflector, without the approval of the Planning Board pursuant to an application as set forth in this chapter.
[Amended 5-13-1996 by Ord. No. 96-3]
The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to earth terminals having main reflectors not exceeding seven feet in diameter which are solely used for public law enforcement and/or public safety purposes.
The provisions of this chapter shall also not apply to personal earth terminals having a main reflector of 18 inches or less in diameter; provided, however, that such personal earth terminals shall not be located on the front yard of any property or on the front of any house or structure.
The Construction Official of the Borough of New Providence is hereby designated as the public officer charged with the enforcement of the terms of this chapter. All complaints for alleged violation of any of the terms of this chapter shall be submitted in writing to the Construction Official.