Vacation leave must be earned before it can be taken. An employee must request vacation in advance by notifying his or her immediate Supervisor, on forms that will be provided, as early in the calendar year as possible, but at least four weeks before the vacation time is to be taken. Every effort will be made to arrange vacation schedules to meet the individual desires of all employees. When there is conflict in the dates of proposed vacation schedules, preference is given to the employee with seniority. The request shall be reviewed by the department head in terms of workload, other vacation requests in the department and the effect of the requested vacation on the proper operation and functioning of the department. All schedules shall be filed with the Borough Administrator and the payroll/personnel function.
Temporary, seasonal and part-time employees shall not be eligible for vacation time.
A person employed before the 10th of the month shall be considered to have been employed for the entire month.
Vacation time must be used in the year in which it is earned. It may, however, be extended through the following year if an employee loses his or her vacation time by reason of sickness or being required to work during such period. In such cases, such employee shall be granted the unused vacation time at a subsequent period, or equivalent payment of compensation shall be made upon certification of the appropriate department head, recommended by the Borough Administrator and approved by the Mayor and Council.
Vacation time, which shall be scheduled subject to approval of the department head, may only be taken in units of full days.
Notice of a single vacation day must be given at least 24 hours in advance, or it may not be allowed.
At the time of separation from service, the employee shall be entitled to pay for any full vacation days earned and not previously used.
Employees shall not be paid for vacation time earned and not used during any given year except at the termination of employment as set forth in Subsection B or D of this section.
If an employee should die while employed, a sum of money equal to his or her earned and unused vacation leave will be paid to the employee's estate.
The salary paid while on vacation leave will be the same amount one would have earned had one worked regular straight-time hours during the vacation period.
If on a leave of absence without pay, an employee shall not earn vacation leave except in the case of military leave.
In the event that an employee is on sick leave at the time of his scheduled vacation, his vacation shall be rescheduled.
In the event that an employee becomes sick while on vacation, adequate proof must be submitted, including certification by a physician, approval by the Department Head and recommendation by the Borough Administrator. The days involved shall be charged as sick leave and may be rescheduled, upon approval by the Mayor and Council.
[Amended 10-10-1995 by Ord. No. 95-9]
Vacations for regular full-time permanent Borough employees are hereby established as follows:
For less than one year of service: one day of paid vacation for each full month of employment, up to a maximum of five days.
For more than one year of service but less than five years of continuous service: two calendar weeks of vacation.
For more than five years of continuous service but less than 10 years of continuous service: two calendar weeks plus one calendar day of vacation.
For more than 10 years of continuous service but less than 15 years of continuous service: three calendar weeks vacation.
For more than 15 years of continuous service but less than 20 years of continuous service: three calendar weeks plus two calendar days of vacation.
For 20 years or more of continuous service: four calendar weeks of vacation.
The vacation year for purposes of eligibility and amount of vacation is from January 1 to December 31.