[Adopted 12-13-1923 (Ch. 69, Art. I of the 1971 Code)]
[Amended 10-11-1994 by Ord. No. 1994-19]
The owner or owners, tenant or tenants of lands abutting or bordering upon the sidewalks of the public rights-of-way in the Borough of Palmyra shall remove or cause to be removed from said land, and from the land abutting thereon between the sidewalk and curb, all rubbish and all grass and weeds of a greater height than six inches.
In case such owner or owners, tenant or tenants of any such lands abutting or bordering upon the sidewalks of any public street, avenue or highway in said Borough shall neglect or refuse to remove such rubbish or grass and weeds within 10 days after notice from said Borough to remove the same, it shall be the duty of the Committee on Highways, or other officers having charge of the streets and highways of said Borough, to remove or cause to be removed such rubbish or grass and weeds from said lands and from the land abutting thereon between the sidewalk and curb.
The cost paid and incurred by such officer for removing such rubbish or grass and weeds shall be by him certified to the Borough Council, which shall examine such certificate and shall cause the cost as shown thereon to be charged against such lands, and the amount so charged shall forthwith become a lien upon such lands and be added to and become and form a part of the taxes then next to be assessed and levied upon such lands and shall be collected and enforced according to law.
Such owner or owners in occupancy or possession and such tenant or tenants, for every neglect or refusal to comply with this article, shall also forfeit and pay a fine of not more than $25.