The Board of Health of the Borough of Park Ridge
as heretofore established is hereby continued.
[Amended 1-27-1998 by Ord. No. 98-2]
A. The Board of Health of the Borough of Park Ridge,
in addition to having seven members, who shall be appointed by the
Mayor and Council, shall be allowed two alternate members. Each alternate
shall be designated to title of the appointment by the Mayor and Council
as Alternate Number One and Alternate Number Two.
B. The alternate members' terms shall be for two years,
except that Alternate Number One shall be appointed first for a period
of two years and Alternate Number Two shall be appointed first for
a period of one year so as not more than one alternate membership
becomes vacant in any one year. The vacancy which occurs in the alternate
membership may be filled by the Mayor and Council for the unexpired
term. After the expiration of the initial terms, each alternate member
shall be appointed for a term of two years.
C. Alternate members are not permitted to act on any
matter where they have a direct or indirect personal or financial
interest as provided by law. An alternate member may, after public
hearing, if requested by the member, be removed by the governing body
for cause.
D. An alternate member may participate in the discussions
of the proceedings of the Board of Health but may not vote, except
in the absence or disqualification of a regular member. Any vote of
the Board of Health shall not be delayed in order that a regular member
may vote instead of an alternate member. In the event that a choice
must be made as to which alternate member is to vote, Alternate Number
One shall always be the one that votes first.
[Amended 7-8-1974 by Ord. No. 74-16]
It shall be the duty of the Board of Health
of the Borough to keep full minutes of its proceedings, to file one
copy of the monthly minutes with the Mayor and Council and to make
a report thereof to the Mayor and Council on the first day of January
and July of each year. The said Board of Health shall also report
to the Mayor and Council, in detail, the items of their expenses.