[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Park Ridge 4-13-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-008.[1] Amendments noted where applicable.]
Editor's Note: This ordinance repealed former Ch. 56, Electric Service Regulations, adopted 5-9-2006 by Ord. No. 2006-8, as amended.
The following are terms and definitions that apply to this chapter:
The Borough of Park Ridge Electric Department.
Any person, business, or corporation being served, or to be served, from the Borough's electric system.
Any person, agent, firm or corporation having a legal or equitable interest in the property and legally responsible to the owner.
A program by which the Borough cycles residential and commercial appliances for the purpose of reducing kilowatt demand.
Resilient design that ensures system availability in the event of component failure. Components (N) have at least one independent backup component.
The Borough's standard system voltage with a nominal rating of 120 volts.
Any person, agent, firm or corporation having a legal or equitable interest in the property.
The place where the Borough's responsibility terminates and the customer's responsibility begins.
A utility pole which serves primary and/or secondary voltage to underground facilities.
The Borough service to customers with configurations of voltages less than or equal to 600 volts.
The point in which the customer's equipment comes into electrical contact with the Borough's facilities.
The applicable rules and regulations of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) titled "National Electrical Safety Code," are hereby adopted by reference as the electric safety construction rules of the Borough and are applicable to this chapter or any subparts.
The Borough shall make available, where possible (dependent upon the Borough's electrical distribution system configuration), the following service voltages:
Subtransmission system:
Resistance-grounded wye, 26,400 volts.
Primary system:
Four-wire wye, 4,160/2,400 volts.
Single-phase system: three-wire, 120/240 volts.
Three-phase system:
Four-wire wye, 120/208 volts.
Four-wire delta, 120/240 volts.
Four-wire wye, 227/480 volts.
The Borough shall provide electricity to the customer's point of delivery and shall seek to provide voltage that does not have a variation exceeding 5% above or below the Borough's standard nominal voltage for residential customers and 10% above or below the Borough's standard nominal voltage for all other customers.
While average voltages are maintained as described in § 56-3B above, it must be recognized that short-term voltage excursions (transients) from these levels can occur as the result of normal systems operations (circuit switching, motor startup, etc.). Equipment containing microprocessors or other sensitive electronic components can be damaged or otherwise rendered inoperative by such transients. It is the customer's responsibility to determine the suitability of the supplied power and to provide any necessary power-conditioning equipment.
The Borough will install facilities with sufficient capacity to serve the customer's normal load requirements. Information regarding loads and desired voltage will be communicated by the customer to the Borough when the service is initially requested. It is the customer's responsibility to advise the Borough of any electrical load or method of operation change that might affect the Borough's ability to meet the customer's load requirements.
Upon request of the customer, the Borough will monitor the voltage at the customer's point of delivery with the appropriate and available monitoring devices for a period of time deemed necessary by the Borough to determine the nature of the problem. The Borough will notify the customer and inform him or her of the nature of the problem and possible solutions if the voltage is not within the above-stated guidelines.
The customer will be required to furnish and install the appropriate meter base for the type of service unless otherwise specified in these regulations. A standard UL-rated outdoor meter pan shall be supplied and installed by the customer. All electric meters shall be installed outdoors in an accessible area.
The Borough shall approve the location of all metering equipment. The meter will be located where accessible and convenient to read, will not be unreasonably exposed to damage, will not be in any unduly dirty location and will not be inconvenient to Borough access for reading, maintenance, replacement or repair.
In cases of new construction or relocation of existing electric meters, such meters will be located on the face of either side of a structure or in the front face of such structure. In no case shall new or relocated meters be placed on the rear side of a residential structure. The meter shall be located at a height of between four feet and six feet for convenience of reading, unless otherwise approved by the Electric Department.
For three-phase services over 320 amps, the applicant shall install an outdoor current transformer (CT) cabinet and a meter pan that will be supplied by the Borough. The applicant shall install the CT cabinet and meter pan in a location approved by the Borough. The applicant shall install a one-inch EMT conduit between the meter pan and CT cabinet and shall include a pull string. Once an approved inspection certificate is received from the Park Ridge Construction Department, the Borough shall install the appropriate CTs and meter and will turn on the electric service.
The owner of the meter-supporting structure is responsible for its condition and for maintenance of the proper socket position and leveling. Excessive tilt or unstable location of a meter socket must be corrected before the meter is installed.
If required by the Electric Department, the developer or builder will incorporate multiple-bay or multiple-gang metering facilities meeting all appropriate electric codes.
Customers may request an accuracy test of their electric meter. This test shall be performed upon request at no charge one time per year. If additional tests are requested, the customer shall be required to pay a fee determined by the Electric Department for the additional testing. If the meter test results indicate a defective meter, an appropriate adjustment will be applied to the customer's account.
If electric service to a new facility or subdivision will require the extension of the Borough's overhead primary and/or secondary distribution system, the Borough shall provide, at no cost, the least-cost overhead extension.
In the event the applicant requests other than the least-cost alternative, the applicant shall pay, as the cost, an amount equal to the difference between the installed cost and least cost for the installation. All installations shall be approved and installed by the Borough.
If electric service to a new facility or subdivision will require the extension of the underground primary and/or secondary distribution system, the applicant shall pay for the cost difference between the installed cost of the underground extension and the least-cost equivalent overhead line extension.
In order to maintain N-1 redundancy, if the facility or subdivision requires more than one transformer to supply the facilities, the underground line extension shall include a looped primary feed and switching equipment to enable the prompt power restoration during a future underground cable and/or equipment failure.
For new developments with multiple facilities or dwellings that are located in areas that must be fed from the subtransmission system (26,400 volts), the design for the underground extension shall include transformers and switching equipment located on the customer's property that will be used to lower the voltage to the primary system voltage supply (4,160/2,400 volts), which will feed the facilities in the development. In order to maintain N-1 redundancy, two transformers, switching equipment, and a looped feed shall be included in the design to enable to prompt power restoration during a future underground cable and/or equipment failure.
The developer will be required to grant adequate easements to the Borough for the installation, operation and maintenance of all electrical facilities, including transformers, riser poles, cable runs for primaries, secondaries, manholes, handholds and vaults. Easements must grant the Borough ingress and egress rights to its facilities at all times for operation, maintenance, repair, and replacement and must be duly recorded in the proper County Clerk's office. Width of all easements shall be a minimum of 20 feet. No structures, walls or obstacles are to be so located as to interfere with the Borough's ability to operate, repair, replace or maintain its facilities.
Temporary service can be made available for construction or other purposes. The applicant will provide the service support, meter base, and service cable to the top of the support with additional service cable extending to the ground so the Electric Department can make the connection to the service cable on the ground. The Borough will supply the overhead service cable to the street and install the meter.
The applicant shall build the temporary service pole as per the specifications of the Borough. An electrical permit from the Park Ridge Building Department shall be obtained for the temporary service. The Electric Department will not connect power to the service until an approved inspection notice has been received from the Building Department.
The applicant requesting temporary service will contact the Electric Department and request a meeting on site to determine the location of the temporary service installation.
In all cases where it is the responsibility of the contractor to provide trenching for the Borough, the following guidelines must be followed:
The applicant may not start the excavation for the electric utility installation until the following requirements are met:
All fees are paid.
The curbing for the development has been installed.
The site is graded to plus or minus six inches of the final grade.
All property lines have been surveyed and marked.
The contractor is required to excavate the trench a minimum of one foot wide and 24 inches deep in locations approved by the Electric Department.
The contractor shall supply and install a six-inch sand bedding in the bottom of the trench before the Electric Department provides and installs the primary conduits (and secondary conduits for new residential subdivisions).
Once the conduits are installed, the contractor shall provide an additional six inches of sand backfill over the conduit and then fill the remainder of the trench to grade with clean backfill.
The contractor shall be responsible for the installation of all materials required at the final grade (e.g., grass, asphalt, concrete).
A minimum separation of 12 inches must be provided between the electric conduit and all other communications utilities.
Gas and water distribution and services may not be installed in the same trench as the electric utilities.
Any additional requirements for installation and backfill for other utilities must be coordinated directly by the developer/builder with those utility companies.
It shall be the responsibility of the developer to secure the area and provide all safety measures for the trenching operation.
In certain circumstances, the applicant may be required to provide concrete to encase the conduit in concrete.
As required in Borough Ordinance No. 87-39, the electric distribution system (both primary and secondary) for all new major subdivisions must be installed underground.
The applicant must pay the cost difference between the underground distribution system and an equivalent least-cost overhead distribution system.
The Borough may calculate this cost based on the individual development or may use a calculated flat rate per dwelling. This rate may be revised from time to time to reflect the increased cost in labor and equipment.
The Electric Department shall design the entire installation, which shall include a looped primary system in order to maintain N-1 redundancy.
All electric services shall be fed from pad-mounted transformers to meters located on the side of the dwellings closest to the transformer feeding that dwelling. Meters shall not be located in the backyard of any dwelling.
The applicant is required to install all meter pans in locations specified by the Electric Department. The contractor is also required to install the conduit and a sweep from the bottom of the meter pan to the bottom of the trench. The conduit must include an expansion joint as required by the National Electrical Code on the riser below the meter pans.
The applicant shall be required to perform all of the trenching and backfill for the installation of the electric system according to the Electric Department's specifications (see § 56-9, Trenching requirements).
The applicant must coordinate the installation with the General Supervisor of Electric Distribution. At a minimum, four weeks' written notice shall be provided to the Electric Department before the installation may begin.
The applicant is required to coordinate the installation of all other utilities (e.g., telephone, cable, gas, etc.). It is strongly recommended that the developer schedule a preconstruction meeting with all of the utility representatives.
For residential developments with individual meter pans, the Borough shall own and maintain the entire distribution system, including the primary and secondary cables and conduit, up to the point of termination on the meter pan. The owner of the dwelling shall own and maintain the meter pan and the length of conduit to the bottom of the trench.
For multifamily dwellings served by group metering stacks, commercial, and industrial developments, the Borough shall own and maintain the entire primary distribution system, including the transformer. The secondary cables, terminations, conduits, and metering equipment (with the exception of the watt hour meters and current transformers) shall be owned and maintained by the customer.
If the service to a commercial or industrial customer requires a primary or secondary extension as determined by the Borough, or the facilities to provide service are not available to serve the customer, the Borough shall provide the extension as per the line extension requirements listed above.
If the total load requirements for the entire facility (including multiple customers in one facility) are less than 150 KW and there exists an overhead distribution system on the public right-of-way bordering the facility, the Borough shall provide an overhead electric service. The customer shall build the service entrance equipment at a location on his or her facility approved by the Electric Department. The electric service shall be constructed as per the specifications of the National Electrical Code and the Park Ridge Construction Office. The service shall be inspected prior to the Electric Department's installation of the overhead service line to the point of termination on the service head.
If the length of the overhead service exceeds 200 feet, it may be necessary to install additional utility poles and secondary service cable on the customer's property. In these cases, the customer shall pay the Borough for all material and labor for the installation of the utility poles and the service cable exceeding 200 feet. The customer shall provide an appropriate easement to the Borough for the future maintenance on the extended service and utility poles.
For overhead electric services, the Borough will own and maintain the overhead service line from the pole to the point of termination on the service head and the electric meter.
For services over 320 amps, the meter pan and the CTs (but not including the CT cabinet) will also be owned and maintained by the Borough. All other components of the electric service shall be owned and maintained by the customer.
If the customer has a load requirement of less than 150 KW but desires to install an underground service where there is an existing overhead system, the customer shall be required to install, own and maintain the entire service up to the connection at the secondary on the utility's pole. The customer shall be required to follow the installation specifications provided by the Borough.
All customers whose current or future load may be in excess of 150 KW (including multiple customers in one facility) shall be required to receive service from a pad-mounted transformer.
Prior to the design of the electric service, the customer shall provide the present and future load requirements in writing to the Borough.
The customer shall furnish and install a transformer pad as per the Borough's specifications. The Borough may require the installation of protective bollards, which must be installed by the customer.
The Borough shall determine the location of the pad-mounted transformer, which shall be no greater than 150 feet from the utility's riser pole.
In special cases where the transformer must be located at a distance greater than 150 feet from the riser pole, special conditions for the installation and maintenance of the primary conductors shall be required and are detailed below (see § 56-13).
The customer shall provide the trenching and backfill from the utility's riser pole to the transformer pad pursuant to the Borough's specifications (see § 56-9, Trenching requirements).
The Borough shall provide and install the necessary conduit in the customer's trench from the riser pole to the transformer pad.
The Borough will furnish and install all primary conductors, pad-mounted transformer, electric meters, and metering conductors and make all the primary connections in the transformer.
The point of delivery for underground electric service will be at the secondary terminals of the Borough's pad-mounted transformer. The customer will furnish, install and maintain all conduit, conductors and equipment past the point of delivery, including the secondary connections in the transformer.
The Borough shall determine the location of the electric meters.
For multiple customers to be served from a pad-mounted or a pole-mounted transformer, the contractor will incorporate multiple-bay or multiple-gang metering facilities, as determined by the Borough. The customer shall be responsible for the installation and maintenance of the gang metering facility.
In certain circumstances, the Borough may require customers to receive service from an underground pad-mounted transformer even if their load is under 150 KW.
For commercial and industrial customers where the transformer for a facility must be located at a distance greater than 150 feet from the utility's riser pole, the following special conditions for the installation and maintenance shall be followed:
A plan must be provided and approved by the Electric Department prior to installation.
The customer shall install a conduit duct system and manholes so the primary conductors can be installed and maintained by the customer.
The Borough shall install and maintain the first length of primary from the riser pole to the first manhole as per the guidelines above.
The Borough shall also own and maintain the transformer, excluding the primary and secondary cable and connections in the transformer, which shall be maintained by the customer.
The Borough shall install fault-indicating equipment in the first manhole so it can determine if a primary fault is past this point of termination in the future.
The customer shall be responsible for the maintenance of all the primary cable, and conduit past the first manhole. The customer shall be responsible for the maintenance of all the manholes, including the first one.
Should a primary failure occur, the Electric Department shall determine if the fault is before or after the first manhole. The Borough shall repair any faults occurring in or before the first manhole. All faults occurring beyond the first manhole must be repaired by the customer. The customer shall coordinate this repair with the Electric Department.
In extraordinary cases, the Borough may take on the responsibility for the maintenance of the primary cable and conduit past the first manhole under the following conditions:
The customer installs a parallel redundant primary service to the transformer.
The redundant primary supply must be installed according to the specifications provided by the Borough.
A written contract agreement is executed between the Borough and the customer which would detail the installation and maintenance requirements.
Residential. When an individual residential customer requests to convert an existing overhead electric service to underground, the customer shall install, own, and maintain the underground service from the meter pan to the utility pole. The following specifications must be followed for the installation:
The customer must have a utility pole on the right-of-way bordering his or her property. If there is no utility pole, but there is the secondary distribution across the street, the Electric Department may install, upon request, one utility pole in the right-of-way and run the service overhead across the street. The underground service could then be run to this pole.
The customer shall install the underground service complete from the meter pan to the utility pole with enough service cable to run up to the secondary service wire on the pole.
The service shall be installed in two-and-one-half-inch Schedule 40 PVC conduit.
The conduit riser to the meter pan must include an expansion coupling.
The owner must install one length of conduit up the utility pole.
The service wire should be appropriately sized according to the National Electrical Code.
The service shall be inspected and approved by the Park Ridge Building Department's Electrical Inspector before the Electric Department will connect the new service.
Once inspected, the Electric Department will remove, at no cost to the customer, the overhead service wire and connect the new underground service.
It will be the responsibility of the owner for any future maintenance and repairs on the underground service up to one length of conduit up the service pole.
Commercial and industrial. When a commercial or industrial customer wishes to convert an existing overhead electric service to underground, the following requirements must be followed:
The customer shall install, own, and maintain the entire underground secondary service and conduit to the utility pole (including one length of conduit up the utility pole).
If the conversion requires the installation of underground primary, the Electric Department shall install and maintain the primary conduit, conductors and transformer, but the customer shall pay for the installation. The customer shall provide the trenching for the primary installation and install the transformer pad if necessary (see § 56-9, Trenching requirements).
The secondary service wire and conduit shall be appropriately sized according to the National Electrical Code.
The secondary connections in the transformer shall be installed and maintained by the customer.
The service shall be inspected and approved by the Park Ridge Building Department's Electrical Inspector before the Electric Department will connect the new service.
Once inspected, the Electric Department will remove, at no cost to the customer, the overhead service wire and connect the new underground service.
It will be the responsibility of the owner for any future maintenance and repairs on the underground secondary service wire and conduit.
The purpose of streetlighting is to illuminate roadways within the Borough, and is not for lighting structures or commercial properties or for personal security purposes or crime prevention purposes.
The Borough will furnish, install and maintain all streetlighting connected to the Borough electric system on dedicated roadways within the Borough and will provide streetlighting along other sections of Borough rights-of-way as considered to be in the public interest.
The streetlighting pattern will follow the existing overhead/underground distribution where possible.
Dusk-to-dawn lighting service is available to commercial, industrial, and residential facilities where existing overhead secondary distribution facilities of adequate capacity, phase and voltage are presently available adjacent to the premises to be lighted.
This service provides for the outdoor dusk-to-dawn lighting of the premises by means of a Borough-owned luminaire mounted on an existing Borough pole with a support bracket, automatically controlled by a photoelectric relay. The lighting equipment will be supplied, installed, owned and maintained by the Borough.
All necessary repairs and maintenance work, including lamp renewal, will be performed by the Borough only during the regularly scheduled working hours, and the Borough shall be allowed 72 hours, following the notification by the customer, for replacing any burned-out lamps.
Lamps are energized each night providing approximately 4,105 hours of premises lighting per year.
In the event a dusk-to-dawn lighting fixture is not operating, the Borough will make an attempt to repair the existing unit with available "in stock" repair parts. When these parts are not available or have been exhausted, the lighting unit will be replaced with available lighting units. The Electric Department will attempt to contact the customer before any changes are made to the type of fixture. The type of fixtures available and the monthly cost are available at the Park Ridge Electric Department office.
The Borough will use reasonable diligence to provide an uninterrupted supply of electricity, but it does not undertake to guarantee an uninterrupted supply. Therefore, should the supply of electricity fail or become interrupted or become defective through an act of God, accident, lightning strike, or any other cause beyond the reasonable control of the Borough, the Borough shall not be liable for such failure, interruption or defect.
The Borough reserves the right to suspend service, without liability on its part, at such times and for such periods and in a manner as it may deem advisable:
For the purpose of making necessary adjustments to, changes in, or repairs to lines, substations, and facilities;
In cases where the continuance of service to the customer's premises would endanger persons or property;
If the Borough in good faith believes it is, because of civil disorder, riot, insurrection, war, weather, fire, or other condition beyond the reasonable control of the Borough, for the protection of the public or employees of the Borough; or
If ordered by a duly constituted governmental authority.
Whenever the Borough contemplates a scheduled suspension of service, it will make reasonable effort to coordinate the same with customers and to give advance notification of the intent to suspend service and the reason thereof.
In the event of a power shortage or an adverse condition or disturbance on the system of the Borough or any other directly or indirectly interconnected system, the Borough may, without incurring liability, take such emergency action as, in the judgment of the Borough, may be necessary. Such emergency action may include, but not be limited to, reduction or interruption of the supply of electricity to some customers or areas in order to compensate for a power supply shortage on the Borough's system, or to limit the extent or duration of the adverse condition or disturbance on the Borough's system, or to prevent damage to the customer's equipment or the Borough's transmission facilities, or to expedite the restoration of service. The Borough may also reduce the supply of electricity to compensate for an emergency condition on an interconnected system.
The Borough has the right to trim all trees or tree limbs that could potentially interfere with the Borough's electrical facilities.
The Borough shall make every attempt to keep the detrimental impact to the tree to a minimum using the latest standards and approved methods, but the safety and reliability of the electric system shall take precedence.
In addition, the Borough has implemented a routine tree trimming program whereby a contractor is hired to perform routine line-clearance tree trimming using established, sound principles of tree care. Although public safety and preservation of Borough property will be a primary goal, tree health and area aesthetic considerations will impact the Borough decisions.
Trees outside Borough rights-of-way which encroach into or otherwise interfere with Borough property within that right-of-way (as determined by the Borough) may be trimmed to the right-of-way boundary when necessary to enforce the provisions of this chapter.
Limbs and foliage on trees in proximity to streetlights shall be trimmed to allow illumination of the street below.
The Borough has the authority to cause the removal of any dead or diseased tree(s) on public property when such trees constitute a hazard to life and property, as determined by the Borough.
Nondiseased trees on public property may be removed if their removal is part of a Borough-approved plan for construction, improvement, or renovation. Any damage occurring to streets, curb and gutter, sidewalks, water-sewer lines, power lines, or other trees as a result of privately contracted tree services is the responsibility of the landowner and/or contractor.
Prior to removal or significant altering of trees on public rights-of-way, a reasonable effort will be made to inform owner/occupant of the work to be performed. The Borough will not incur a significant work delay as a result of this informal notification process.
Shrubs and/or trees are not permitted to be planted within close proximity to any pad-mounted transformers. The following clearances must be maintained around all transformers:
Three-foot clearance on the sides and back of the transformer.
Ten-foot clearance in front of the transformer.
For every customer subject to this chapter, the Borough of Park Ridge shall determine the total cost for the engineering design, construction supervision, labor and materials needed to supply the facility. In cases where the developer's cost is calculated by subtracting the least cost overhead system from the cost of the proposed underground system, the Borough shall calculate the cost for the hypothetical least-cost overhead system. This calculated cost shall be subtracted from the calculated cost of the proposed underground system to determine the cost to be charged to the developer.
The total cost, which shall be agreed to by the Borough through its Board of Public Works and the developer, will be incorporated into a separate utility agreement, which will be executed by the developer and the Borough. The Borough may record any agreement at its own expense.
[Added 4-23-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-010]
There shall be an electric service regulations connection fee established in accordance with Chapter 62 of Title 40 of the Revised Statutes of the State of New Jersey. This connection fee is in addition to the fees for department services set forth in Chapter 56 of the Borough Code. The electric connection fee is effective immediately and shall be:
For single family dwelling units, $2,262, and for each additional dwelling unit up to four dwelling units, $2,262 per unit. For any multiple dwelling units in excess of four dwelling units, the BPW Engineer shall determine by accepted standards the number of units to be connected or added to an existing connection; where a unit equals an average annual consumption of 9,600 kWh.
In the case of any building or portion thereof to be used for industrial, commercial, educational or other than dwelling purposes, the BPW Engineer shall determine by accepted standards the number of units to be connected or added to an existing connection; where a unit equals an average annual consumption of 9,600 kWh.
This fee shall, pursuant to statute, be recalculated at the end of each budget year and may be reset by ordinance of the Borough Council after public hearing, on a yearly basis. The revised connection fee may be imposed upon those who subsequently connect to the system in that budget year. The electric service regulations connection fee shall be payable in full to the Borough of Park Ridge at the time a building electric connection permit is issued for connection to the municipal electric distribution system by the Borough of Park Ridge.