All streets or roads which are designed to become part of the street or road system of the Township of Pemberton and environs shall be coterminous with adjoining links in said system and at the same or greater widths. Street patterns shall, wherever possible, conform to the site terrain. All streets, roads, alleys, etc., shall be constructed in accordance with design standards as outlined in Article VI. Dead-end streets will not be allowed. Loop streets will be allowed where it will be advantageous to the subdivision. Marginal roads shall adjoin all arterial routes. Alleys with a minimum width of 20 feet will be allowed to be constructed along the rear lot line. These alleys shall be used for services and utilities. Cul-de-sac streets will only be allowed where groups of lots in odd or irregular sections of the subdivision or where topography or other natural features make other streets difficult to construct. Where the developer widens and paves a street, the additional width shall conform to specifications set up in Article VI of this chapter.
Street signs shall conform to specifications as outlined in Article VI.
Portland cement concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks shall be constructed in all major subdivisions as determined by the Planning Board and the governing body of Pemberton Township.
Playgrounds or park areas are desirable and, where possible, shall not be constructed on low, wet or swampy terrain but on firm ground. Where playground and park areas are to be constructed on low, wet or swampy terrain, the construction of these areas shall conform to requirements of Subsection L. No playground or park area or any part thereof shall be constructed within the right-of-way of any electrical transmission line. Playgrounds, park areas, shopping centers, all business and professional offices, institutional or religious sites shall provide for on-the-site parking.
Trees as specified in Article VI shall be planted and maintained along the streets for shade and decorative purposes.
Topsoil protection. No topsoil shall be removed from the site or used as spoil. Topsoil removed during the course of construction shall be redistributed so as to provide cover to all areas of the subdivision and shall be stabilized by seeding or planting as specified in Article VI.
Monuments shall be of the size and shape required by N.J.S.A. 46:23-9.4 and shall be placed in accordance with said statute.
Utilities, water mains, culverts, storm sewers and sanitary sewers shall be constructed and installed in accordance with Article VI and also in accordance with all state and Township sanitary codes.[1] The developer's engineer shall furnish the Township Engineer proof that all necessary state and county permits have been secured. The developer's engineer shall furnish to the Township Engineer design data of the utilities for his review. The Township Engineer has the right to recommend adjustments in the data as submitted. All the above-listed improvements shall be subject to inspection during all phases of the installation or construction by the Township Engineer, who shall be notified by the developer's engineer at least 48 hours prior to the start of each phase of construction. No underground installation shall be covered until inspected and approved by the Township Engineer or his representative. Fire mains and hydrants of an approved type shall be located, installed and operated in accordance with the Fire Insurance Underwriter's recommendations.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 210, Sanitation.
Where swamp areas are within subdivision areas and where streams are of a sufficient capacity within these swamp areas, the developer will construct dams to a spillway elevation that will flow the entire swamp area. Provision shall be made for a public street to be constructed to encircle these lake areas within a reasonable distance from the high-water line. The lake and the areas between the public street and the lake shall be dedicated to the use of the Township of Pemberton.
Fire stations or suction points shall be provided for at all stream locations where streams cross any street in any subdivision where there are no water mains.
Drainage areas in all subdivisions shall be considered as follows:
Drainage systems shall be and include not only the proper drainage of the area of the specific subdivision but shall also include the disposal of the stormwater runoff from the specific subdivision to an adequate outlet or other means of final disposal of the stormwater, such as a river, running stream or existing storm sewer.
The Township of Pemberton shall ascertain, in each drainage instance, the drainage area of which the specific subdivision is a part and apportion the fair costs of adequate drainage for the whole drainage area among the landowners who contribute or who will contribute to the stormwater runoff to such ultimate adequate outlet for final disposal as aforesaid. Each payment made to the Township shall be held by it in trust until the overall ultimate disposal system is constructed for the drainage in question, at which time the trust funds raised for that drainage area may be used for such construction in and for that area.
No area shall be approved for subdivision which, being of a low, wet or swampy nature, shall not first have been filled on a cleaned surface, free of fallen trees and brush, to an elevation of no less than 400 feet and sufficiently high above the minimum to assure the proper operation of domestic sanitary facilities where required and to provide sufficient grades for surface drainage of all areas until surface drainage has been provided for by the installation of adequate drainage systems.
The Planning Board shall not approve a subdivision which permits the placing of more than one single residence structure on one minimum lot or parcel of land. Multiple residence structures such as motor courts, trailer parks, apartments and cottages shall be permitted in areas specifically provided for such purposes.
No final record plat shall be approved by the Planning Board until the posting of adequate performance guaranties as set forth in § 159-11 of this chapter or the completion of all such required improvements have been certified to the Planning Board by the Township Engineer and offered for dedication to the Township of Pemberton.
In the event that the required improvements have not been completed at the termination of three years from the date of preliminary approval and the developer can certify to the Township Engineer that the lack of completion has been due to extraordinary conditions arising from weather, acts of God, strikes or other natural causes beyond the reasonable comprehension of the developer, then and in that case the Township Engineer may renew said certification and if, in his opinion, the certification is accurate, said Township Engineer may certify the same to the Planning Board and at the same time fix a period of time within which the said developer may complete the required improvements notwithstanding the expiration of three years. Said period of time may not exceed 180 days.
Upon receipt of such certification from the Township Engineer, the Planning Board shall take no action regarding the subdivision until such time as the improvements are completed as required or until the fixed time period shall expire, whichever shall be the sooner.
The Planning Board shall not finally approve any subdivision unless the developer shall post a maintenance guaranty absolutely guaranteeing all improvements. Said guaranty may be in the nature of a surety bond with guaranties running to the Township of Pemberton for the period of building construction or a period of one year, whichever shall be the longer, said period to commence on the date of said final approval. By posting such a guaranty the developer does assume absolute maintenance responsibility for all improvements in the subdivision, and should defects arise therein from any cause whatever, the developer shall be responsible for the correction of said defects and the improvement shall be repaired so as to conform to the requirements of this chapter.
If at the expiration of the term aforesaid the Township Engineer shall certify to the Township Committee that all improvements have been maintained to the standards required by this chapter, then the guaranty so posted shall be promptly discharged upon resolution of the Township Committee.
In the event defects in the improvements should arise during the term aforesaid from any cause whatever, the Township Engineer shall so notify the developer of the defects and the developer shall be required to make correction thereof within 15 days of the notification. In the event that correction is not made, then upon certification by the Township Engineer the Township Committee by resolution may authorize the correction to be made through the offices of the Township Engineer and the amount required to make such correction shall be sought from the maintenance guaranty so posted.
All required improvements shall be offered for dedication to the Township of Pemberton. Said required improvements shall be determined prior to approval of the preliminary plat.