[Adopted 8-14-1985 as Ord. No. 85-39; amended in its entirety 9-15-2010 by Ord. No. 2010:23[1]]
Editor’s Note: This ordinance also noted that fees regarding storage of toxic and hazardous substances, formerly within this article, are now found in the New Jersey Uniform Fire Code.
The legislative intent of this article is to establish a uniform schedule of fees for purposes of fire prevention inspections pursuant to Article I of this chapter.
[Amended 3-7-2012 by Ord. No. 2012:02; 6-26-2013 by Ord. No. 2013:07; 12-18-2017 by Ord. No. 2017:11; 11-18-2019 by Ord. No. 2019:20]
Life-hazard uses.
All fees established in accordance with the N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.9 shall be invoiced by and paid to the New Jersey Division of Fire Safety.
Non-life-hazard uses.
In addition to the registration required by the Uniform Fire Code, the following non-life-hazard uses shall register with the local enforcing agency. These uses shall be inspected on an annual (twelve-month) schedule established by the local enforcing agency and shall pay an annual fee as set forth below. No use required to register with the State of New Jersey as a life hazard use shall be required to register pursuant to this section.
The tenant or user or occupant of a tenant space will be responsible to register and pay the fee for the space that a tenant or occupant of the space actually occupies. All fees are based on the user group assigned and the gross square footage of the area being registered.
In buildings that have common and/or public areas, the owner of the building is responsible to register and pay the fee for those common and/or public areas.
For buildings designated as office use groups, the building owner will be responsible for payment of the registration fee. The fee will be based on the total square footage of the building.
All registrations will be for a period of one year. Fees are not refundable.
Business, mercantile, commercial, factory, industrial, storage, warehousing or utilities.
All fees for this category shall be as set forth in the following table.
Exception. The following not-for-profit agencies, businesses and civic organizations are exempt from the inspection fees as established in Article II and from the permit fees established in the Uniform Fire Safety Code:
State, county and municipal operations within the Township of Pennsauken and Borough of Collingswood.
Local churches and/or synagogues within Pennsauken Township and the Borough of Collingswood.
Local civic organizations that are located within and directly benefit the residents of the Township of Pennsauken or Borough of Collingswood, respectively.
The following table outlines registration fees based on business use group:
Business Use Group
Buildings 2,999 square feet and less
Buildings in excess of 3,000 square feet and not exceeding 4,999 square feet
Buildings in excess of 5,000 square feet and not exceeding 9,999 square feet
Buildings in excess of 10,000 square feet and not exceeding 14,999 square feet
Buildings in excess of 15,000 square feet and not exceeding 24,999 square feet
Buildings in excess of 25,000 square feet and not exceeding 49,999 square feet
Buildings in excess of 50,000 square feet and not exceeding 99,999 square feet
Buildings in excess of 100,000 square feet and not exceeding 199,999 square feet
Buildings in excess of 200,000 square feet and not exceeding 299,999 square feet
Each additional 100,000 square feet
Collingswood residential fire inspection fees.
Residential properties with 30 or more units shall pay an annual fire inspection fee based on the square footage of the common areas only in accordance with the table below.
Exception: life-hazard use buildings.
Residential properties with less than 30 units shall pay a $25 annual fire inspection fee per unit in addition to the residential housing fees.
Exception: life-hazard use buildings.
Pennsauken residential fire inspection fees.
All fees for this category do not apply to owner-occupied units.
The following table outlines registration fees based on residential use group.
Residential User Group
3 to 5 units
6 to 25 units
26 to 50 units
51 to 100 units
Over 100 units
Residential housing inspection fees.
Housing inspections fees shall be $65 per housing unit up to seven units in addition to the residential fire inspection fee listed in § 162-11D.
Housing inspection fees shall be $55 per housing unit from eight to 14 units.
Housing inspection fees shall be $50 per housing unit from 15 to 21 units.
Housing inspection fees shall be $40 per housing unit from 22 to 29 units.
No housing inspection fee shall be charged for 30 or more units as these properties will be required to submit to a certificate of occupancy inspection and fee in Subsection J below.
Housing inspections fees shall be set forth in accordance with the table below:
Housing Inspection
1 to 7 units
8 to 14 units
15 to 21 units
22 to 29 units
Fire and housing reinspection fees, Use Groups B1 to B9 and R1 to R5.
The first reinspection shall be completed at no charge to the responsible party.
The second reinspection fee shall be $50.
The third reinspection fee shall be $70.
The fourth and all subsequent reinspection fees shall be $100 per reinspection.
The following table outlines reinspection fees for Use Groups B1 to B9 and R1 to R5:
Reinspection Group
First reinspection
No Fee
Second reinspection
Third reinspection
Fourth and all subsequent reinspections
Certificate of smoke alarm, carbon monoxide alarm and portable fire extinguisher compliance:
CSACMAPFEC-1, smoke detector/carbon monoxide inspections requested on all one- and two-family dwellings greater than 10 calendar days of the settlement date: $75.
CSACMAPFEC-3, smoke detector/carbon monoxide inspections requested on all one- and two-family dwellings within 10 calendar days of the settlement date: $150.
Senior citizen discounts in the amount of a $25 reduction in fees in Subsection E(1) through (3) will be provided to any Pennsauken Township or Borough of Collingswood senior citizen age 65 and older (proof of age required) selling their home.
The following table outlines fees for CSACMAPFEC:
The above fee for smoke alarm and carbon monoxide alarm compliance entitles the applicant to one inspection. Each additional reinspection requires an additional $50 fee.
A certificate is valid for a period of 180 days from the date of issuance, or one change of ownership.
Exterior resale inspections.
All fees for exterior property maintenance inspections required for change of ownership shall be $50 for the initial inspection. No fee is required for subsequent inspections.
The fee in this section applies to all residential and commercial properties.
Apartment certificate of occupancy inspections.
All fees for apartment certificate of occupancy inspections shall be $75 for each inspection and $75 for each and every reinspection.
Commercial occupancy certificate inspections.
All fees for commercial occupancy certificate inspections shall be $45 for each inspection. There shall be no charge for reinspections.
At no time shall penalties exceed the maximum permitted under N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.12.
Dedicated penalties shall be assessed in accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.12A in the amount of $50 per violation only on the first round (P1) of penalties.
P3, P4, and P5 penalties shall be assessed from the date of the initial inspection.
Penalties for violations of the Uniform Fire Code shall be assessed per violation in accordance with the below-listed schedule:
Penalty Group
First round
$50 + $50 Dedicated
Second round
Third round
$100 per day
Fourth round
$500 per day
Fifth round
Maximum permitted by UFC
Fire incident and/or investigation reports.
A $25 administrative fee shall be charged to any entity requesting reproduction of a fire incident, or fire investigative report, which is not a public document under the New Jersey Open Public Records Act.
Exception: Any Pennsauken Township or Borough of Collingswood resident or business owner will be entitled to reproductions of any of the above-referenced reports for incidents in which they are directly involved, at no cost.
Certificate of Fire Code status.
As per Section 5:70-2.2(e) [N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.2(e)] of the Uniform Fire Code, any request for a certificate of Fire Code status shall be $25.
As defined and required by the Uniform Fire Code, the fees for permits issued shall be set forth in the following table.
The following table outlines the Permit Fee Schedule:
Permit Type
Type 1
Type 2
Type 3
Type 4
Civil court appearance and depositions.
Any employee or volunteer member of the Pennsauken Township or Borough of Collingswood Fire Department subpoenaed to testify in civil court or a deposition shall appear and compensation shall be set forth as follow:
Actual cost based on current salary as approved by the current collective bargaining agreements, plus any additional costs that may be required to backfill and employee's position if that employee is scheduled while on-duty. In addition, a per-mile charge based on federal government rate plus tolls for distances exceeding 25 miles will apply. The Fire Department(s) will charge a $25 service charge for preparation of all invoices.
Investigative conferences and meetings.
An uninterrupted ninety-minute conference at the Fire Prevention and Inspection Bureau, on-site, or at a location designated by the requestor shall be set as follows: $100 per hour.
Fire safety training.
Fire safety training that is requested for the purpose of compliance with a governmental regulation or other such standard, including, but not limited to, fire extinguisher and evacuation planning: $125 per hour (maximum 25 students).
Fire watch coverage.
When requested or required to provide fire watch coverage due to an emergency condition, requirement of permit function, or by notice of violation and order to correct the cost of such service will be the current Fire Marshal's overtime pay rate, plus an additional administrative fee of $100 for the actual cost of the processed payroll.
Failure for the property owner or designated property representative to establish or properly document a fire watch when requested by the Fire Department will result in an assessed penalty not to exceed $1,000 per day for every day the condition exists.
Fire apparatus and personnel.
When requested to provide fire apparatus and personnel for nonexigent circumstances, the requestor must reimburse the Fire District for the actual cost of the personnel for the time provided and $150 per vehicle provided.
Cost of suppression.
If the origin and cause of the fire results from a violation of the Uniform Fire Safety Act previously cited by the Fire Prevention and Inspection Bureau, the owner/occupant shall be responsible for the cost of fire suppression. The cost of suppression shall be computed based on the following formula: [hourly rate of all personnel on location] + [the cost of each vehicle on the incident scene in accordance with § 162-11M(1) above].
[Added 12-18-2017 by Ord. No. 2017:11; amended 11-18-2019 by Ord. No. 2019:20]
Delinquent fees:
All fees and registration forms must be returned to the Fire Marshal's Office within 30 days of having been mailed to the user. Failure to respond within this thirty-day period will result in a notice of violation being sent by the Fire Marshal to the user. If the registration and fees are not returned within 15 days of the notice having been mailed to the user, penalties will be imposed pursuant to the Uniform Fire Code. Failure to pay the registration fee or any penalties assessed shall result in a person being liable for a further penalty upon conviction for nonpayment or nonregistration. The penalty upon conviction is $100 for the first offense and up to $1,000 for each subsequent offense.
Collection of any unpaid fee or penalty shall be enforced through the Pennsauken Township Municipal Court or a Court of competent jurisdiction.
[Amended 12-18-2017 by Ord. No. 2017:11; 11-18-2019 by Ord. No. 2019:20]
Life-hazard uses:
Inspection frequency for life-hazard uses will be determined by the Uniform Fire Safety Act.
Non-life hazard use:
The following table will show inspection frequency based on use:
User Group
Inspection Frequency
All user groups
12 months
Permit uses:
Permit uses shall be inspected annually with the exception of Subsection C(1)(a) through (i) below.
Fumigations permits shall be inspected quarterly by calendar year.
All roofing permits kettle, torch, or otherwise shall be inspected per occurrence.
All group/overnight stays shall be inspected per occurrence.
All live fire training permits shall be inspected per occurrence.
All fireworks permits shall be inspected per occurrence.
All tent permits shall be inspected per occurrence.
All multipurpose room change of use permits shall be inspected per occurrence.
All bonfire permits shall be inspected per occurrence.
All outdoor fireplace permits shall be inspected once per ownership and are nontransferable.
The following table shall show inspection frequency based on permit use:
Permit Type
Inspection Frequency
Type I thru Type IV
12 months
3 months
Per occurrence
Group overnight stay
Per occurrence
Live fire training
Per occurrence
Per occurrence
Per occurrence
Multipurpose room change of use
Per occurrence
Per occurrence
Outdoor fireplace
Per ownership (nontransferable)
The following agencies, businesses and civic organizations are exempt from the inspection fees as established in Article II and from the permit fees established in the Uniform Fire Safety Code:
State, county and municipal operations within the Township of Pennsauken.
Local churches and/or synagogues within Pennsauken Township.
Local civic organizations that are located within and directly benefit the residents of the Township of Pennsauken or Borough of Collingswood in their towns, respectively.
[Amended 6-26-2013 by Ord. No. 2013:07]