[Amended7-3-1995 by Ord. No. 10-1995[1]]
Whenever a public water main shall have been installed in any street located within the territorial limits of the Borough of Tuckerton, the owner of every house, dwelling, building or structure which is or may be occupied or used by human beings on any lot, tract or parcel of land fronting, abutting or touching any street and existing water main and which house, dwelling, building or structure is within 200 feet of said existing and abutting water main shall cause the water facilities of such house, dwelling, building or structure to be connected and hooked up to the water main in such street prior to the use or occupancy or continued use of occupancy of any house, dwelling, building or structure as aforesaid. Nothing herein shall be construed so as to require a property owner to obtain an easement over property owned by another in order to connect to a water main. The Borough Council may grant a waiver to the connection requirement where exceptional hardship exists.
Editor's Note: This ordinance became effective on January 1, 2000.
Connection to the water system, as provided in § 249-4, shall also be made where any newly constructed house, dwelling, building or structure may be used for industrial, commercial or recreational purposes, and the use of such premises for purposes other than dwelling inhabitation shall not alleviate the requirements of connecting to the water system.
Whenever a public sanitary sewer main shall have been installed in any street or easement located within the territorial limits of the Borough of Tuckerton, the owners of every house, dwelling, building or structure which is or may be occupied or used by human beings on any lot, tract or parcel of land fronting, abutting or touching any street and existing sewer main and which lot, tract or parcel of land is within 200 feet of said existing and abutting sewer main shall cause the sewer facilities of such house, dwelling, building or structure to be connected and hooked up to the sewer main in such street prior to the use or occupancy of any house, dwelling, building or structure as aforesaid.