[Amended 7-6-1987 by Ord. No. 87-2; 3-20-1989 by Ord. No. 89-5; 4-5-1993 by Ord. No. 93-2]
Application fees and escrow deposits for site plan applications shall be paid as required in Chapter 95, Fees, Article I, Application Fees and Escrow Accounts.
[Added 9-6-1996 by Ord. No. 96-11]
The application fees and escrow fees recited hereinabove as minimums which must accompany the application. An application shall not be deemed complete until the application fee and escrow fee required have been paid. The Planning Board shall exercise its discretion in establishing the figure required for the escrow fund in the event the project will require more time for review than has been provided for by the figures recited hereinabove or the project is of a nature that is not expressly included in one of the aforementioned categories.
Application fees and escrow fees must be submitted in separate checks payable to "Woolwich Township." The escrow fee shall be forwarded to the Chief Financial Officer of Woolwich Township for deposit into a developer's escrow account. The application fee shall be deposited into the Planning Board account until the end of the month, at which time the moneys in said account shall be submitted to the Treasurer of Woolwich Township for deposit into the general account of Woolwich Township.
The escrow fee shall be retained in order to cover the cost of any professional services rendered to Woolwich Township, the Woolwich Township Planning Board or the Woolwich Township Board of Adjustment for review of applications for development, review and preparation of documents, inspection of improvements or other purposes permitted pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq. All professional charges for review of an application for development, review and preparation of documents or inspection of improvements shall be reasonable and necessary, given the status and progress of the application of construction. Review fees shall be charged only in connection with an application for development presently pending before the Planning Board or Board of Adjustment or upon review of compliance with conditions of approval or review of requests for modification or amendment made by the applicant. A professional shall not review items which are subject to approval by any state governmental agency and not under municipal jurisdiction except to the extent consultation with a state agency is necessary due to the effect of state approvals in the subdivision or site plan. If Woolwich Township, the Woolwich Township Planning Board or the Woolwich Township Board of Adjustment retains a different professional or consultant in the place of the professional originally responsible for development, application review or inspection of improvements, the township or the Planning Board or the Board of Adjustment shall be responsible for all time and expenses of the new professional to become familiar with the application or the project, and the township, Planning Board or Board of Adjustment shall not bill the applicant or charge the deposit or the escrow account for any such services.
The township shall be reimbursed for all payments to independent consultants in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:55D-53.2. If the salary, staff support and overhead for a municipal professional are provided by the township, the charge shall be the maximum permitted pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:55D-53.2. For other professionals, the charge shall be at the same rate as all other work of the same nature by the professional for the township when fees are not reimbursed or otherwise imposed on applicants or developers.
All escrow funds shall be utilized by the appropriate Board to pay the cost of any professional fees incurred by the Board for review and/or testimony. The term "professional," as used herein, shall include the services of a duly licensed engineer, surveyor, planner, attorney, appraiser or other expert who would provide professional services to ensure that an application complies with the standards set forth in township ordinances and experts whose testimony may be solicited to give further information to the approving Board in any area addressed by any of applicant's experts.
The following closeout procedure shall apply to all deposits and escrow accounts established under the provisions of P.L. 1975, c. 291 (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq.), and shall commence after the appropriate Board has granted final approval and signed the subdivision plat or site plan, in the case of application review escrows and deposits, or after the improvements have been approved as provided in Section 41 of P.L. 1975, c. 291 (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-53), in the case of improvement inspection escrows and deposits. The applicant shall send written notice by certified mail to the Chief Financial Officer of the township, to the approving Board and to the relevant township professional that the application or the improvements, as the case may be, are completed. After receipt of such notice, the professional shall render a final bill to the Chief Financial Officer within 30 days and shall send a copy simultaneously to the applicant. The Chief Financial Officer shall render a written final accounting to the applicant on the uses to which the deposit was put within 45 days of receipt of the final bill. Any balances remaining in the deposit or escrow account, including interest in accordance with Section 1 of P.L. 1985, c. 315 (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-53.1), shall be refunded to the developer along with the final accounting. To facilitate the release of escrow, an applicant shall submit a signed escrow release voucher with the development application.
The Chief Financial Officer shall make all of the payments to professionals for services rendered to the municipality or approving Board for review of applications for development, review and preparation of documents, inspection of improvements or other purposes under the provisions of P.L. 1975, c. 291 (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq.). Each payment charged to the deposit for review of applications, review and preparation of documents and inspection of improvements shall be pursuant to a voucher from the professional, which voucher shall identify the personnel performing the service and, for each date the services performed, the hours spent to one-fourth-hour increments, the hourly rate and the expenses incurred. All professionals shall submit vouchers to the Chief Financial Officer on a monthly basis in accordance with schedules and procedures established by the Chief Financial Officer. If the services are provided by a township employee, the township employee shall prepare and submit to the Chief Financial Officer a statement containing the same information as required on a voucher on a monthly basis. The professional shall send an informational copy of all vouchers or statements submitted to the Chief Financial Officer simultaneously to the applicant. The Chief Financial Officer shall prepare and send to the applicant a statement which shall include an accounting of funds listing all deposits, interest earnings, disbursements and the cumulative balance of the escrow account. This information shall be provided on a quarterly basis, if monthly charges are $1,000 or less, or on a monthly basis, if monthly charges exceed $1,000. If an escrow account or deposit contains insufficient funds to enable the township or approving authority to perform required application reviews or improvement inspections, the Chief Financial Officer shall provide the applicant with a notice of the insufficient escrow or deposit balance. In order for work to continue on the development or the application, the applicant shall, within a reasonable time period, post a deposit to the account in an amount to be agreed upon by the township or approving authority and the applicant. In the interim, any required health and safety inspections shall be made and charged back against the replenishment of funds.
An applicant shall notify, in writing, the governing body, with copies to the Chief Financial Officer, the approving authority and the professional, whenever the applicant disputes the charges made by a professional for service rendered to the township in reviewing applications for development, review and preparation of documents, inspection of improvements or other charges made pursuant to the provisions of P.L. 1975, c. 291 (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq.). The governing body or its designee shall, within a reasonable time period, attempt to remediate any disputed charges. If the matter is not resolved to the satisfaction of the applicant, the applicant may appeal to the County Construction Board of Appeals established under Section 9 of P.L. 1975, c. 217 (N.J.S.A. 52:27D-127), any charge to an escrow account or a deposit by any township professional or consultant or the cost of the installation of improvements estimated by the Municipal Engineer pursuant to Section 15 of P.L. 1991, c. 256 (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-53.4). An applicant or his authorized agent shall submit the appeal in writing to the County Construction Board of Appeals. The applicant or his authorized agent shall simultaneously send a copy of the appeal to the township, the approving authority and any professional whose charge is the subject of the appeal. An applicant shall file an appeal within 45 days from receipt of the informational copy of the professional's voucher required by Subsection c of Section 13 of P.L. 1991, c. 256 (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-53.2), except that, if the professional has not supplied the applicant with an informational copy of the professional's voucher, the applicant shall file his appeal within 60 days from receipt of the township statement of activity against the deposit or escrow account required by Subsection c. of Section 13 of P.L. 1991, c. 256 (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-53.2). An applicant may file an appeal for an ongoing series of charges by a professional during a period not exceeding six months to demonstrate that they represent a pattern of excessive or inaccurate charges. An applicant making use of this provision need not appeal each charge individually.
[Amended 3-15-1999 by Ord. No. 99-6]
For each and every violation of any provision of this chapter, the owner, contractor or other persons interested as general agent, architect, building contractor, owner, tenant or any other persons who commit, take part in or assist in any violation of this chapter, or who maintain any building or premises in which any violation of this chapter shall exist, and who shall have refused to abate said violation within five days after written notice shall have been served upon him either by mail or by personal service, shall for each and every violation be fined as provided in Chapter 1, General Provisions, Article I.
In addition to the remedy or remedies hereinbefore provided, any person, persons, company or corporation violating this chapter or any provision or section thereof may be proceeded against by the Township of Woolwich by appropriate action or by proceeding in equity or otherwise to enjoin any violation of this chapter or to prevent and enjoin any threatened violation of this chapter.