[Adopted 6-19-1961 by Ord. No. 98 (Ch. 1, Part 4 of the 1985 Code)]
The existing Police Department is hereby recognized and established as the Police Department in and for the Borough of Tullytown. The Chief of Police shall be the chief executive of the Police Department. He shall, under the direction of the Mayor, be in charge of the police force and have supervision over its members, in the exercise of their powers, duties and authority.
Subordinate to the Chief of Police, in the Police Department, there shall be as many patrolmen as the Council may from time to time authorize, such patrolmen to serve in a full-time or part-time basis, as directed by the Council.
Nothing in §§ 28-1 to 28-3 of this article shall affect the authority of the Mayor to appoint special policemen during emergencies.
[Added 12-19-1966 by Ord. No. 114]
The classification of Sergeant is hereby created in the Police Department of the Borough, which classification may be filled by the Council in accordance with the civil service provisions of the Borough Code.
The aforesaid classification shall have authority immediately following and under the Chief of Police of the Borough, and the individual so holding the aforesaid classification shall assume the duties of the Chief of Police when the latter is incapacitated, ill or otherwise unavailable.
The aforesaid classification shall have such other responsibilities and duties as shall be defined and given by resolution of the Borough Council and/or the Mayor.
Compensation for the aforesaid classification shall be as fixed from time to time by resolution of the Borough Council.
[Added 7-15-1968 by Ord. No. 126]
Part-time police officers may be appointed through recommendation by the Chief of Police and approval by Council. The size of said force shall be determined by the Council, by and with the recommendation of the Chief of Police of the Borough.