[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the Township of Nether Providence 5-13-1954 as Ord. No. 316. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Where any quarry or other excavation in excess of 12 feet in depth at the deepest point is located adjacent to or within 500 feet of a highway, school, church, public park, playground or dwelling, or when water in excess of three feet in depth at the deepest point is permitted to accumulate and remain in any quarry or other excavation for a period of 48 hours, the owner, lessees or other person, firm or corporation in possession of the premises wherein such quarry or other excavation shall be located shall erect a protective fence of permanent material of wood or metal to a height of not less than six feet around such portions of the rim of such quarry or excavation as may constitute a hazard to the life or safety of persons.
Where ingress or egress to such premises is required by the owner, lessee or other occupier, the same may be by means of a gate or gates of like material, which gate or gates shall be kept securely locked when not in use.
Conspicuous notices, warning of the existence of such quarry or other excavation as aforesaid, shall be posted on such fences and gates.
[Amended 12-10-1992 as Ord. No. 581]
Any person who violates any of the provisions of this chapter shall, on conviction thereof in a summary proceeding, be punishable as provided in Chapter 1, General Provisions, Art. II, Violations and Penalties, § 1-16, Building, health and safety violations. Upon the expiration of 30 days following such conviction, should the owner, tenant or occupant of such lands persist in a failure to comply with the provisions of this chapter, each day thereafter shall constitute a separate offense, punishable by a like fine or penalty.