The Borough may require any industrial or commercial establishment or the industrial establishment may elect to install and maintain, at its own expense, a meter approved by the Borough for measuring the volume of wastewaters discharged into the sewer system, in which case the sewer rental charges shall be based upon the actual volume of wastewater discharged to the sewer system in accordance with the rates set forth in the foregoing schedule.
Industrial or commercial establishments discharging sewage and/or wastewater to the sewer system having an average suspended-solids content greater than 250 parts per million and/or a chlorine demand greater than 15 parts per million shall pay a strength-of-waste surcharge, in addition to the foregoing volume charges, of 1/10 of 1% for each part per million by which the suspended solids exceed 250 parts per million and 1/2 of 1% for each part per million by which chlorine demand exceeds 15 parts per million. Said surcharges shall be applicable to the billings made pursuant to the foregoing schedule of consumption. The strength of sewage and/or wastewater to be used for establishing the amount of said surcharges shall be determined at least once annually, either by a suitable sampling and analysis of the wastes for a three-day period during which time the strength of waste being discharged or the plant production is at a maximum or by relating production and waste strength at the time of sampling to waste strength at maximum production if sampling is not performed at a time of maximum production or from estimates made by the Borough or from known relationships of products produced to strengths of waste for these industries where such factors have been established. In establishing waste strengths for surcharge purposes, analysis shall be made in accordance with procedures outlined in the latest edition of Standard Methods of Analysis of Water and Sewage, published by the American Public Health Association.
The Borough reserves the right to establish additional classification or modify the rates and minimum and maximum charges set forth above from time to time as it shall deem necessary or advisable.
[Amended 7-30-1990 by Ord. No. 958]
Bills for sewer service shall be rendered in the manner and in the form to be prescribed by the Borough. All bills for sewer service shall be rendered to the owner of the premises to which the sewer service is furnished, and such owner shall, in all cases, be liable for payment of such bills.
Effective October 1, 1990, all customer billing shall be on a monthly, rather than quarterly or other basis.
In addition to any other penalty provided by law or ordinance, effective October 1, 1990, any person, firm or other entity who shall fail to pay a sewer service charge imposed pursuant to the provisions of this Part 2 within 30 days of the date of issue of the bill therefor, shall also be assessed the payment of all registered, certified and other direct mailing costs and other charges incurred by the Borough with regard to collection of said charges.
The Borough shall collect and receive all sewer rates and charges prescribed by this Part 2. All such moneys shall be deposited to the credit of a special fund, to be designated the "Punxsutawney Borough Sewer System Fund," pursuant to the terms of the agreement of lease entered into by the Borough with the Municipal Authority of the Borough on July 1, 1963, which shall be a separate and distinct fund of the Borough.