The City Treasurer shall be appointed by the Mayor. He shall function within the Department of Administration and report to the Business Administrator.
The City Treasurer shall carry out such duties and exercise such powers with respect to the receipt and disbursement of public moneys as are provided by general law and, in addition thereto, shall receive for deposit from the Departments of the City government, all City moneys collected by such Departments.
The City Treasurer shall disburse all City funds in accordance with warrants presented to him therefore and duly signed by the City Controller and the head of the City Department or office requesting said disbursement.
The City Treasurer shall give lawful fidelity bond to the commonwealth, shall account for and pay over all moneys received by him as taxes, penalties and interest with a surety company authorized by law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to act as surety, to be approved by ordinance direct, for the accounting for and paying for overall moneys received by him in his capacity as City Treasurer and the safekeeping and payment over of all public moneys entrusted to his care.
Such fidelity bonds shall be purchased through a regular City Purchasing Office based on competitive quotes and such bonds are to be approved by City Council prior to the first day of the year he is sworn into office.
The City Treasurer shall furnish insurance protection with an insurance company authorized by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to be approved by City Council in an amount set by ordinance of City Council against the loss of funds through fire, burglary, larceny, theft, robbery or forgery.
All fees for such bonds shall be paid for by the City.
The City Controller shall maintain an encumbrance system of budget operation. He shall receive from the Business Administrator and Department heads such information regarding City properties and obligations and City income and expenditures as he deems necessary to carry out these duties. He shall furnish the Mayor and Council with a report concerning these matters on a monthly basis. Said report shall be submitted within two weeks after the close of the month. He shall submit such other reports as he deems necessary.
The City Controller shall review all warrants for the expenditures of City moneys and, if satisfied that such expenditures are within the budget allotment pertaining thereto, shall sign said warrant before it is presented to the City Treasurer for payment. In so doing, he shall also preaudit all claims and demands against the City prior to payment and shall approve warrants for payment thereof only if satisfied that such payment is in accordance with law. He shall only approve such warrants that have sufficient appropriations and moneys available.
The City Controller-elect shall give lawful fidelity bonds for his honest and faithful discharges of his official duties to the Commonwealth, with a surety company authorized by law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to act as surety, to be approved by the City Council, in such sum as it may by ordinance direct.
Such fidelity bonds shall be purchased through the regular City Purchasing Office based on competitive quotes and approved by City Council prior to the first day of the year he is sworn into office. All fees for such bonds are to be paid by the City.
The City Controller shall, with the advice and consent of Council, appoint one person, learned in the law, to act as Solicitor for the office of the City Controller. Such Solicitor shall be an attorney-at-law admitted and qualified to practice in the courts of this Commonwealth. Such Solicitor shall be the legal adviser of the City Controller in matters pertaining to or affecting his office and shall act as his counsel in any litigation involving any matters or things pertaining to or affecting the duties of the office of the City Controller. The Solicitor shall hold office at the pleasure of the City Controller and shall be paid a salary in an amount provided for and fixed by City ordinance.
Compensation. Pursuant to Section 1304(a) of the Scranton City Charter, the annual salary for the position of City Controller shall be $53,300, beginning with the four-year term commencing in 2024.
[Added 1-24-2023 by Ord. No. 47-2023]
All employees of the City shall be covered by a public employee's blanket bond with a surety company authorized by law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to act as surety to be approved by City Council in such sum as it may by ordinance direct.
Such public employee's blanket bond shall be purchased through the regular City Purchasing Office based on competitive quotes and approved by City Council. All fees for such bonds are to be paid by the City.
No rule or regulation made by any Department, office, agency or authority of the City, except such as relates to the organization or internal management of the City government or part thereof, shall take effect until it has been approved as to form and legality by the City Solicitor and approved by the Mayor and attested to by the City Clerk. City Council shall receive all such rules and regulations which shall be filed with the City Clerk.
All such rules and regulations shall be published by posting in the Office of the City Clerk for 20 days and in whatever other manner Council deems desirable.
The City Clerk shall keep a current record of all rules and regulations filed with him.