[Added 9-13-1995 by Ord. No. 29-1995]
Ten-ton limit in Bellevue section.
Truck traffic having a registered gross weight of 10 tons or more on the following streets in the Bellevue section of the City of Scranton is hereby prohibited, said area to be posted:
Broadway Street
From its intersection with Railroad Avenue to the west end of the bridge over the Lackawanna River
Railroad Avenue
From its intersection with Seventh Avenue to its intersection with Fourth Avenue
Seventh Avenue
From its intersection with Lackawanna Avenue to its intersection with Railroad Avenue
Exemptions. Subsection A(1) shall not apply to the following vehicles:
Emergency vehicles (police, fire, ambulance).
City of Scranton vehicles, including but not limited to Department of Public Works trucks or garbage trucks serving the said Seventh Avenue, Railroad Avenue and Broadway Street.
Trucks of the United States government, including but not limited to military vehicles and trucks of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Trucks scheduled to make deliveries or pickups to homes or businesses on the sections of Seventh Avenue, Railroad Avenue and Broadway Street above described, i.e., local deliveries.
Five-ton limit.
[Added 11-6-2000 by Ord. No. 71-2000]
Truck traffic having a registered gross vehicle weight in excess of five tons on the following streets in the City of Scranton is hereby prohibited, said area to be posted:
South Cameron Avenue
100 Block
Washburn Street
2300 and 2400 Blocks
Exemptions. Subsection B(1) shall not apply to the following vehicles:
Emergency vehicles (police, fire, ambulance).
City of Scranton vehicles, including but not limited to Department of Public Works trucks or garbage trucks serving said 100 Block of South Cameron Avenue and the 2300 and 2400 Blocks of Washburn Street.
Trucks of the United States government, including but not limited to military vehicles, and trucks of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Trucks scheduled to make deliveries to or pickups from homes or businesses in the 100 Block of South Cameron Avenue and the 2300 and 2400 Blocks of Washburn Street, i.e., local deliveries.
Parking is hereby restricted at the intersection of Railroad Avenue and Broadway Street as depicted on Exhibit C, attached hereto,[1] said area to be posted.
Editor's Note: Exhibit C is on file in the City offices.
It is the intent of Council not to prohibit the use of school buses or COLTS buses serving the area.
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this article shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a summary offense and shall pay a fine of not less than $25 nor more than $250, with costs of prosecution, and/or imprisonment not exceeding 90 days. Each day the violation occurs shall be a separate offense. Each time a violator passes through the prohibited area shall constitute a separate offense.