[Added 10-22-2001 by Ord. No. 68-2001]
Each taxicab company operating within the City of Scranton shall, after 90 days from the effective date of this article, be required to operate and maintain at least one lift-equipped or portable-ramped vehicle in their fleet, provided that such equipment meets federal standards under the American Disabilities Act or regulations issued pursuant thereto.
Any taxicab company which is unable to comply with the requirement stated in § 441-20 due to a financial hardship may file a written request for a one-year waiver with the City Department of Community Development, which will review and grant or deny the request for a one-year waiver in writing within 45 days from the date of receipt of the request. (If unstamped, the request shall be deemed to have been received three days after mailing). The company may waive the forty-five-day response time in writing. If the Director, or the Deputy Director, deem it necessary, they may request additional information and/or hold a hearing in order to determine if the company would suffer a financial hardship if the waiver is not granted. The company may thereafter appeal a determination within 30 days to the Court of Common Pleas.
Any person, corporation, or other entity who violates this article shall, upon conviction, in addition to court costs, pay a fine of not less than $100 or more than $300. Each day a violation continues shall be a separate violation.
This article may be enforced by any police officer of the City and by the Bureau of Licenses and Inspections of the Department of Community Development or by the Director or Deputy Director for Management, as may be appropriate.