[Adopted 5-13-2003 by Ord. No. 2003-7]
Editor's Note: Ordinance No. 2017-01, adopted 3-21-2017, redesignated former §§ 105-13 through 105-16 as §§ 105-31 through 105-34, respectively.
All businesses that employ the use of horses for commercial purposes must obtain a thermometer and have that thermometer displayed in a public place on the conveyance pulled by the horse. Said thermometer must be tested for accuracy every year by the Bucks County Department of Weights and Measures, and the commercial establishment must maintain and post the certificate of accuracy from year to year.
When the thermometer reading shows the outside ambient temperature is 92° F. or more, said horses shall not be permitted to be used in commercial tasks.
A copy of this article must be posted prominently on said commercial conveyance.
A commercial establishment committing one such violation within the year shall be fined $300. A second or subsequent violation within 90 days of the first shall result in a fine of $1,000.