The power to regulate the construction, operation and maintenance of natural gas liquefaction plants is part of the general police power granted by N.J.S.A. 40:48-1, 2.
Any holder of a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity issued by the Federal Power Commission pursuant to the provisions of Section 717(f) of Title 15 of the United States Code authorizing the construction, operation and maintenance of a plant for the liquefaction, storage and vaporization of natural gas may construct, operate and maintain the same in the Borough of Carlstadt in any heavy industrial zone and store the liquefied natural gas in such quantities and in such manner as is authorized by the certificate of public convenience and necessity subject to the provisions of this chapter.
Any buildings necessary to house the liquefaction and vaporization equipment shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of the building code of the borough.
Fire Prevention. Supplies of gasoline, lubricants, paints and other similar combustible materials in excess of those required in actual operation shall be stored at a safe distance from the compressor building. Gas engine crankcases shall be vented outside the building with a vent not smaller than the connection provided by the compressor manufacturer. Warning signs adequate to indicate the danger involved shall be placed in conspicuous locations around the compressor station area.
Electric Installations. All electric wiring, fixtures and devices within compressor buildings shall be designed and installed in accordance with Article 500 of the current edition of the National Electrical Code and shall meet the requirements thereof for Class I locations and shall also conform to applicable provisions of the current edition of the National Electrical Safety Code.
Ventilation. Compressor stations shall be provided with adequate natural draft ventilating devices.
Piping. Gas piping in gas compressor stations shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of the standard code applicable to compressor station piping.
Relief Devices. Pressure relief or other adequate protective devices of sufficient capacity and sensitivity shall be installed and maintained to assure that the maximum allowable working pressure of the station piping is not exceeded. Suitable provisions shall be made for safely disposing of the gas released from such devices. Periodic tests and inspection shall be made to assure contained sensitivity of these devices.
Remote Safety Shutdown. Each compressor station with installed horsepower of more than 1,000 and operating at pressures in excess of 250 psig shall be provided with remote emergency shutdown devices which will allow the station to be shut down from a remote point, away from the compressor building.
Clearance. Compressor stations to be located on gas pipelines shall not be constructed in areas where such construction is prohibited under applicable zoning regulations and laws. At locations where a compressor station is constructed the distance between a building not under the control of the owner and intended for human occupancy and the main compressor room of a compressor station which is intended to operate at pressures in excess of 250 psig shall not be, at the time of construction of the station, less than the distance indicated in the following table:
Distance from Structure
Under 1,000
1,000 and over
No pit or tank for the storage of liquefied natural gas shall be less than 200 feet from the boundary line of the property on which the pit or tank is constructed.
Any such plant or any part thereof shall be open for inspection to the fire official or any inspector of the fire prevention bureau at any reasonable hours for the purpose of ascertaining that the operations are conducted in accordance with the standards established herein. While on the premises the fire official or any inspector shall be required to conform to the safety requirements established for the operation and maintenance of the plant. If the fire official or any inspector finds conditions which constitute violations of any of the provisions of this chapter, (s)he shall immediately call the same to the attention of the person in charge of the plant and shall request that such conditions be corrected. In the event there is a disagreement between the fire official or any inspector and the person in charge, the entire matter shall be referred to the mayor and council within 24 hours who shall, within five days or as soon thereafter as they can, meet to consider the same and make such orders as may be appropriate. The owner shall be allowed a reasonable time in which to comply with such orders.
A permit shall be issued by the fire official of the fire prevention bureau of the borough upon the production of a certificate of public convenience and necessity authorizing the construction, operation and maintenance of such plant and shall be in lieu of any other permits or licenses required under the provisions of section 13-2. The fee for the issuing of the permit shall be as set forth in subsection 4-7.3 of this revision. A new permit shall be required when additions or enlargements are made to the facilities; the fee to be charged for the permit shall be computed in accordance with Chapter XIII, Fire Prevention.