[Amended 6-25-1974; 7-12-1983 by L.L. No. 8-1983; 1-25-1994 by L.L. No. 4-1994]
Water bills become due at the end of each billing period. All bills for water are due and payable when rendered. The payment of water bills must include all arrears and charges to date, although acceptance of partial payment of a bill will not be deemed a waiver of any balance due, including penalties and arrears. Water bills are a lien on the property. The Water Department may enforce the collection of water rates by cutting off the supply of water when any bill is 60 days in arrears. A charge in accordance with the Charge Schedule adopted by the Board as amended from time to time will be added to all bills not paid within 30 days after they become due.
[Amended 6-25-1974]
All water charges must be paid by the owner of the premises. If requested by the applicant herein, the Water Department will send bills to and receive payments from agents or tenants. It should be noted, however, that the owner is responsible for the payment of charges for water furnished hereunder and is responsible for any delinquency in the matter of payments by tenants or others.