No owner or officer, agent or employee of an owner of a multiple dwelling, hotel or specialized senior housing facilities shall threaten to or shall attempt to evict, increase the rent, withhold a lease renewal or in any other manner take reprisals against any tenant for:
[Amended 11-19-1997 by L.L. No. 8-1997]
Reporting in good faith to the Department of Housing the existence of any violation of this code or any other law, local law or ordinance related to the operation or maintenance of a multiple dwelling, hotel or specialized senior housing facilities.
Performing his duties as an officer or employee of the Village of Great Neck Plaza; or
Attempting to secure or enforce his rights under his lease.
No owner or officer, agent or employee of an owner of a multiple dwelling, hotel or specialized senior housing facilities shall threaten to or shall attempt to evict, increase the rent, withhold a lease renewal or in any other manner take reprisals against any tenant for the purpose of deterring or punishing a tenant who forms, joins, assists or sympathizes with lawful activities of a tenant organization or union.
[Amended 11-19-1997 by L.L. No. 8-1997]
No action for possession of real property shall be maintained if the dominant purpose in bringing the action is reprisal. Also, no such action shall be maintained if the plaintiff attempted to increase the tenant's obligation under the lease as a reprisal and the tenant's failure to perform such additional obligation is a material reason for bringing such action. Also, no such action shall be maintained on the ground of refusal to pay rent if the plaintiff threatened to or did decrease his obligations under the lease as such a reprisal, and the tenant refused to pay rent because of the reprisal.