The provisions of this article shall apply except when it is necessary to stop a vehicle to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a police officer or emergency traffic control device.
[Amended 12-2-1992 by L.L. No. 11-1992; 6-19-2013 by L.L. No. 3-2013; 9-16-2015 by L.L. No. 3-2015]
The fees for metered parking on the streets of the Village of Great Neck Plaza, including in commercial loading zones, shall be $0.25 for each period of 30 minutes or fraction thereof. Such fees shall not be collected between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. of the following day. The Village Board may, by resolution, periodically modify the amount of these fees and the hours and days during which these fees shall apply.
There shall be no fee for metered parking on Village streets, in the Village's parking garages, or in the Village's parking fields on Sundays and the following holidays: New Year's Day; Martin Luther King Jr. Day; Presidents' Day; Memorial Day; Independence Day; Labor Day; Columbus Day; Veterans Day; Thanksgiving Day; and Christmas Day. The Village Board may, by resolution, either eliminate holidays or specify additional days during the year on which such fees will not be collected.
Parking time at meters on Village streets, in the Village's parking garages and in the Village's parking fields, shall be limited to the maximum time permitted by the particular meter. Accordingly, if the maximum time permitted for parking at a particular meter is two hours, then a person may not stay in the metered parking space for more than two hours by placing additional coins in the meter after the two-hour maximum permitted by the meter has expired.
The total continuous time during which a vehicle may use metered parking in a parking garage or parking field in the Village shall be limited to the maximum time permitted by the particular meter at which the vehicle is initially parked. Accordingly, if the maximum time permitted for parking at a particular meter in a parking field or garage is two hours, then a vehicle may not park in a metered spot in the parking field or garage for longer than two hours by moving to a different metered space in the same parking field or garage, without having first exited and remained outside of the parking field or garage for at least one hour.
No person shall park a vehicle in a parking space during the hours when a parking fee is due unless the appropriate fee is immediately deposited in such meter.
No person shall park a vehicle in a parking space when a parking fee is due unless the requisite parking fee has been paid.
No person shall deposit or attempt to deposit in any parking meter any slug, button, or any other device or substance as substitutes for coins and bills of United States currency.
No person shall cause, allow, permit or suffer any vehicle registered in the name of or operated by such person to be parked overtime or beyond the period of legal parking time established for any parking meter space.
The parking of house trailers, campers, mobile homes, buses, boats and boat trailers, recreational vehicles and commercial vehicles is hereby prohibited on Village streets, Village garages and Village parking lots between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. For the purposes of this section, "recreational vehicles" are defined as vehicles used principally for living, sleeping and consumption of food or beverage. "Commercial vehicles" are defined as vehicles used principally for the transportation of goods, wares, supplies, materials, merchandise or passengers or for the accomplishment of any paid service regardless of state registration classification.
[Amended 9-22-1993 by L.L. No. 6-1993]
Parking is hereby prohibited in the following instances:
In a loading zone between hours specified on applicable traffic control devices.
Adjacent to yellow curbing.
Within an intersection.
In a crosswalk.
Within 10 feet of a fire hydrant.
On a public sidewalk.
Where any part of a vehicle is blocking access to a driveway.
In any location where such parking causes or may cause a blockage of normal traffic flow.
In a fire lane or fire zone.
[Amended 6-19-2013 by L.L. No. 3-2013[1]]
Editor’s Note: This local law provided that it would become effective upon filing with the office of the Secretary of State or on 8-1-2013, whichever was later.
Outside designated parking lines.
In spaces reserved for police, fire or other emergency vehicles.
In spaces requiring special permits, unless a required valid permit sticker is properly displayed.
Double parking, which shall mean parking on the roadway side of any other parked, stopped or standing vehicle at the edge or curb of a street, or parking or standing in any lane of a street intended for moving vehicles.
At all other locations specified by § 1203(a), (b), (c) and (d) of the current Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York.
Bus stop.
[Added 6-19-2013 by L.L. No. 3-2013[2]]
Editor's Note: This local law provided that it would become effective upon filing with the office of the Secretary of State or on 8-1-2013, whichever was later.
Where prohibited by a traffic control device.
[Added 6-19-2013 by L.L. No. 3-2013[3]]
Editor's Note: This local law provided that it would become effective upon filing with the office of the Secretary of State or on 8-1-2013, whichever was later.
Leaving a motor vehicle running and unattended on a Village street, Village parking lot or Village garage is hereby prohibited.
Stopping or standing in a space reserved for handicapped parking without a properly displayed, valid New York State or Nassau County handicapped sticker is hereby prohibited.
No vehicle shall back into a parking space where prohibited by a sign or other traffic control device.
[Added 6-19-2013 by L.L. No. 3-2013[1]]
Editor's Note: This local law provided that it would become effective upon filing with the office of the Secretary of State or on 8-1-2013, whichever was later.
No stopping or standing in an intersection.
[Added 6-19-2013 by L.L. No. 3-2013[2]]
Editor's Note: This local law provided that it would become effective upon filing with the office of the Secretary of State or on 8-1-2013, whichever was later.
No nonelectric vehicle shall stand, stop or park in a space in a municipal garage or parking lot or on a Village street which is designated for electric vehicles making use of an electric charging station; and no vehicle shall stand, stop or park in such space when it is not using the electric charging station; and no electric vehicle using such space shall remain in such space beyond two hours unless some other time period is specified in signage regulating the use of such space.
[Added 7-17-2024 by Res. No. 4-2024]
[Added 3-7-2001 by L.L. No. 6-2001]
Stopping, standing or parking during specified hours in any space or area on a street which has been posted by sign as a snow-removal street or area is hereby prohibited, provided that the sign or notice indicating the hours and dates when snow will be removed from such street or area has been posted at least 24 hours in advance.