[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town of Canton as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Parks and recreation areas — See Ch. 323.
[Adopted 7-2-1973 by Ord. No. 105]
[Amended 12-14-2011]
The Board of Selectmen shall determine a fair and reasonable sum to be paid to any person hired by the Town for capturing or impounding any domestic animals, except dogs, found to be roaming at large and uncontrolled in any public place or on property not under control of the owner or keeper (or the agent of the owner or keeper) of the domestic animal.
[Added 12-14-2011]
Prior to the release of any captured or impounded dog or other domestic animal, its owner or keeper, or the agent thereof, shall pay to the Town a redemption fee of $15 in addition to the full cost of advertising incurred by the Town under § 22-332 of the General Statutes and the full cost of the detention and care of such captured and impounded dog or other domestic animal.
[Added 9-25-2002 by Ord. No. 216]
This article has been specifically designated for enforcement by citations issued by designated municipal officers or employees, and the citation hearing procedure established by Chapter 15, Citations, of this Code shall be followed.
[Adopted 2-28-2024 by Ord. No. 249]
This article regulates the presence of dogs at Canton recreational facilities and athletic fields along with specifying the responsibilities of dog owners.
This policy is not intended to limit the ability of dogs to accompany citizens when utilizing common areas of Canton recreational facilities and athletic fields for recreation and observing athletic events. The policy does prohibit dogs from active areas of specific recreational facilities and athletic fields to limit sanitary and safety concerns as well as prevent possible damage to Town property.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any person having control or purporting to have control over a dog; the person named in the licensing records of any dog as the owner; the occupant of the premises where the dog is usually kept if such premises are other than the premises of the owner as shown on the licensing record, or any person in possession of, harboring or allowing any dog to remain about their premises for a period of three consecutive days or more. The parent or guardian of an owner under 18 years of age shall be deemed the owner as defined herein. If a dog has more than one owner, all such persons are jointly and severally liable for the acts or omissions of an owner under these regulations.
Under the physical control of an owner via a leash or lead.
Dogs, both restrained and unrestrained, are strictly prohibited from the areas reserved for team or individual uses at the following recreational facilities:
Bowdoin Field.
Van Gemeren Fields.
Stan Krzanowski Softball Field.
High school track and artificial turf field.
High school softball field.
Bicentennial Field at DPW facility.
Cherry Brook Primary School Playscape facility.
Mills Pond Park tennis courts.
Mills Pond Park basketball courts.
Mills Pond Park pool and splash pad facilities.
Mills Pond Park skateboard park.
Mills Pond Park baseball and lacrosse/soccer fields when in use by sport teams.
Mills Pond Park children's playground and outdoor fitness facility.
Mills Pond Park pavilions during summer camp hours.
Canton Intermediate School playground.
Properly restrained dogs are permitted in the common areas of the above described recreational facilities (viewing areas, bleachers, etc.) but not in the areas reserved for team or individual athletic uses.
It shall be prohibited for any person to permit a dog to be on the common areas of Canton recreational facilities and athletic fields unless such person has, in his or her immediate possession, an appropriate means of removing animal waste.
No person owning or having custody or control of any dog shall knowingly, or through failure to exercise due care or control, permit such dog to defecate or commit any other nuisance and allow such nuisance to remain thereafter on common areas of Canton recreational facilities and athletic fields. A person shall not be considered in violation of this section if the person has necessary equipment, i.e., shovel, bag, etc., readily available and does take immediate and necessary action to accomplish the lawful and sanitary removal and disposal of such waste.
Enforcement personnel. These regulations are enforceable by the Canton Animal Control Officer, Canton Police Department or any other persons or entities designated by the Board of Selectmen.
Penalty. Any person who violates the provisions of this article shall receive a citation and pay a fine pursuant to Chapter 15 of the Town Ordinances.
Properly credentialed service dogs are exempt from this policy.