Work under this item shall include all concrete or masonry end walls and retaining walls. All such structures shall be built in the location indicated or directed, conforming to the lines, grades, dimensions and details shown on the plans and in accordance with the provisions of these specifications.
Concrete for this work shall conform to the requirements of State Form 810, Article M.03.01, and shall be Class A concrete.
Concrete masonry shall conform to the requirements of ASTM Specification C-90.
Mortar shall be composed of one part portland cement and two parts by volume of surface dry fine aggregate.
Reinforcing steel shall conform to the requirements of State Form 810, Article M.06.01.
Retaining walls shall be built in the location and to the dimensions and details shown on the plans or as ordered. They shall be neatly and accurately finished, true to the lines and grades given.
End walls shall be built in the location and to the dimensions and details shown on the plans or as ordered, and they shall be neatly and accurately finished, true to the lines and grades given. Pipes shall be of sufficient length to extend to the exposed face of the end wall, and the end shall be finished to provide neat, watertight joints. The ends of pipe culverts which enter end walls on a skew shall be cut to the angle of the skew or the short side of the pipe may be built out with adequate forms if this method is approved by the Engineer.