[Adopted 12-19-1991 by Ord. No. 91-03]
[Amended 11-16-2011 by Ord. No. 12-2011]
No water shall be provided for internal or external use to any residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural, recreational, governmental, or public building or structure of any kind which is constructed or remodeled and in which plumbing, water piping or water fixtures are to be installed, extended or altered in any way and for which construction a permit is required to be obtained from East Brandywine Township (or would be required but for an exemption from a permit requirement for public or governmental agencies), unless the new, extended or altered plumbing, water piping and other water-using fixtures therein conform to the requirements and standards of §§ 252-14 through 252-17 of this article. The provisions of this article shall apply to any such building or structure for which such a building permit is issued, or would otherwise be required to be issued but for such an exemption, on or after December 26, 1991.
The water consumption of water closets shall not exceed an average of 1.6 gallons per flush cycle over a range of test pressures from 20 psi to 80 psi. The fixture shall perform in accordance with the test requirements of ANSI A112.19.2M and ANSI A112.19.6M.
Urinal water consumption shall not exceed an average of 1.5 gallons per flush cycle over a range of test pressures from 20 psi to 80 psi. The fixtures shall perform in accordance with the test requirements of ANSI A112.19.2M and ANSI A112.19.6M.
Showerhead discharge rates shall not exceed 3.0 gallons of water per minute over a range of test pressures from 20 psi to 80 psi. The fixture shall perform in accordance with the test requirements of ANSI A112.18.1M.
Sink and lavatory faucet discharge rates shall not exceed 3.0 gallons of water per minute over a range of test pressures from 20 psi to 80 psi. The fixture shall perform in accordance with the test requirements of ANSI A112.18.1M.
The performance standards of §§ 252-14 through 252-17 shall not apply to fixtures and fittings such as emergency showers, aspirator faucets and blowout fixtures that, in order to perform a specialized function, cannot meet the specified standards.
Any person(s) may apply to East Brandywine Township for an exemption to the terms of this article, which may be granted by the Board of Supervisors upon proof that some other device, system or procedure will save as much or more water as those set forth herein or that those set forth herein cannot be complied with without undue hardship.
The Board of Supervisors may, from time to time, modify, add to or remove from the standards and restrictions herein.
Any person or entity violating the provisions of this article shall be subject to a suit or summary proceeding as provided by law and, upon a determination of guilt or responsibility, be subject to a fine not to exceed $600 or, upon default in the payment of such fine, to confinement not to exceed 30 days. Each day which the violation continues shall be considered a separate and distinct violation and subject to separate proceedings as provided herein.
In addition to any penalties provided herein, the Township may enforce the provisions of this article by appropriate actions in law or equity.