It is hereby found and declared that there exist in the City structures used for human habitation which are, or may become in the future, substandard with respect to structure, equipment or maintenance, and that such conditions, as well as inadequate provisions for light and air, insufficient protections against fire hazards, lack of proper heating, unsanitary conditions and overcrowding, constitute a menace to the health, safety, welfare and reasonable comfort of the citizens of the City. It is further found and declared that, in the absence of corrective measures, such structures and areas in which they are located will experience a deterioration of property values, a curtailment of investment and tax revenue and an impairment of community economic values. The establishment and maintenance of minimum housing standards is essential to the prevention of blight and decay and to the safeguarding of public health, safety and welfare.
The purpose of this chapter is to provide basic and uniform standards, in terms of performance objectives implemented by specific requirements, governing the condition, occupancy and maintenance of residential premises, and to establish reasonable safeguards for the health, safety and welfare of the occupants thereof. This chapter is hereby declared to be remedial and essential to the public interest.
This chapter shall apply to residential premises, as follows:
Lots, plots, or parcels of land, on which residential buildings, buildings of mixed occupancy or accessory structures are located.
Residential buildings, including one- and two-family dwellings and multiple dwellings, except as specifically excluded in § 748-3.
Residential occupancies in buildings of mixed occupancy.
Accessory structures, accessory to residential occupancies.
This chapter shall not apply to mobile homes and mobile home courts, or to transient-type occupancies and uses including, but not limited to, nursing and convalescent homes, hotels, motels, tourist camps, travel trailers, and trailer parks, and other forms of temporary housing.
Where a provision of this chapter is found to be in conflict with a provision of a zoning, building, electrical, plumbing, fire, safety, health, water supply or sewage disposal law or ordinance, or regulations adopted pursuant thereto, or other local law, ordinance, code, or regulations, the provision or requirement which establishes the higher standard shall govern and prevail.
[Amended 5-3-2007 by L.L. No. 1-2007; 11-19-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-005[1]]
The use of residential premises as provided for in this chapter, including installations, alterations, and repairs to residential premises, and materials, assemblies, and equipment utilized in connection therewith, shall be reasonably safe to persons and property, and shall be in conformity with the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code and its subparts, as amended, and incorporated by reference hereby (the "Uniform Code").
Editor's Note: This ordinance also repealed former § 748-6, Definitions, as amended, which immediately followed this section.