The purpose of this article is to set forth the procedures, fees and content specifications for filing sketch, preliminary and final plan submissions. The user is encouraged also to refer to Articles
VIII and
XI for design specifications and additional criteria that may apply to a particular submission.
[Amended 3-27-2001 by Ord. No. 486]
A. Procedure.
(1) Seven copies of said preliminary plan and five copies of all supporting
data, which shall comply with specifications of this chapter, shall
be submitted to the Department of Community Development at least 28
days prior to the regular meeting of the Planning Commission at which
consideration is desired. All plans and supporting data shall also
be provided on a magnetic or optical storage device in the form of
Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) or Portable Document Format (PDF)
files. Submissions shall be accompanied by an application and checklist
as depicted in the Appendices of this chapter. The applicant shall certify that the plan submission is
complete and in compliance with Township regulations, acknowledging
that failure to make a complete submission conforming to Township
regulations may result in the Township's refusal to accept or
process such submission, or may result in the rejection of such submission.
[Amended 1-26-2016 by Ord. No. 675]
(2) The Director of Community Development shall submit
one copy of the plan to the Dauphin County Planning Commission, to
each Planning Commission member, to the Township Engineer, if review
is necessary, to the Derry Township Municipal Authority, if review
is necessary, and may submit copies to other agencies for advice and
comment as part of the Township's review process.
(3) The Planning Commission shall review the preliminary
plan, the written review comments, as well as all other pertinent
information and testimony.
(4) Developers contemplating construction of sanitary
sewer line extensions shall consult with the Derry Township Municipal
(5) Developers designing subdivision or land development plans representing the construction of nonresidential or residential buildings other than single-family detached dwelling units shall consult with the Township during the design stage to allow the Township to determine if and where fire lanes shall be established (see §
B. Fees.
(1) A preliminary plan submission shall be accompanied
by fees in amounts as established from time to time by resolution
of the Board of Supervisors, payable to Township of Derry.
[Amended 3-14-2006 by Ord. No. 553]
(2) A preliminary plan submission shall be accompanied
by fees in amounts as established from time to time by action of the
Dauphin County Board of Commissioners, payable to the Dauphin County
Planning Commission.
[Amended 8-12-2008 by Ord. No. 571]
(3) A preliminary plan submission shall be accompanied by fees in amounts
as established from time to time by action of the Derry Township Municipal
Authority, payable to same.
[Added 1-26-2016 by Ord.
No. 675]
C. Results.
(1) The Planning Commission shall:
Make a recommendation for approval, approval
with modifications(s) or disapproval.
Such recommendation shall be communicated in
writing to the applicant within 14 days after the meeting at which
the recommendation occurs.
If the recommendation is for approval with modifications,
or disapproval, the written statement shall specify defects in the
submission and describe the requirements which have not been met and
shall in each case cite the provision of applicable regulations which
have not been complied with.
(2) The Board of Supervisors shall then review the preliminary
plan and the recommendations of the Derry Township Planning Commission.
(3) Before taking final action on any filed preliminary
plan, the Board of Supervisors may submit copies of the preliminary
plan and data to other agencies for their review as may be deemed
necessary or appropriate by the Board of Supervisors.
(4) The Board of Supervisors shall then render their decision
and in writing so notify the applicant in accordance with the Pennsylvania
Municipalities Planning Code, Act 247, or within such period of time
as may be authorized by amendment to the Pennsylvania Municipalities
Planning Code.
(5) If the preliminary plan and data are approved with
or without modifications, the applicant must submit a final plan and
data application no later than 12 months after the approval of the
preliminary plan by the Board of Supervisors or the preliminary plan
approval shall be deemed null and void.
D. Specifications.
(1) The preliminary plan submission shall be submitted
on 22 inches by 36 inches sheets and shall utilize the standard Township
title block depicted in the Appendices of this chapter.
(2) The preliminary plan shall be prepared at a scale
no smaller than one inch equals 50 feet.
(3) Contents.
The preliminary plan shall include the following:
Name, address and telephone number of developer,
registered owner, equitable owner and applicant.
The name of the municipality and county in which
the land is located.
Title of plan including preliminary plan designation.
Location plan at a minimum scale of one inch
equals 1,000 feet.
North arrow for both location plan and any other
plan views.
Scale of all drawings and details shown graphically
and in writing.
Metes and bounds description showing dimensions,
bearings, curve data, length of tangents, radii, arc lengths, chord
lengths and central angles for all property lines, including the entire
perimeter of the tract to be subdivided or developed, street right-of-way
lines, street centerlines.
All surveys shall be tied to the North American
Datum, 1983, Pennsylvania Coordinate System, in feet, and shall be
performed to third order control standards as set forth by the Federal
Geodetic Survey. All points of intersection of the perimeter property
lines of a development or subdivision site shall be identified by
such coordinates.
The location of all existing structures, wooded
areas, watercourses, rock outcrops, culverts, utilities, above or
below ground, fire hydrants, streets and their established grade and
width, all within 200 feet of the tract of land to be subdivided or
[10] Location of various sensitive environmental areas which exist on the land as described in § 225-401.2 of Chapter
225, Zoning, as amended.
[Amended 3-28-2017 by Ord. No. 684]
[11] Gross and net developable area
of land expressed in acres and square feet, along with drawings and
calculations to describe how the net developable area has been calculated.
[12] The names of the registered owners
of properties adjacent to the site. Said identity of the property
owners shall reflect ownership of the properties as they exist currently
or no earlier than one year prior to plan submittal.
[13] Number of dwelling units and/or
number of square feet of floor area of nonresidential uses.
[14] Date of drawing preparation and
dates and description of any subsequent revisions.
[15] Boundaries and designations of
all soil series within the site as mapped by the U.S.D.A. Soils Survey
of Dauphin County.
[16] The location of known sinkholes
if the site is underlain by carbonate geologic formations.
[17] Names of existing and proposed
streets and alleys.
[18] Width of existing and proposed
streets, easements, rights-of-way.
[19] Typical cross-sections of proposed
public streets and common drives showing the type of construction,
width of cartway, width of right-of-way, width and location of sidewalk,
location of curbing, location of shade trees, location of fire hydrants
(scale optional).
[20] Location of existing and proposed
[21] Plans and profiles of proposed
and existing stormwater sewer or conveyance systems with grades, pipe
sizes and location of all inlets, manholes and other related structures
at a scale of one inch equals 50 feet horizontal and one inch equals
five feet vertical.
[22] Plans and profiles of proposed
and existing sanitary sewer system with grades, pipe sizes and location
of manholes and other related structures at a scale of one inch equals
50 feet horizontal and one inch equals five feet vertical.
[23] Plans and profiles of proposed
and existing gas and water systems with grades, pipe sizes and location
of manholes, valve boxes, fire hydrants and other related structures
at a scale of one inch equals 50 feet horizontal and one inch equals
five feet vertical.
[25] Proposed impervious coverage.
[26] Proposed vegetative coverage.
[27] Density of development expressed in units per
[Amended 3-28-2017 by Ord. No. 684]
[28] Number or letter to identify each
[29] Proposed use of each lot.
[30] The location of proposed regulatory
and warning traffic signs such as, but not limited to, stop, speed
limit, parking and one-way signs.
[31] Information substantiating how
the minimum sight distance criteria set forth in this chapter will
be achieved for street intersections, and street and driveway intersections.
[32] Name, address, telephone number
and seal of engineer and/or landscape architect certifying the accuracy
of their work and confirmation as to what the certification applies.
[33] Name, address, telephone number
and seal of registered surveyor certifying the accuracy of the plan
[34] One hundred year floodplain boundaries.
[35] Topographic land contours at minimum
vertical intervals of two feet on the tract of land to be developed
or subdivided and within 200 feet of the perimeter.
[36] The zoning district classification
of the land represented on the plan and the zoning district classification
of abutting land.
[37] All restrictions on the use of
the land including easements, rights-of-way and covenants.
[38] Purpose of existing and proposed
rights-of-way and easements.
[39] Statement from utilities indicating
conditions attached to easements and rights-of-way.
[40] Existing streets on and adjacent
to the tract depicting the name, cartway width and right-of-way width.
[41] Phase lines, if applicable.
[42] Cul-de-sac snow dump areas.
[43] Location and area in square feet
or acres of open space.
[44] Proposed location of parking spaces,
loading and unloading areas, sidewalks and stormwater control facilities.
[45] Proposed erosion and sedimentation
[46] Location and species of proposed
street shade trees along with planting specifications and size of
trees proposed to be planted.
[47] Recording reference of recorded
subdivision and land development plans of adjoining land identified
by plan name, date of recording and recording reference.
[48] Certification of title showing
the applicant is owner of the land or equitable owner of the land.
[49] Statement dedicating streets,
rights-of-way and any sites for public uses which are to be dedicated.
[50] Signature blocks for all official
reviewing and/or approving agencies.
[51] Location of existing and proposed
monuments and markers.
(4) A preliminary plan submission shall be accompanied
by the following data:
A brief narrative report describing land characteristics,
common facilities, utility service availability, existing covenants
and information and the general purpose of the plan.
Department of Environmental Protection sewage
facilities planning module or appropriate waiver request form.
Traffic impact study, if applicable (see Article
Data supporting stormwater control and carrying facilities (see Chapter
[Amended 12-21-2010 by Ord. No. 602]
Aquifer and water quality test results and data, if applicable (see Article
Property owners association organizational documents
if such association is proposed to exist.
Data substantiating minimum fire hydrant flow requirement, flow availability, recharge capabilities, and duration of flow as required by the specifications of §
185-36B of this chapter.
Any other reasonable data the Township may require
to understand and evaluate the subdivision and land development proposal.
[Amended 9-8-1998 by Ord. No. 446; 3-27-2000
by Ord. No. 486]
A. Procedure.
(1) Seven copies of said final plan and five copies of all supporting
data, which shall comply with specifications of this chapter, shall
be submitted to the Department of Community Development at least 28
days prior to the regular meeting of the Planning Commission at which
consideration is desired. All plans and supporting data shall also
be provided on a magnetic or optical storage device in the form of
Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) or Portable Document Format (PDF)
files. Submissions shall be accompanied by an application and checklist
as depicted in the Appendices of this chapter. The applicant shall certify that the plan submission is
complete and in compliance with Township regulations, acknowledging
that failure to make a complete submission conforming to Township
regulations may result in the Township's refusal to accept or
process such submission, or may result in the rejection of such submission.
[Amended 1-26-2016 by Ord. No. 675]
(2) The Director of Community Development shall submit
one copy of the plan to the Dauphin County Planning Commission, to
each Planning Commission member, to the Township Engineer, if review
is necessary, to the Derry Township Municipal Authority, if review
is necessary, and may submit copies to other agencies for advice and
comment as part of the Township's review process.
(3) The Planning Commission shall review the final plan
and the written review comments, as well as all other pertinent information
and testimony.
(4) Final plans shall be preceded by a preliminary plan or master plan
submission. However, when approval to do so is given by the Township,
a final plan submission may be combined with a preliminary plan submittal.
[Amended 3-28-2017 by Ord. No. 684]
B. Fees.
(1) A final plan submission shall be accompanied by a
fee in an amount as established from time to time by resolution of
the Board of Supervisors, payable to Derry Township.
[Amended 3-14-2006 by Ord. No. 553]
(2) A final plan submission shall be accompanied by fees
in amounts as established from time to time by action of the Dauphin
County Board of Commissioners, payable to the Dauphin County Planning
[Amended 8-12-2008 by Ord. No. 571]
(3) A final plan submission shall be accompanied by fees in amounts as
established from time to time by action of the Derry Township Municipal
Authority, payable to same.
[Added 1-26-2016 by Ord.
No. 675]
C. Results.
(1) Planning Commission recommendation.
The Planning Commission shall make a recommendation
for approval, approval with modification(s) or disapproval.
Such recommendation shall be communicated in
writing to the applicant within 14 calendar days after the meeting
at which the recommendation occurs.
If the recommendation is for approval with modifications
or disapproval, the written statement shall specify defects in the
submission and describe the requirements which have not been met and
shall in each case cite the provision of applicable regulations which
have not been complied with.
(2) The Board of Supervisors shall review the submission
and act on the submission in accordance with the Pennsylvania Municipalities
Planning Code or within such period of time as may be authorized by
amendments to the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code.
If approved, or approved with conditions, the
Board of Supervisors shall notify the applicant of their action within
14 days following their decision and applicant shall cause said plan
to be recorded in the Office of the Dauphin County Recorder of Deeds
upon signature by the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors.
If the plan is conditionally approved in which changes are required
to be made to the plan, said plan shall be revised before signatures
and recording. If the plan is conditionally approved, the Board shall
specify the time in which the conditions shall be satisfactorily addressed.
The time specified by the Board to address such conditions shall be
a minimum of 14 days and a maximum of 180 days from the date of action
by the Board of Supervisors.
If disapproved, the Board of Supervisors shall,
within 14 days following its decision, notify the applicant of the
specific defects in the submission and describe the requirements which
have not been met and shall in each case cite the provisions of the
regulations relied upon.
When requested by the developer, in order to
facilitate financing, the Board of Supervisors shall furnish the developer
with a signed copy of a resolution indicating approval of the final
plan subject to any contingencies including the developer obtaining
satisfactory financial security.
The final plan shall not be signed by the Board
of Supervisors or recorded until all contingencies are fulfilled within
the time specified by the Board of Supervisors when acting on the
D. Improvement guarantees.
(1) No plan shall be finally approved unless the streets
shown on such plan have been improved to a mud-free or otherwise permanently
passable condition, or improved as may be required by this chapter
and any roads, sidewalks, walkways, curbs, gutters, street lights,
fire hydrants, shade trees, water mains, sanitary sewers to the extent
not secured directly with Derry Township Municipal Authority, storm
sewers, stormwater retention and detention basins and other related
drainage facilities, recreational facilities, open space improvements,
buffer or screen plantings which may be required, parking facilities
and other improvements have been installed in accordance with such
(2) In lieu of the completion of any improvements required
as a condition of the final approval of the plan, the applicant may
deposit with the Township financial security in an amount sufficient
to cover the costs of any improvements or common amenities including,
but not limited to, roads, sidewalks, walkways, curbs, gutters, street
lights, fire hydrants, shade trees, water mains, sanitary sewer to
the extent not secured directly with the Derry Township Municipal
Authority, storm sewers, stormwater retention and detention basins
and other related drainage facilities, recreational facilities, open
space improvements, buffer of screen plantings which may be required,
parking facilities and other improvements as may be required by this
chapter. The applicant shall not be required to provide financial
security for the costs of any improvements for which financial security
is required by and provided to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
in connection with the issuance of a highway occupancy permit.
(3) Without limitation as to other types of financial
security which the Township may approve, which approval shall not
be unreasonably withheld, Federal or Commonwealth chartered lending
institution irrevocable letters of credit and restrictive or escrow
accounts in such lending institutions shall be deemed acceptable financial
security for the purpose of this chapter.
(4) Such financial security shall be posted with a bonding
company or Federal or Commonwealth chartered lending institution chosen
by the party posting the financial security, provided said bonding
company or lending institution is authorized to conduct such business
within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
(5) Such bond, or other security shall provide for, and
secure to the public, the completion of any improvements which may
be required on or before the date fixed in the formal action of approval
or accompanying agreement for completion of the improvements.
(6) The amount of financial security to be posted for
the completion of the required improvements shall be equal to 110%
of the cost of completion estimated as of 90 days following the date
scheduled for completion by the developer, and shall include 15% additional
costs representing the estimated costs of the improvements to cover
engineering and project management costs which would be necessary
to have the improvements completed by the Township. Annually, the
Township may adjust the amount of the financial security by comparing
the actual cost of the improvements which have been completed and
the estimated cost for the completion of the remaining improvements
as the expiration of the 90th day after either the original date scheduled
for completion or a rescheduled date of completion. Subsequent to
said adjustment, the Township may require the developer to post additional
security in order to assure that the financial security equals said
110% plus 15% to cover engineering and project management costs. Any
additional security shall be posted by the developer in accordance
with this subsection.
(7) The amount of financial security required shall be
based upon an estimate of the cost of completion of the required improvements,
submitted by an applicant or developer and prepared by a professional
engineer licensed as such in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and
certified by such engineer to be a fair and reasonable estimate of
such cost. The Township, upon the recommendation of the Township Engineer,
may refuse to accept such estimate for good cause shown. If the applicant
or developer and the Township are unable to agree upon an estimate,
then the estimate shall be recalculated and recertified by another
professional engineer licensed as such in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
and chosen mutually by the Township and the applicant or developer.
The estimate certified by the third engineer shall be presumed fair
and reasonable and shall be the final estimate. In the event that
a third engineer is so chosen, fees for the services of said engineer
shall be paid equally by the Township and the applicant or developer.
(8) If the party posting the financial security requires
more than one year from this date of posting of the financial security
to complete the required improvements, the amount of financial security
may be increased by an additional 10% for each one year period beyond
the first anniversary date from posting of financial security or to
an amount not exceeding 110% of the cost of completing the required
improvements as reestablished on or about the expiration of the preceding
one year period by using the above bidding procedure.
(9) In the case where development is projected over a
period of years, the Board of Supervisors may authorize submission
of final plans by section or stages of development subject to such
requirements or guarantees as to improvements in future sections or
stages of development as it finds essential for the protection of
any finally approved section of the development.
As the work of installing the required improvements
proceeds, the party posting the financial security may request the
Board of Supervisors to release or authorize the release, from time
to time, such portions of the financial security necessary for payment
to the contractor or contractors performing the work.
Any such request shall be in writing addressed
to the Board of Supervisors, and the Board of Supervisors shall have
45 days from receipt of such request within which to allow the Township
Engineer to certify, in writing, to the Board of Supervisors that
such portion of the work upon the improvements has been completed
in accordance with the approved plan.
Upon such certification, the Board of Supervisors
shall authorize release by the bonding company or lending institution
of an amount as estimated by the Township Engineer fairly representing
the value of the improvements completed or, if the Board of Supervisors
fails to act within said 45 day period, the Board of Supervisors shall
be deemed to have approved the release of funds as requested.
The Board of Supervisors may, prior to final
release at the time of completion and certification by its Engineer,
require retention of 10% of the estimated cost of the aforesaid improvements.
Where the Board of Supervisors accepts dedication
of all or some of the required improvements following completion,
the Board of Supervisors may require the posting of financial security
to secure structural integrity of said improvements as well as the
functioning of said improvements in accordance with the design and
specifications as depicted on the final plan for a term not to exceed
18 months from the date of acceptance of dedication.
Said financial security shall be of the same
type as otherwise required in this section with regard to installation
of such improvements, and the amount of the financial security shall
not exceed 15% of the actual cost of installation of said improvements.
If water mains or sanitary sewer lines, or both,
along with apparatus or facilities related thereto, are to be installed
under the jurisdiction and pursuant to the rules and regulations of
a public utility or municipal authority separate and distinct from
the Township, financial security to assure proper completion and maintenance
thereof shall be posted in accordance with the regulations of the
controlling public utility or municipal authority and shall not be
included within the financial security as otherwise required by this
section, unless agreed to by the Township, the utility or municipal
authority and developer and/or applicant.
If financial security has been provided in lieu
of the completion of improvements required as a condition for the
final approval of a plan as set forth in this section, the Township
of Derry shall not condition the issuance of building, grading or
other permits relating to the erection or placement of improvements,
including buildings, upon the lots or land as depicted upon the final
plan upon actual completion of the improvements depicted upon the
approved final plan.
Moreover, if said financial security has been
provided, occupancy permits for any building or buildings to be erected
shall not be withheld following the improvement of the streets providing
access to and from existing public roads to such building or buildings
to a mud-free or otherwise permanently passable condition, as well
as the completion of all other improvements as depicted upon the approved
plan, either upon the lot or lots or beyond the lot or lots in question
if such improvements are necessary for the reasonable use of, or occupancy
of, the building or buildings.
E. Specifications.
(1) The final plan submission shall be submitted on 22
inches by 36 inches sheets and shall utilize the standard Township
title block depicted in the Appendices of this chapter.
(2) Final plan submissions shall include a digital file
of the drawings. The digital files shall reside on a 3 1/2 inch
floppy disk or a compact disc. The digital file shall be Auto CAD
or DXF compatible.
(3) The final plan shall be prepared at a scale no smaller
than one inch equals 50 feet.
(4) Contents.
A final plan shall include the following:
Name, address and telephone number of developer,
registered owner, equitable owner and applicant.
The name of the municipality and county in which
the land is located.
Title of plan including final plan designation.
Location plan at a minimum scale of one inch
equals 1,000 feet.
North arrow for both location plan and any other
plan views.
Scale of all drawings and details shown graphically
and in writing.
Metes and bounds description showing dimensions,
bearings, curve data, length of tangents, radii, arc lengths, chord
lengths and central angles for all property lines, including the entire
perimeter of the tract to be subdivided or developed, street right-of-way
lines, street centerlines, easements and other rights-of-way.
All surveys shall be tied to the North American
Datum, 1983, Pennsylvania Coordinate System, in feet, and shall be
performed to third order control standards as set forth by the Federal
Geodetic Survey. All property line points of intersection shall be
identified by such coordinates.
The location of all existing structures, wooded
areas, watercourses, rock outcrops, culverts, utilities above or below
ground, fire hydrants, streets and their established grade and width,
all within 50 feet of the tract of land to be subdivided or developed.
[10] Location of various sensitive environmental areas which exist on the land as described in § 225-401.2 of Chapter
225, Zoning, as amended.
[Amended 3-28-2017 by Ord. No. 684]
[11] Number of dwelling units and/or
number of square feet of floor area of nonresidential uses.
[12] Gross and net developable area
expressed in acres and square feet.
[13] The names of the registered owners
of properties adjacent to the site. Said identity of the property
owners shall reflect ownership of the properties as they exist currently
or no earlier than one year prior to the plan submittal.
[14] Date of drawing preparation and
dates and description of any subsequent revisions.
[15] Names of existing and proposed
streets and alleys.
[16] Width of existing and proposed
streets, easements, rights-of-way.
[17] Typical cross-sections of proposed
public streets and common drives showing the type of construction,
width of cartway, width of right-of-way, width and location of sidewalk,
location of curbing, location of shade trees, location of fire hydrants
(scale optional).
[18] Location of existing and proposed
[19] Plans and profiles of proposed
and existing stormwater sewer or conveyance systems with grades, pipe
sizes and location of all inlets, manholes and other related structures
at a scale of one inch equals 50 feet horizontal and one inch equals
50 feet vertical.
[20] Plans and profiles of proposed
and existing sanitary sewer system with grades, pipe sizes and location
of manholes and other related structures at a scale of one inch equals
50 feet horizontal and one inch equals 50 feet vertical.
[21] Plans and profiles of proposed
and existing gas and water systems with grades, pipe sizes and location
of manholes, valve boxes, fire hydrants and other related structures
at a scale of one inch equals 50 feet horizontal and one inch equals
50 feet vertical.
[22] Plans and specifications of proposed
erosion and sedimentation controls and letter from the Dauphin County
Conservation District indicating the proposal is adequate to meet
the Department of Environmental Protection rules and regulations relating
to erosion and sedimentation controls.
[24] Proposed impervious coverage.
[25] Proposed vegetative coverage.
[26] Density of development expressed in units per
[Amended 3-28-2017 by Ord. No. 684]
[27] Number or letter to identify each
[28] Proposed use of each lot.
[29] The location of proposed regulatory
and warning traffic signs such as, but not limited to, stop, speed
limit, parking and one-way signs.
[30] Details of proposed regulatory
and warning traffic signs consistent with Title 67, the Pennsylvania
Code, PennDOT Rules and Regulations (scale optional), 67 Pa. Code
§ 101 et seq.
[31] Information substantiating how
the minimum sight distance criteria set forth in this chapter will
be achieved for street intersections and street and driveway intersections.
[32] Name, address, telephone number
and seal of engineer and/or landscape architect certifying the accuracy
of their work and confirmation as to what data the certification applies.
[33] Name, address, telephone number
and seal of registered surveyor certifying the accuracy of the plat
[34] One hundred year floodplain boundaries.
[35] Wetlands location, if applicable.
[36] Topographic land contours at minimum
vertical intervals of two feet on the tract of land to be developed
or subdivided and within 50 feet of the perimeter.
[37] The zoning district classification
of the land represented on the plan and the zoning classification
of abutting land.
[38] All restrictions on the use of
the land including easements, rights-of-way and covenants.
[39] Location and area in square feet
or acres of open space.
[40] Proposed location of parking spaces,
loading and unloading areas, sidewalks and stormwater control facilities.
[41] Location and species of proposed
street shade trees along with planting specifications and size of
trees proposed to be planted.
[42] Purpose of existing and proposed
rights-of-way and easements.
[43] Existing streets on and adjacent
to the tract depicting the name, cartway width and right-of-way width.
[44] Cul-de-sac snow dump areas located
accurately with dimensions.
[45] Recording reference of recorded
subdivision and land development plans of adjoining land identified
by plan name, date of recording and recording reference.
[46] Certification of title showing
the applicant is owner of the land, or equitable owner of the land.
[47] Statement dedicating streets,
rights-of-way and any sites for public uses which are to be dedicated.
[48] Signature blocks for all officials
reviewing and approving agencies.
[49] Location of existing and proposed
monuments and markers.
[50] Plans which require access to
a Pennsylvania Department of Transportation highway shall contain
a note which acknowledges that a highway occupancy permit is required
pursuant to § 420 of the Act of June 1, 1945, (P.L. 1242,
No. 428), before highway access to the State highway is permitted.
(5) A final plan submission shall be accompanied by the
following data:
Traffic studies for each regulatory or warning
sign consistent with Title 67 of PennDOT regulations.
Letter from the Department of Environmental
Protection approving the sewage facilities planning module or the
planning module waiver.
Petition to provide street light services, where
applicable (see Appendices).
Full disclosure statement, if applicable (see Article
Property owners association organizational documents
if such association is proposed to exist.
Any other reasonable data the Township may require
to understand and evaluate the subdivision or land development proposal.
[Amended 3-27-2001 by Ord. No. 486]
The applicant shall reimburse the Township for
costs that the Township has incurred by the Township Engineer and/or
professional consultant(s) that the Township, in its sole discretion,
deems necessary in order to adequately and properly review a plan
and supporting data and reporting the findings to the Township. The
fees shall be established by resolution. The Township shall advise
the applicant of the reimbursement amount required within 30 days
of being billed by the Township Engineer and/or professional consultant(s).
The applicant shall reimburse the Township within 30 days of receipt
of the Township's notice of payment due.
A. In the event the applicant disputes the amount of
any such review fee, the applicant shall, within 14 days of the receipt
of the notice of payment due, notify the Township that such fees are
disputed, in which case the Township shall not delay or disapprove
a plan submission due to the applicant's fee dispute. If not fees
are disputed, the Township may condition the approval of plans submissions
upon the Township having received full payment as stated in the notice
of payment due.
B. If, within 20 days of the notice of payment due, the
applicant and Township cannot agree on the amount of expenses incurred
by the Township, the applicant and the Township shall jointly, by
mutual agreement, appoint another professional engineer of the same
profession or discipline as the Township Engineer or professional
consultant whose fees are being disputed to make a determination as
to the amount thereof which is reasonable and necessary.
C. The professional engineer appointed, either by mutual
agreement of the Township and applicant or by the President Judge
of the Court of Common Pleas, shall hear such evidence and review
such documentation as the professional engineer in his or her sole
opinion deems necessary and render a decision within 50 days of the
billing date. Such decision shall be final and binding upon both the
Township and the applicant. The applicant shall be required to pay
the entire amount determined in the decision within 10 days of such
D. The fee of the appointed professional engineer for
determining the reasonable and necessary expense shall be paid by
the applicant, if the amount of payment required in the decision is
equal to or greater than the original bill. If the amount of payment
required in the decision is less than the original bill by $1,000
or more, the Township shall pay the fee of the professional engineer,
but otherwise the Township and the applicant shall each pay 1/2 of
the fee of the appointed professional engineer.