This Charter shall be amended in conformity with the provisions of Act 62 of 1972 53 P.S. Ch. 1/2, [1] as amended.
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 1-221 et seq.
The procedure for the nomination and election of the officers of the City of Scranton shall be in conformity with the general laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for municipal elections.
The Administrative Code of the City shall contain a Code of Ethics.
All reference to the general laws contained in this charter refer to the general laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and are intended to include any amendments or revisions to such chapter and section or to the corresponding chapters and sections of any rearrangement of the general laws enacted subsequent to the adoption of the charter.
Every department, board, or commission, may with council approval accept on behalf of the city, gifts or donations of money, securities, or other personal property, or the income of which shall be useful to the work of any department, board, or commission.