The following requirements apply to all required improvements approved by the Planning Board as part of the Board's approval of a final plat unless specifically waived by the Planning Board.
Commencement of construction. The construction of required public improvements shall not be started, nor shall any existing features, such as trees, be removed or relocated, until the Planning Board has granted approval of the final plat and the applicant has posted inspection fees and complied with all other conditions.
If, at any time before or during the construction of the required improvements, it is demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Planning Board that unforeseen conditions make it necessary or preferable to modify the location or design of such required improvements, the Planning Board may authorize modifications, provided that these modifications are within the spirit and intent of the Planning Board's approval of the final plat and do not extend to the waiver or substantial alteration of the function of any improvements required by the Board. The Planning Board or its duly authorized representative shall issue any authorization for modification in writing to the applicant and shall transmit a copy of such authorization to the Town Board, the Town Engineer and the Town Highway Superintendent.
All required improvements are subject to inspection by the Town Engineer and the Town Highway Superintendent. The applicant shall provide for the Town Engineer and the Town Highway Superintendent free access to the site of the work at all times when construction work is under way on any of the improvements. Whether or not the Town Engineer or the Town Highway Superintendent inspects the improvements, the applicant is not relieved of its obligations and responsibilities to comply with this chapter.
At least 10 days prior to commencing construction of any improvements, the applicant shall notify the Town Engineer of the time of construction of such improvements so that an inspection can be made to ensure that all Town specifications and requirements are met.
Erosion and sediment control. No construction of any improvements whatsoever shall begin until all required erosion and sediment control measures and facilities have been satisfactorily installed. The Town Engineer shall require the applicant to verify, through written progress reports, that erosion and sediment control measures and facilities have been performed or installed in compliance with the approved erosion and sediment control plan and are being properly operated and maintained. Such progress reports may be requested at any time and all times during the construction of all improvements.
In order to provide for the ingress and egress of fire trucks, ambulances, police cars and other emergency vehicles, and notwithstanding the existence of a performance bond, no building permit shall be issued for any structure until the road giving access to such structure shall have been completed at least through and including binder course. Such access road shall extend from an official state, county, Town or village road and shall include at least 15 feet of the front lot line of the lot in question. Required improvements shall be installed in strict accordance with Town specifications and shall be subject to the inspection and approval of the Town Engineer.
All improvements shall be inspected by the Town Engineer to insure satisfactory completion. All engineering reviews, inspections and other professional costs shall be reimbursed by the applicant to the Town.
In no case shall any paving (including prime and seal coats) work be done without permission from the Town Engineer. At least three business days' notice shall be given to the Town Engineer prior to any such construction, so that a representative of the Town may be present at the time work is to be done.
The Town Engineer shall be notified after each of the following phases of the work has been completed so that he or his representative may inspect the work:
Road subgrade;
Curb and gutter forms;
Road paving after each coat in the case of priming and sealing;
Sidewalk forms;
Sanitary sewers, drainage pipe and other drainage structures before backfilling; and
All underground utilities prior to backfilling.
Final inspection. A final inspection of all improvements and of the site itself shall be made to determine whether the work is satisfactory and in accordance with the approved final plat drawings and in compliance with the Town specifications as of the time the offer of dedication of the roads is made to the Town Board. Upon a satisfactory final inspection report, action will be taken to release the performance bond covering such improvements and utilities.