In all instances where a petition is filed with the Mayor and Council to initiate an amendment to the City Charter or for a referendum in cases where an amendment to the City Charter has been initiated by the Mayor and Council, the following procedures shall be followed:
The petitions shall be referred to the Supervisors of Elections, who shall report to the Mayor and Council the total number of persons qualified to vote in the City general election at the time the petition is received and the total number of such voters determined by them to have signed the petition; provided, however, that in any case where a person signing the petition shall have failed to put his/her printed name, printed residence address, date of signature and City election district number thereon, the Supervisors of Elections shall not determine if such person is qualified to vote and such person shall not be counted as a person qualified to vote. Unless each petition page includes the circulator's printed or typed name, residence address and telephone number, and a signed circulator's affidavit stating that the circulator was at least 18 years old when each signature was obtained; that the information provided by the circulator is true and correct; that the circulator personally observed each signer as he/she signed the page; and that to the best of the circulator's knowledge and belief, all signatures on the page are genuine and all signers are qualified voters for the College Park Municipal General Election, the Supervisors of Elections shall not determine if any persons listed on the page are qualified to vote and any person so listed shall not be counted as a person qualified to vote.
Upon receiving the report of the Supervisors of Elections, the Mayor and Council shall then comply with the applicable provisions of § 4-301 et seq. of the Local Government Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland (as amended).
A petition may consist of several pages. Each petition page shall contain the full title of the Charter amendment or that part of the title of the Charter amendment petitioned upon. The back of each petition page shall contain either:
The full text of the amendment; or
A fair and accurate summary of the substantive provisions of the amendment. In this case, the full text of the amendment must be immediately available from the petition circulator.