[Adopted 12-28-1989 by Ord. No. 89-14]
No person shall own or possess any dog or cat in the Town of Clinton unless the owner or possessor of such cat or dog shall have had said dog or cat properly vaccinated for rabies.
Any person who owns or possesses a dog or cat in the Town of Clinton shall, upon request of any authorized agent of the Board of Health, any police officer or any agent of a holding facility authorized by the Town of Clinton to hold stray animals, produce the current certification for said dog or cat establishing that said cat or dog has been properly vaccinated for rabies.
Any person who owns or possesses a cat or dog in the Town of Clinton without having had said cat or dog properly vaccinated for rabies shall be subject to a fine of not more than $1,000 per day for each day that such person or persons owns or possesses a cat or dog within the Town of Clinton without having had said dog or cat properly vaccinated for rabies. Each cat or dog that is possessed or owned within the Town of Clinton by said owner or possessor which is not properly vaccinated for rabies shall constitute a separate violation under this article.