[Adopted 9-8-2008 by Ord. No. 8-02]
It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the business of operating an establishment where body art procedures are performed without first obtaining a license from the Borough of Franklin Lakes.
Body art establishments licenses shall be issued on an annual basis upon payment of an annual license fee of $500 and upon satisfactory compliance with the New Jersey Sanitary Code and regulations adopted thereunder.
Body art facility locations are subject to septic system inspection by the Health Department. Evidence of a failing or malfunctioning septic system would be cause for the immediate closure of said facility until the violation is abated to the satisfaction of the Health Department.
Body art facility locations are subject to testing for water quality. Evidence of a failing of water quality would be cause for the immediate closure of said facility until the violation is abated to the satisfaction of the Health Department.
Medical waste generated at a body art facility shall be stored and disposed properly and according to state regulation.
Any violation of the provisions of this article or the New Jersey Sanitary Code and regulations adopted thereunder shall be grounds for enforcement action by the Borough of Franklin Lakes. Such penalty action may include a summons being issued in the municipal court, or suspension, revocation or nonrenewal of the body art establishment license issued by the Borough of Franklin Lakes.
Any person violating any provision of the article shall, upon conviction thereof, pay a penalty. Said penalty shall include a fine of no more than $1,000 for each offense, unless otherwise provided by law. Each day that the violation exists is considered to be a separate offense.