[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Grand Chute at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II). Amendments noted where applicable.]
Fires and fire prevention — See Ch. 291.
Hazardous substances — See Ch. 310.
General supervision. The Chief shall have the responsibility of overall supervision of the Department and personnel assigned to the Department. The Chief shall be responsible for all activities within the Department, as well as the personnel, Department budget and general efficiency of the Department, and shall report directly to the Town Administrator on all matters that do not conflict with Wisconsin Administrative Code and statutes or federal regulations and laws. The Chief shall perform such other duties as are usually incumbent upon the commanding officer of a Fire Department and as are detailed in the job description for this position.
It shall be the duty of the Fire Chief to:
Direct the operation of the Fire Department subject to the rules and regulations which may be adopted by the Town Board or the Board of Police and Fire Commissioners.
Issue and enforce such orders as in his judgment may be best for the protection of property and the extinguishing of fires.
Enforce all ordinances, rules and regulations of the Town of Grand Chute governing the Fire Department.
Report the condition of the Fire Department at the end of each year and make further reports when ordered to do so by the Town Board or the Board of Police and Fire Commissioners.
Report to the Board of Police and Fire Commissioners any member of the Fire Department who may have disobeyed his/her order or violated any of the laws or rules governing the Department.
Keep a record and report to the Board of Police and Fire Commissioners on the employment status of any members of the Fire Department.
Submit an annual departmental report to the Town Board not later than March 31 of each year.
The Chief shall have all of the authority and responsibility for command at all fire-fighting, rescue, and emergency medical incidents and other incidents that the Department may respond to where life and/or property is threatened within the Town. The Chief shall plan the control of the same, direct the actions of the Department and/or mutual/automatic aid personnel and other agencies which may be called to assist, assure that the Department performs the duties required, and grant leaves and/or release personnel and equipment from the scene of the emergency when appropriate. In the absence of the Chief, the next highest ranking officer or, in the absence of an officer, the most senior member of the Department shall be in charge and shall have the same authority and responsibility at incidents as the Chief.
The Chief shall maintain the Department, personnel and equipment in a constant state of readiness in anticipation of an emergency response. The Chief shall keep the Town Board and Administrator apprised of the Department's readiness and report deficiencies in the Department's ability to provide service.