[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Salem as Ch. XVI, Sec. 16:09, of the 1975 Municipal Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The following terms used herein shall be taken and construed to mean as follows:
Includes natural person, partnership and corporation.
Any automobile, taxicab or other vehicle propelled by motor power engaged in the business of the transportation of passengers for hire or pay within the City of Salem.
Words used in the singular number shall include the plural; and words used in the plural number shall include the singular.
The licensing, regulating and inspecting of taxicabs, examining applicants for licenses who own and operate such taxicabs, the licensing of drivers as hereinafter provided and the enforcement of the provisions of this chapter shall be under the control of the Council.
No person shall hire out, keep or use for hire or pay or cause to be kept or used for hire or pay any taxicab without first having obtained a license for that purpose from the Council for each and every taxicab. Such license shall be known as a "taxicab license." It shall be identified by a suitable number and shall be issued for a particular taxicab. The number of such licenses outstanding shall not exceed nine at any time.
Every person obtaining a taxicab license must be at least 21 years of age and a citizen of the United States. If a corporation, such corporation must be organized and existing under the laws of the State of New Jersey and shall maintain an office in the City of Salem.
No license shall be issued until said taxicab has been thoroughly inspected and found to be in a safe condition for the transportation of passengers and of good appearance, and there must be submitted, with the application for such license, a certificate from the Police Department of the City of Salem that said taxicab is in a clean and sanitary condition.
All applications for taxicab licenses shall be in writing, in duplicate, and shall contain the full name and address of the owner; the serial number, type, color, age and make of the taxicab; the number of persons it is to carry; and the names and addresses of two responsible property owners of the City of Salem as references. Any and every change of address of the owner shall be reported in writing to the City Clerk within three days after such change, and the City Clerk shall immediately report such change of address to the Chief of Police.
All applications shall be filed with the City Clerk, who shall submit said applications to the Council at the next succeeding meeting for action, and any or all applications may be granted or refused by the vote of the members of said body present at such meeting.
No taxicab licensed under this chapter shall be maintained or operated on the streets of the City of Salem except by a driver licensed by the Council and known as a "licensed taxicab driver." Any and every change of address of the driver as mentioned in this chapter shall be reported in writing to the Police Chief within three days after such change.
The driver of every such taxicab shall at all times when the same is in public carry a license bearing the inscription "The City of Salem, License Number ___" (inserting the driver's license number), which license shall be furnished by the City Clerk.
Every applicant for a driver's license shall, in addition to the requirements herein provided and of any law of this state, prove to the satisfaction of the Police Chief or his agent that he is over the age of 21 years; that he is in good health, with good eyesight and not addicted to the use of intoxicating liquors; that he is able to read and write the English language; that he is of good character; that he has never been convicted of a high misdemeanor and has not been convicted of any other inevitable offense or of reckless driving within one year previous to his application; and that he has knowledge of the State Motor Vehicle Department's traffic regulations and ordinances and geography of the city. He must furnish with the application for a driver's license, a recent photograph of himself, of a size not less than one and one-fourth (11/4) inches in length, which shall be filed with the application, and names and addresses of two responsible property owners of Salem as references. Such applicant for a driver's license under this chapter shall be fingerprinted by the Police Department. Every license so issued may be revoked upon conviction of two violations of the state motor vehicle statutes.
No such taxicab shall be permitted to park in the City of Salem except at such places of the public streets as may hereafter be approved by the resolution of Council.
No such licensed taxicab while waiting employment by passengers shall stand on any public street or place other than at or upon the designated public taxicab stand, nor shall any driver seek employment by repeatedly and persistently driving to and fro on a short space before or by otherwise interfering with the proper and ordinary access to or egress from any railroad station, theater, hotel, restaurant or any other public place, without stops other than those due to obstructions or traffic, and at a rate of speed that will not interfere with or impede traffic.
There shall also be affixed in every taxicab, in such manner that the same can be conveniently read by any person therein, a card at least three inches in height by five inches in length, containing the name of the owner, the license number of the vehicle and year of issue.
No taxicab shall be licensed until a policy of insurance shall have been filed with the City Recorder as provided for taxicabs and autocabs pursuant to the provisions of the N.J.S.A. 48:16-1 through 48:16-22, inclusive, together with any amendments or supplements adopted or hereinafter adopted relative thereto.
Insurance coverage shall be a minimum of $1,000,000 to $3,000,000 personal liability and $1,000,000 property damage. The license shall be operative only so long as the insurance policy shall remain in force to the full and collectible amounts as aforesaid.[1]
[Amended 10-16-1995 as Ord. No. 95-15]
Editor's Note: Original Section 16:09(n), Side curtains and shades, which immediately followed this section, was deleted 10-16-1995 as Ord. No. 95-15.
[Amended 10-16-1995 as Ord. No. 95-15]
The fees for the issuance of the licenses herein referred to shall be as follows:
For each taxicab license: the sum of $500 prorated by month.
For each taxicab driver's license: the sum of $25.
All licenses to be issued under the provisions of this chapter shall be issued in the name of the city and under the hand of the City Clerk, and all licenses issued hereunder shall expire January 1 next succeeding the date thereof, unless sooner suspended or revoked.
Any licenses may be revoked or suspended at any time for cause upon the recommendation of the Clerk of the City of Salem or the Police Chief.
No taxicab that is not licensed by the City of Salem in accordance with the provisions of this chapter shall pick up any passengers within the city limits of the City of Salem.
[Amended 10-16-1995 as Ord. No. 95-15; 7-20-2020 by Ord. No. 20-06]
Any person violating this chapter shall, upon conviction, be subject to a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $2,000; or imprisonment in the county jail for a term not exceeding 90 days or by a period of community service not exceeding 90 days. Any person who is convicted of violating this chapter within one year of the date of a previous violation of the same chapter and who was fined for the previous violation, shall be sentenced by a court to an additional fine as a repeat offender. The additional fine imposed by a court upon a person for a repeated offense shall not be less than the minimum or exceed the maximum fine fixed for a violation of the chapter, but shall be calculated separately from the fine imposed for the violation of the chapter.