[Adopted 8-10-1971 by L.L. No. 5-1971 as Art. II of Ch. 98 of the 1971 Code]
The offer of dedication shall be in writing in accordance with § 144 of Village Law, setting forth the formal description of the street offered, the name of the owner of the title thereto and the improvements that have been made so as to show compliance with this article, the provisions of § 144 of the Village Law and other applicable provisions of law or regulations.
Requirements for new streets not laid out or upon which less than 1/3 of lots thereon have now been sold shall be as follows:
The street shall be laid out and deed offered for 40 feet of width.
The street shall be graded with a satisfactory base and a level road surface of not less than 18 feet in width, and the remaining width shall have removed therefrom all large boulders, trees and ledge above surface, except as may be declared by the Village Board as acceptable.
The level, graded road surface of not less than 18 feet in width shall be treated as follows: A properly graded subbase shall first be constructed. On this base there shall be placed 2 1/2 inches of one-and-one-half-inch stone, graded and rolled. There shall next be applied thereon road tar No. 8 or equal at an application of not less than 0.5 of a gallon per square yard. This application of road tar shall be covered with three-fourths-inch stone and properly rolled. To this covering there shall be applied road tar No. 8 at an application of not less than 0.25 of a gallon per square yard. This application of road tar shall be covered with three-eighths-inch stone and properly rolled. The above road surface must be at least 18 feet in width with a two-inch crown.
Suitable drainage shall be provided so as to adequately drain off surface waters or streams in a manner acceptable to the Village Board or the Superintendent of Public Works if such inspection is delegated to such official, and all such drainage pipes shall be not less than eighteen-inch diameter.
Water mains of not less than six inches diameter shall be installed in said streets.
On dead-end streets, area adequate for turning cars shall be provided at the dead end of streets.
All water and sewer connections shall be made at the expense of the customers pursuant to regulations adopted at a meeting of December 10, 1953.
There shall be provided in all streets so tendered a sewage main constructed under the supervision of and in accordance with the requirements of the duly authorized officials of the Village of Highland Falls, of adequate size, properly installed, so as to provide adequate sewage drainage from all of the dwellings contemplated to be erected on lots facing said streets, which lines shall be connected to existing sewage facilities, except as provided in the next succeeding subsection.
In any area of the Village where sewage disposal facilities are not available for connection with such sewage main required to be placed in such street, proof shall be furnished by percolation test and other reasonable requirements made by the Village or through its representatives that lots on said street offered for acceptance are of sufficient size and the land in the vicinity is of proper condition that dwellings or buildings erected thereon may be adequately served with sewage disposal systems thereon, including septic tanks constructed in accordance with applicable ordinances or regulations of the Village.
Requirements for streets now in existence upon which a majority of all lots are owned by others than the original developer shall be as follows:
The streets shall be laid out and deed offered for at least 33 feet in width.
Streets shall be graded with a satisfactory base and a level road surface of not less than 18 feet in width.
The level, graded road surface of not less than 18 feet in width shall be treated with at least one coat of oil and crushed stone so as to conform to treatment given other Village streets.
The street shall be adequately drained so as to dispose of surface waters and streams.
All water and sewer connections shall be made at the expense of the customer pursuant to regulations adopted at a meeting of December 10, 1953.