[Adopted 6-11-2002 by Ord. No. 02-01]
The caption of and recitals to this article as set forth above are incorporated herein by reference.[1]
Editor's Note: The captions and recitals of original Ord. No. 02-01 are on file in the Borough office.
This municipality agrees that Conoy Township, East Donegal Township, Elizabethtown Borough, Marietta Borough, Mount Joy Township, and West Donegal Township shall join with each other in accordance with the Pennsylvania Intergovernmental Cooperation Act[1] by entering into the intermunicipal agreement which is adopted by reference with the same effect as if it had been set out verbatim in this section, and a copy of which shall be filed with the minutes of the meeting at which this article was enacted.
Editor's Note: See 53 Pa.C.S.A. § 2301 et seq.
This municipality is authorized to enter into the intermunicipal agreement for the purposes contained therein. This action is to be taken by the officials or employees of the municipality designated for this purpose, pursuant to general or specific instructions issued by the governing body.
As required by the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act the following matters are specifically found and determined:
The conditions of the agreement are set forth in the intermunicipal agreement referred to in § 24-16.
The intermunicipal agreement shall commence on July 1, 2002, and shall continue for a period of five years. Thereafter, the intermunicipal agreement shall be terminable by either party at any time upon written notification to the other party of the party's election to terminate the intermunicipal agreement. Such termination shall become effective 90 days after the date of such written notice by the party electing to terminate the intermunicipal agreement.
The purposes and objectives of the intermunicipal agreement are to provide for the formation of the Donegal-Elizabethtown Area Appeals Board (the "Appeals Board") to serve as a joint building code board of appeals for all participating municipalities, and to join together to lessen the costs of individual administration of the Uniform Construction Code within each municipality.
Each municipality shall bear the costs related to the administration and enforcement of the Uniform Construction Code within that municipality. Each municipality will establish a fee structure so that applicants for permits or inspections or persons filing appeals shall pay the costs associated with the administration and enforcement of the Uniform Construction Code.
A new organizational structure, the Appeals Board, will be formed by the intermunicipal agreement. The membership of the Appeals Board is established in Act 45[1] and in the regulations which the Department will adopt to implement Act 45. The manner of making appointments to the Appeals Board is set forth in the intermunicipal agreement.
Editor's Note: See 35 P.S. § 7210.101 et seq.
The intermunicipal agreement does not contemplate the purchase of any real or personal property. Each municipality shall acquire, manage or dispose of such personal property as it desires and deems necessary to administer the Uniform Construction Code.
Each municipality has the power to enter into contracts for policies of insurance or other employee benefits.