[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the City of Harrington as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Fences — See Ch. 196, Art. I.
Zoning — See Ch. 440.
[Adopted 2-18-1997 by Ord. No. 97-01]
Manufactured home sales, storage and display may take place in the City of Harrington, provided that:
The use is located on a lot of at least one acre of land.
All manufactured home model units set up for sales display have front steps in place.
All manufactured home model units set up for sales display must be set on frame blocks.
All areas used for storage must be zoned for storage.
All stored units must be in usable condition.
The storage area shall be separated from the display area by a continuous visual screen with a minimum height of eight feet. Such screening, consisting of a compact evergreen hedge or foliage screening or louvered fence or wall, shall be used. The entire area shall be similarly screened from a contiguous residential district or area. No on-site manufactured home storage shall take place on the sales lot premises, excluding model units set up for sales display.