The inhabitants of the Town of Wells, within the limits as now established or as hereafter established in the manner provided by law, shall continue to be a body politic and corporate by the name of the Town of Wells, and shall have, exercise and enjoy all the rights, immunities, powers, privileges and franchises and shall be subject to all the duties, liabilities and obligations provided for herein, or otherwise, pertaining to or incumbent upon said Town as a municipal corporation or to the inhabitants or municipal authorities thereof; and may enact reasonable bylaws, regulations and ordinances for municipal purposes, not inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of the State of Maine, and impose penalties for the breach thereof, to be recovered for such uses as said bylaws, regulations or ordinances shall provide.
The powers of the Town under this Charter shall be construed liberally in favor of the Town so as to enable the Town to exercise any power or function, which has been granted to the Town by law or this Charter, and which is not denied expressly or by clear implication.
The Town may exercise any of its powers or perform any of its functions and may participate in the financing thereof, jointly or in cooperation, by contract or otherwise, with any one or more municipalities, states or civil divisions or agencies thereof, or the United States or any agency thereof.