[Amended 2-17-1998; 4-27-2007; 1-17-2017]
The Wells Budget Committee, appointed by the
Board of Selectmen, shall consist of seven members and three alternate
members, all of whom shall be Wells residents. Members and alternates
shall be appointed for terms of three years.
[Amended 4-27-2007]
Any new member of the Budget Committee shall
be appointed by the Board of Selectmen from the alternates. Vacancies
which occur among the alternate members shall be advertised in local
newspapers and shall be filled by appointment of the Board of Selectmen.
Budget Committee members shall serve without
The Budget Committee will work with the Board
of Selectmen and Town Manager in discussing financial articles to
be included in the warrant to be presented to the voters. The Budget
Committee report shall include a summary of expenses, by department,
for informational purposes (i.e., salaries, operating expenses, capital
outlay and total expenses). The format and data should be arranged
in a manner to be compatible with the Town computer's capability.
Prior to the printing of the Budget Committee
report, the Budget Committee will meet with the Board of Selectmen
and Town Manager to determine which revenue sources and amounts will
be applied to which accounts. Figures will be verified at this time,
and the warrant will be checked, article by article, for errors, omissions
and completeness.