The following regulations shall apply to all R-4 Districts.
The purpose of this article is to allow the construction and development of small one-family residential homes and townhouses. These regulations are intended to allow for development and redevelopment in areas that are currently characterized by lots less than 15,000 square feet in size.
Lots in the R-4 district must be serviced by municipal water. It is recommended that said lots be serviced by municipal sanitary sewer; however, the town may allow for development on conventional septic systems on a case by case basis.
The following uses are permitted as of right in the R-4 District:
Small one-family residences with a maximum of three bedrooms and 2,000 square feet of habitable space.
The following special uses may be permitted or denied subject to special use review under Article XIX of this chapter:
Disturbance on a wetland or watercourse area of any class or in a wetland or watercourse buffer area as defined in this chapter.
Accessory uses and structures in the R-4 District shall be limited to the following and shall not be subject to Chapter 270, § 270-138C:
Private garages with not more than two stalls for the storage or parking of private automobiles with a maximum area of 600 square feet.
Private swimming pools, tennis courts and other private recreational facilities for the use of residents and not run for gain.
Accessory parking and loading.
Accessory buildings for lawn care, gardening or property maintenance with a maximum area of 200 square feet.
Dish antennas for television/internet reception.
The maximum building height shall be 35 feet.
All lots shall be serviced by municipal water.
On-site septic systems shall comply with Appendix 75-A, Wastewater Treatment Standards - Individual Household Systems [statutory authority: Public Health Law § 201(1)], §§ 75-A.1 through 75-A.8. Systems designed using §§ 75-A.9 through 75-A.11 shall be prohibited.
Lot area and width.
Single-family residential uses:
Lot area.
Not less than 8,000 square feet for two-bedroom dwelling unit.
Not less than 9,000 square feet for three bedroom dwelling unit.
Lot width of not less than 65 feet per dwelling unit.
Townhouse uses:
Lot area.
Not less than 5,000 square feet for two bedroom dwelling unit.
Not less than 6,000 square feet for three bedroom dwelling unit.
Lot width of not less than 25 feet per dwelling unit.
Lot coverage shall not exceed 50%.
Front yard depth shall be 20 feet.
Side yard width shall be not less than 10 feet except along the shared common wall which shall have a zero-foot setback. A minimum side yard setback of 20 feet is required between townhouse building groups.
Rear yard depth shall be not less than 20 feet.
Single-family residential dwelling. There shall be a minimum of one garage space and a sufficient paved on-site driveway space to accommodate a minimum of two automobiles on each lot.
Townhouse. There shall be a minimum of one garage space and access for a minimum of two automobile-parking spaces per dwelling unit.
Additional off-street parking requirements applicable in the R-4 District are set forth in § 270-149 and Table 1, "Off-Street Parking Requirements, of this chapter.[1]
Editor's Note: Table 1 is included at the end of this chapter.
Townhouses shall be constructed with one unit per subdivided lot, with each dwelling unit being attached to the adjacent unit.
Townhouses shall have separate sewer and water laterals and shall have separate utility services for all other utility hookups.
Development of a zero-lot-line dwelling shall occur only on a lot that has been specifically platted in accordance with the provisions of the Town of Rotterdam Subdivision Ordinance[1] to accommodate such a use.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 249, Subdivision of Land.
A perpetual easement with a minimum width of four feet shall be provided on the adjacent lot for the maintenance of the wall of the dwelling with the zero lot line. This required easement shall be in favor of the lot on which a zero lot line is planned at or near the boundary to which this easement is adjacent. This required easement shall extend along the entire length of the side boundary to which the easement is adjacent.
No doors, windows, air-conditioning units, utility meters, electric panel boxes or openings of any kind shall be allowed on the wall of a dwelling or accessory building that lies on a zero-lot line.
Required easements shall be shown on the final plat. If required easements are not shown on the final plat of lots for zero-lot-line homes, then such easements shall be created by means of a replat or other separate legal instrument filed with the Schenectady County Clerk's office, before permits for building are granted by the Town.
In no case shall the owner of any zero-lot-line dwelling be granted an easement on the adjoining property for the use or enjoyment of any portion of that property, except for a four-foot maintenance easement in Subsection D above.
Wall assemblies separating dwelling units from each other shall have a sound transmission class (STC) of not less than 60 for airborne noise when tested in accordance with ASTM E 90. This requirement shall not apply to dwelling-unit-entrance doors; however, such doors shall be tight fitting to the frame and sill.
In particular circumstances, there may be a desire to modify the roadway-width standards in developments in the Small One-Family and Townhouse Residential District. Upon recommendation from the Highway Superintendent and Town Engineer or Town Designated Engineer, the Planning Board my grant a waiver to the required roadway-width standards with the following findings of fact:
The roadway being constructed shall not allow for on-street parking.
There shall be a minimum of one garage space and a sufficient paved on-site driveway space to accommodate a minimum of two automobiles on each lot.
The roadway shall have sufficient width to accommodate emergency vehicles and have sufficient turnaround area.
The roadway shall service no more than 20 dwelling units.