[Adopted 8-17-1961, approved 8-17-1961[1]]
Editor's Note: This article was adopted and approved 8-17-1961 as part of Ord. No. C-1, which ordinance adopted the prior codification of the Borough of Lititz.
There shall be an office of Building Inspector.
On the first Monday after January 1 in even-numbered years, the Borough Council shall appoint, by a majority vote of the members present, a properly qualified person to serve as Building Inspector for a term of two years or until his successor shall be duly appointed. He may be suspended or removed for cause by the Council, but only after full opportunity has been given him to be heard on specific charges.
No person shall be eligible for appointment as Building Inspector who cannot furnish evidence satisfactory to the Council that he is generally informed on the quality and strength of building materials and on the prevailing methods of building construction.
[Amended 3-31-1992 by Ord. No. C-343, approved 3-31-1992]
It shall be the duty of the Building Inspector, and he is hereby given the power and authority, to serve as the code official and enforce the provisions of Chapter 36, Building Construction, Chapter 50, Electrical Standards, and Chapter 89, Plumbing. It shall also be the duty of the Building Inspector, and he is hereby given the power and authority, to enforce the provisions of Chapter 69, Housing Maintenance and Occupancy, and to enforce other borough ordinances as directed by the Borough Council. For the purpose of enforcing compliance with the law, remedying or removing illegal or unsafe conditions, securing the necessary safeguards during construction or requiring adequate exit facilities in existing buildings or structures, he shall issue such notices or orders as may be necessary.
Subject to recall at any time by Council, the powers and duties of the Building Inspector shall include the following:
The Building Inspector shall receive and examine all applications and accompanying plans and specifications required by the provisions of Chapter 36, Building Construction, Chapter 50, Electrical Standards, Chapter 89, Plumbing, or any other ordinance enacted by the Borough Council which shall require submission of an application to the Building Inspector. He shall approve such applications as are in conformity with the requirements of the ordinance which requires submission of plans to the Building Inspector and shall issue permits therefor. He shall disapprove such applications as are not in conformity with the provisions of such ordinance and refuse to issue permits therefor until such applications have been modified to conform to all applicable standards and regulations.
[Amended 3-31-1992 by Ord. No. C-343, approved 3-31-1992]
The Building Inspector shall receive and examine all applications for certificates of occupancy and issue such certificates where approved.
The Building Inspector shall inspect, at least once a year, all buildings other than single-family dwellings to determine any changes in classification or occupancy or construction, to remedy illegal or unsafe conditions or to require adequate exit facilities.
The Building Inspector shall make necessary inspections to see that the provisions of law are complied with and that construction is prosecuted safely.
The Building Inspector shall keep careful and comprehensive records of applications, of permits and certificates issued, of inspections made, of reports rendered and of notices or orders issued. He shall retain on file copies of all papers and plans in connection with building permits for a period of not less than five years from the date of the issuance of the permit. All such records shall be kept on file at the office of the Council. They shall be open to inspection during regular office hours but shall not be removed from the office of the Council.
The Building Inspector shall make a report to the Council once each month, or more often if requested. Such report shall include statements of permits and certificates issued and orders promulgated.
The Building Inspector shall recommend to the Borough Council any special rules or regulations that shall, in his opinion, be necessary to define or carry out the intent and purpose of any portion of this Article.
For the purpose of securing for the public the benefits of new developments in the building industry and yet ensuring public safety, the Building Inspector may make, or cause to be made, investigations or may accept duly authenticated reports from reliable sources of new materials or modes of construction and recommend to the Borough Council rules or regulations setting forth the conditions under which such materials or modes of construction may be used.
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 36, Building Construction; Ch. 69, Housing Maintenance and Occupancy; and Ch. 122, Zoning, Art. XIII.
The Building Inspector, in the discharge of his duties, shall have authority to enter any building, structure or premises at any reasonable hour.
Rules necessary to define or carry out the intent or purpose of this Article or to set forth conditions under which new materials or methods of construction may be used may be recommended from time to time by the Building Inspector to the Borough Council and shall become effective upon approval by Council.
Rules adopted as herein provided shall have the same force and effect as provisions of this Article.
Any rule may be amended or repealed by the same procedure provided for the adoption of new rules.
[Amended 3-31-1992 by Ord. No. C-343, approved 3-31-1992]
All appeals from decisions of the Building Inspector shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the ordinance which authorizes the Building Inspector to render the decision from which an appeal is to be taken.