This chapter shall establish zoning regulations for the use of land and structures, area of lots, bulk of buildings and other structures, the density of population, the provision of off-street parking spaces and similar accessory regulations for the Township of Haverford, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, and for such purposes shall divide the Township into districts and, further, shall provide for administrative enforcement and amendment thereof in accordance with the provisions of the First Class Township Code and the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, Act 247, as amended, and shall repeal all ordinances in conflict herewith.[1]
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 55101 et seq. and 53 P.S. § 10101 et seq., respectively.
This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "Zoning Ordinance of the Township of Haverford, Delaware County, Pennsylvania."
The zoning regulations and districts set forth in this chapter are made in accordance with a comprehensive plan study by the Township of Haverford for the general welfare of the Township. The policy statement contained in the Comprehensive Plan provides the detailed goals and objectives of the Township. In summary, these objectives are intended to achieve, among others, the following purposes as stated in the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code:[1]
To promote, protect and facilitate one or more of the following: the public health, safety, morals, general welfare, coordinated and practical community development, proper density of population, civil defense, disaster evacuation, airports and national defense facilities, the provision of adequate light and air, police protection, vehicle parking and loading space, transportation, water, sewerage, schools, public grounds and other public requirements.
To prevent one or more of the following: overcrowding of land, blight, danger and congestion in travel and transportation, loss of health, life or property from fire, flood, panic or other dangers.
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10101 et seq.
Minimum and uniform regulations. The regulations set forth by this chapter within each district shall be minimum regulations and shall apply uniformly to each class or kind of structure or land.
New uses and structures. In all districts, after the effective date of this chapter, any new building or other structure or any tract of land shall be constructed, developed and used only in accordance with the regulations specified for each district.
Existing uses and structures. In all districts, after the effective date of this chapter, any existing building or other structure or any tract of land which is not in conformity with the regulations for the district in which it is located shall be deemed to be nonconforming and subject to the regulations of Article VIII.
Types of control. The following minimum and uniform regulations shall apply in the respective districts:
Use regulations, including uses by right, accessory uses and uses by special exception.
Area and bulk regulations, including required front, side and rear yard maximum permitted height and allowable building coverage requirements in those districts in which they apply.
Off-street parking regulations, including minimum required parking spaces.
Off-street loading regulations, including minimum required loading berths for specified uses.
Sign regulations including the types permitted, size, lighting and location.
Special regulations dealing with open space, landscaping, access and traffic control.
For the purposes of this Zoning Ordinance. Haverford Township is hereby divided into the following districts:
Low-Density Residential District
Low-Density Residential District
[Added 7-10-1978 by Ord. No. 1709]
Low-Density Residential District
Low- to Medium-Density Residential District
Low- to Medium-Density Residential District
Low- to Medium-Density Residential District
Medium-Density Residential District
Townhouse District
Garden Apartment District
Medium- and High-Rise Apartment District
Office District
Office-Residential District
Light Industrial District
[Added 12-8-1975 by Ord. No. 1623]
Limited Commercial District
Neighborhood Commercial District
General Commercial District
Highway Commercial District
Shopping Center Commercial District
Office-Laboratory District
Institutional District
Outdoor Recreation and Open Space District
[Added 10-14-1975 by Ord. No. 1616]
Floodplain Conservation District
[Added 10-14-1975 by Ord. No. 1616]
Lot sizes. Any lot, as well as the open spaces reserved on it, must equal or exceed the minimum sizes prescribed by this chapter for the district in which the lot is located.
Adoption of Zoning Map. The areas within the Township limits as assigned to each district and the location of boundaries of the districts established by this chapter are shown upon the Zoning Map, which, together with all explanatory matter thereon, is declared to be a part of this chapter and shall be kept on file with the Township Manager. If and whenever changes are made in boundaries or other matter included on said Zoning Map, such changes in the map shall be made within five days after the amendment has been approved by the Township Board of Commissioners.
District boundary lines. The boundaries between districts are, unless otherwise indicated, either the center lines of streets, alleys or railroad rights-of-way or such lines extended or lines parallel or perpendicular thereto. Where figures are shown on the Zoning Map between a street and a district boundary line, they indicate that the district boundary line runs parallel to the street line at a distance therefrom equivalent to the number of feet so indicated. In instances where a district boundary line is a property or Township boundary line, the distances shown will be those measured from the property line to the nearest identifiable landmark, such as a street or railroad, located at each end of the property line. In these cases, the boundary line is coincidental with the property line existing at the time this chapter is adopted. Boundaries indicated as approximately following property or Township boundary lines shall be construed as following such lot lines. Distances not specifically indicated on the official Zoning Map shall be determined by the scale of the map. Where the street or property layout existing on the ground is at variance with that shown on the official Zoning Map or in any other case of doubt or disagreement concerning the exact location of the boundary line, the determination of the Zoning Hearing Board shall prevail.
Boundary tolerances. Where a district boundary line divides a lot held in single and separate ownership at the effective date of this chapter, the use regulations applicable to the less restricted district shall extend over the portion of the lot in the more restricted district a distance of not more than 25 feet.
Language interpretations. For the purpose of this chapter, certain words shall have the meaning assigned to them as follows:
Words used in the present tense include the future. The singular number includes the plural and the plural the singular.
The word "building" includes "structure" and any part thereof.
The phrase "used for" includes "arranged for," "designed for," "intended for," "maintained for" or "occupied for."
The word "person" includes an individual, corporation, partnership, incorporated association or any other similar entity.
The words "includes" or " including" shall not limit the term to the specified examples, but is intended to extend their meaning to all other instances of like kind and character.
The words "shall" and "will" are mandatory and not discretionary, and the word "may" is permissive.
Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings given in this section as follows:
A subordinate building which does not exceed 50% of the area of the principal building, the use of which is customarily incidental to that of the principal building on the same lot.
[Amended 1-9-1996 by Ord. No. 2237]
A use conducted on the same lot as and subordinate to a principal use to which it is related, which use is clearly incidental to and customarily found in connection with a particular principal use.
That use devoted to activities of the type which are prescribed and regulated by 18 Pa.C.S.A. § 5903, as amended.
[Added 8-8-1994 by Ord. No. 2208]
See "sign."
A minor way which may or may not be legally dedicated and is used primarily for vehicular service access to the rear or side of properties abutting on a street.
An alteration including but not limited to the following:
Any incidental change or replacement in the nonstructural parts of a building or other structure.
Any minor change or replacement in the structural parts of a building or other structure, limited to the following examples and others of a similar character or extent:
Alteration of interior partitions to improve livability in nonconforming residential buildings, provided that no additional dwelling units are created thereby.
Alteration of interior partitions in all other types of buildings or other structures.
Making openings for windows or doors in exterior walls.
Strengthening the load-bearing capacity in not more than 10% of the total floor area to permit the accommodation of a specialized unit of machinery or equipment.
See "multiple-family dwelling."
See "building coverage."
The use of any building or land area for the display and retail sales of new or used automobiles, trucks and/or vans including customary service, washing and repair facilities within an enclosed building conducted as an accessory use; excluding any automobile body repair shop, stand-alone car wash or painting facility.
[Amended 6-9-2008 by Ord. No. 2543]
A story partially underground, but having 1/2 or more of its height, measured from floor to ceiling, above the average level of the adjoining ground. A "basement" shall be counted as a story for the purpose of height measurement or of determining square footage only if the vertical distance between the ceiling and the average level of the adjoining ground is more than four feet or if it is used for business or dwelling purposes.
A freestanding, off-site advertising sign.
[Added 6-9-2015 by Ord. No. 2753]
A tract of land bounded by streets, public park areas, railroad rights-of-way, excluding siding and spurs, and the corporate boundary lines of the Township.
A strip of required yard space adjacent to the boundary of a property or district, not less in width than is designated in this chapter, which is landscaped for the full width and on which is placed a high- and low-level screen of sufficient density and height to constitute an effective screen and give maximum protection and immediate visual screening to an abutting property or district. The required screen shall be permanently maintained and shall constitute a planting of dense evergreens or a compact evergreen hedge or, where otherwise specifically designated in this chapter, an appropriate wall, fence, suitable planting or combination thereof. The high-level screen shall consist of evergreen trees or equal, planted with specimens having an initial height of not less than five feet and planted at intervals of not more than 10 feet on centers. The low-level screen shall consist of evergreen shrubs or equal, planted at an initial height of not less than two feet and spaced at intervals of not more than five feet on centers. The low-level screen shall be placed in alternating rows to produce a more effective barrier. Where existing vegetation forms an effective screen in whole or in part, the Planning Commission may recommend to the Board of Commissioners that it accept the existing screen in fulfillment of the requirements of this section, or it may require supplemental plantings to effectively complete the screen.
[Amended 9-24-1984 by Ord. No. 1906]
A structure or appendage to a structure which is permanently affixed to the land, has one or more floors or stories and is bounded by either lot lines or yards. A building may accommodate more than one family and have more than one dwelling unit and may be used for residential, commercial, industrial, public or semipublic purposes in accordance with the requirements of this chapter.
The aggregate of the maximum horizontal cross-section areas of all buildings on a lot, including sun parlors, foyers, porches and breezeways and excluding only such projections as are permitted in the required yards in § 182-712.
See "height of building."
The line parallel to the street line at a distance therefrom equal to the depth of the front yard required for the district in which the lot is located or any line which establishes the minimum depth of the required front yard as measured from the street line. The face of no building shall project closer to a street line than the building line, except for projections as permitted in § 182-712.
The term used to describe the size of buildings or other structures and their relationship to each other, to open areas such as yards and to lot lines, and including the size, height and floor area of buildings or other structures; the relationship of the number of dwelling units in a residential building to the area of the lot, usually called "density"; and all open areas in yard space relating to buildings and other structures.
A duly organized school giving instruction in business or vocational trade subjects.
A structure used for the purposes of cleaning or reconditioning the exterior and interior surfaces of automotive vehicles, but not including an incidental one-bay washing facility in a gasoline service station where washing facilities are purely incidental to the operation of said service station. A self-service vehicular laundering facility not requiring attendants or employees, regardless of capacity, is also considered to be a "car wash establishment."
See "basement."
Land used or intended to be used for the burial of the deceased, including columbariums, crematories, mausoleums and mortuaries when operated in conjunction with a cemetery and within the boundaries of such cemetery.
A statement signed by a duly authorized Township officer setting forth that a building, structure or use legally complies with the Zoning Ordinance and other applicable codes and regulations and that the same may be used for the purposes stated therein.
A building used for public worship by a congregation, excluding buildings used exclusively for residential, educational, recreational or other uses not normally associated with worship.
A facility operated principally by a nonprofit entity and used as a community center and for community-based activities, that includes, but is not limited to, facilities for community meetings, gatherings and conferences, child-care facilities, gymnasiums, exercise facilities, swimming pool, locker rooms, tracks, playing fields for various sports, recreational facilities and such other accessory facilities and uses as are normal and customary for a community center.
[Added 12-13-2010 by Ord. No. 2612]
[Added 5-14-2018 by Ord. No. 2838]
Any combustible or explosive composition or any substance or combination of substances which is intended to produce visible or audible effects by combustion, is suitable for use by the public, complies with the construction, performance, composition and labeling requirements promulgated by the Consumer Products Safety Commission in 16 CFR (relating to commercial practices) or any successor regulation and complies with the provisions for "consumer fireworks" as defined by the American Pyrotechnics Association, APA Standard 87-1 (hereinafter referred to as "APA 87-1") or any successor standard, subject to the licensure by the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture for the sale thereof.
This term does not include devices such as "ground and hand-held sparkling devices," "novelties" or "toy caps" in APA 87-1 or any successor standard.
A planned residential development intended for individuals or couples in which at least one occupant is 60 years of age or older. The "continuing-care facility for the elderly" shall be distinguished from other forms of residential development by the fact that it shall provide skilled nursing care for residents as an integral part of the development. The skilled nursing facility shall provide one bed for not more than 25% and not less than 10% of the number of permitted dwelling units. The development may also provide facilities for the personal care of residents within the overall density limits established herein, common dining by residents and such other accessory uses as are provided by § 182-725.
[Added 9-24-1984 by Ord. No. 1906]
A mini food market designed to attract and serve a large volume of stop-and-go traffic, specializing in fast sales of bread, dairy, and luncheon meats, as well as both made-to-order and ready-to-consume sandwiches, meals and beverages intended for consumption off the premises, and providing a limited supply of grocery store stock as a convenience to its patrons, with less than 10% of its retail floor area or display area dedicated to, or which maintains 20% or less of its total merchandise, whether on display or in stock, for, products containing tobacco, tobacco paraphernalia, Delta-8 THC (or Delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol) products, kratom, ingestible CBD/cannabidiol products, and/or electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS), ENDS-related products and/or any materials that can be used in electronic nicotine delivery systems. A store exceeding this 10% requirement shall be considered a significant tobacco retailer. No game of skill machines shall be permitted within the same premises as a convenience store.
[Added 1-9-1996 by Ord. No. 2237; amended 4-8-2024 by Ord. No. 2997-2024]
See "lot, corner."
A private club operated for profit, maintaining and operating, but not limited to, a regulation golf course and associated recreational activities, with specified limitations upon the number of members, and for the exclusive use of members and their guests.
See "building coverage."
[Added 10-11-1994 by Ord. No. 2212]
The care and/or supervision of three or more persons under the age of 16, which persons are not related by blood or marriage to the residents and/or occupants of the dwelling.
The care and/or supervision and/or instruction given to three or more persons under the age of six at a nonresidential facility. Notwithstanding any of the provisions of this Code, a license from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Public Welfare, is required for all "day care" provided at a nonresidential facility.
The maximum number of dwelling units per net acre, excluding streets and common open space dedicated to the Township.
A retail establishment or portion thereof which, by design of construction, is intended to serve consumers in a motor vehicle without said consumers leaving their vehicles. Said definition shall apply to all retail and service establishments, including restaurants and banks. "Drive-through commercial establishments" are considered a separate use under the terms of this chapter and shall be permitted only in those districts where they are specifically authorized.
[Added 6-25-1979 by Ord. No. 1748]
See "multiple-family dwelling."
See "single-family detached dwelling" and "single-family semidetached dwelling."
One or more living or sleeping rooms, together with separate cooking and sanitary facilities, which are accessible from the outdoors either directly or through an entrance hall shared with other dwelling units and used or intended to be used by a family as defined in this section; provided, however, that in the case of a continuing-care facility for the elderly, each personal care bed shall be considered as a "dwelling unit."
[Amended 9-24-1984 by Ord. No. 1906]
Any liquid that contains vegetable glycerin, propylene glycol, nicotine, water, and possibly flavoring that can be used in Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS) devices. E-liquids can also be referred to as "vape" or "vape juice."
[Added 4-8-2024 by Ord. No. 2997-2024]
[Added 4-8-2024 by Ord. No. 2997-2024]
An electronic oral device, such as one composed of a heating element and battery or electronic circuit, or both, which provides a vapor of nicotine or any other substance and the use or inhalation of which simulates smoking.
The term includes any electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) device, notwithstanding whether the device is manufactured, distributed, marketed or sold as an e-cigarette, e-cigar and e-pipe or under any other product, name or description.
Any device designed or used to transform an e-liquid (that may contain nicotine) into an aerosol that the user inhales. ENDS can also be referred to as "vapes," "vaporizers," "vape pens," "hookah pens," "electronic cigarettes," "e-cigarettes," "e-cigs," and "e-pipes."
[Added 4-8-2024 by Ord. No. 2997-2024]
The greatest number of persons to be employed in the building in question during any season of the year and at any time of the day or night.
An addition to the floor area of an existing building, an increase in the size of another structure or an increase in that portion of a tract of land occupied by an existing use.
A single person occupying a dwelling unit and maintaining a household; two or more persons related by blood, marriage or adoption occupying a dwelling unit, living together and maintaining a common household, including no more than one boarder, roomer or lodger; or not more than three unrelated persons occupying a dwelling unit, living together and maintaining a common household (group quarters).
An outdoor retail market established to provide the seasonal sales of produce, plants or herbs, eggs, meats, dairy, honey and other similar products sold directly from the grower, harvester or producer of the said products, and certain prepared foods goods or beverages including wine that are produced by the seller for the sale to the general public. A farmers’ market may include sellers of handcrafted items if such sellers do not exceed 10% of the total number of farmers' market vendors.
[Added 6-10-2013 by Ord. No. 2690]
A structure or barricade of wood, stone, metal, plastic or other synthetic material, erected for the purpose of enclosing or bordering a piece of land, used to shield, confine or prevent entrance to a property; a wall as well as a structure of posts and boards, palings and pickets, rails, lattice or wire.
[Added 1-9-1996 by Ord. No. 2237; amended 11-14-2016 by Ord. No. 2786]
A consumer fireworks building, trailer, semitrailer, metal shipping container or magazine meeting the specifications of the National Fire Protection Association's American National Standard, NFPA 1124: Code for the Manufacture, Transportation, and Storage of Fireworks and Pyrotechnic Articles (hereinafter referred to as "NFPA 1124").
[Added 5-14-2018 by Ord. No. 2838]
A structure, other than a permanent facility with fixed utility connections, which is in use or in place for a period of 20 consecutive calendar days or less and is dedicated to the storage and sale of consumer fireworks and related items. The term includes temporary retail sales stands, tents, canopies and membrane structures meeting the specifications of NFPA 1124. The term shall not include a facility that is not licensed to sell consumer fireworks under this chapter.
[Added 5-14-2018 by Ord. No. 2838]
The sum of the gross area of the several floors of a building or buildings measured from the face of exterior walls or from center lines of walls separating two buildings. In particular, "floor area" includes but is not limited to the following:
Basement space if it meets the requirements of a building story. See also "basement."
Elevator shaft, stairwell and attic space, whether or not a floor has been laid, providing structural headroom of eight feet or more.
The floor areas of roofed terraces, exterior balconies, breezeways or porches where over 50% of the perimeter is enclosed.
Any floor space used for dwelling purposes no matter where it may be located within a building.
The floor areas of accessory buildings, excluding space used for accessory off-street parking or used for loading berths.
Any other floor space not specifically excluded, excluding space used for air-conditioning machinery or cooling towers and similar mechanical equipment serving the building.
A sign and supporting structure which is secured in the ground and independent of any building, fence or other support. For the purpose of this definition, "freestanding signs" may consist of the following:
[Added 6-9-2015 by Ord. No. 2753]
A monument sign as defined herein.
A sign which is detached from a building and supported by no more than two poles or other structural supports which are architecturally dissimilar to the design of the sign.
See "yard, front."
A gaming machine, apparatus, or device that resembles and often functions like casino slot machines, in that a player inserts money, tokens or a card for the chance to win more money, credits or a similar benefit, but where the outcome is determined mainly by mental or physical skill, rather than chance.
[Added 4-8-2024 by Ord. No. 2997-2024]
A garage accessory to a principal building shared by common property owners which is used for automobile storage purposes only and in which no business, service or industry, whether connected directly or indirectly with motor vehicles, is conducted.
A garage accessory to a principal building, used for automobile storage purposes only and in which no business, service or industry, whether connected directly or indirectly with motor vehicles, is conducted, provided that no private garage shall be used for the housing or storage of other than passenger vehicles.
A garage, not a private or community garage, used for the storage, repair or servicing of motor vehicles of any type or ownership, but not including an automobile-wrecking establishment.
A group of multiple-family dwellings, not more than three stories in height, having common open spaces and designed in accordance with the special requirements of this chapter.
A lot or area of land, together with any structure thereon, used for the retail sale of motor fuel and lubricants; incidental services such as lubrication and hand washing of motor vehicles; and the sale, installation or minor repair of tires, batteries or other automobile accessories.
An open area and its necessary buildings used for the playing of golf, not including a driving range, miniature golf course or eating facilities in a separate building operated for additional profit.
A permanent device which is intended to be used for the purpose of securing a mobile home to the ground. The "ground anchor" shall be capable of resisting all design loads specified in this chapter, and all portions exposed to weathering shall have a resistance to weather deterioration at least equivalent to that provided by a coating of zinc on steel of not less than 0.625 ounces per square foot on each side coated, as determined by ASTM A90-69. "Ground anchors" shall be designed to prevent self-disconnection with no end hooks used.
[Added 9-12-1983 by Ord. No. 1877]
The vertical distance measured from the average elevation of the proposed finished grades at the front of a building to the highest point of the roof for flat roofs, to the deck line of mansard roofs and to the mean height between the eaves and the ridge for gable, hip and gambrel roofs, provided that chimneys, spires, towers, mechanical penthouses, tanks and similar projections of the building not intended for human occupancy shall not be included in calculating the height. If there are two or more separate roofs on a single building, the height of such building shall be calculated from the highest roof.
[Amended 2-21-2006 by Ord. No. 2449]
A multiple-family dwelling or a group or complex of such buildings on a lot, each such building six stories or more in height, with elevator service, having common open spaces and designed in accordance with the special requirements of this chapter.
A use customarily carried on within a dwelling by the inhabitants thereof, which use is incidental and subordinate to the use of the dwelling for living purposes and does not change the character thereof or involve the use of mechanical equipment other than that customarily used for purely domestic or hobby purposes.
[Amended 1-9-1996 by Ord. No. 2237]
Any establishment that is devoted to, marketed as, or designed for, whether as its primary use or as an accessory use, the on-premises use of smoking through a water pipe with a smoke chamber, a bowl, a pipe and a hose, commonly referred to as a "hookah," and also known as narghile, argileh, shisha, hubble-bubble and/or goza, or any similar device used for on-premises smoking. The term "hookah bar" includes, but is not limited to, establishments variously known as hookah parlors, hookah cafes, and hookah lounges. A hookah bar shall be considered a significant tobacco retailer.
[Added 4-8-2024 by Ord. No. 2997-2024]
An institution providing health services primarily for inpatient medical or surgical care of the sick or injured and including related facilities such as laboratories, outpatient departments, training facilities, central service facilities and staff offices which are an integral part of the institution.
A structure designed or converted for the care and treatment of sick or wounded domestic animals.
See "motel, hotel."
A surface which does not absorb rainwater, including but not limited to all buildings, parking areas, driveways, roads, sidewalks and any areas in concrete or asphalt. In addition, other areas determined by the Township Engineer to be impervious shall also be classified as "impervious surfaces."
[Added 12-13-1993 by Ord. No. 2189]
A measure of the intensity of use of a parcel of land. The "impervious surface ratio" shall be measured by dividing the total area of all impervious surfaces within a site by the net site area.
[Added 12-13-1993 by Ord. No. 2189]
That portion of a lot, excluding areas set aside or used for buildings, parking, loading and streets, which is devoted to recreational uses and/or play areas with appropriate recreational equipment, park furniture and landscape plantings.
An establishment containing an indoor premises or place of business that primarily or substantially offers indoor recreational and/or amusement activities, including, without limitation, movie and live theaters, bowling alleys, sports fields or playing courts, video arcades, billiards, playground equipment, laser tag, go-carts, golf game simulators, mini-golf, ax/knife throwing, virtual reality experiences, trampolines, batting cages, or similar indoor facilities. Devices and facilities used solely for retail sales product testing or demonstrations, playgrounds used accessory to an eating/drinking establishment, and private sports clubs or gyms that require at least monthly memberships to participate shall not be considered indoor recreation or amusement facilities.
[Added 4-8-2024 by Ord. No. 2997-2024]
An area of land, with or without buildings, used for the storage, outside a completely enclosed building, of used and discarded materials, including but not limited to wastepaper, rags, metal, building materials, house furnishings, machinery, vehicles or parts thereof, with or without the dismantling, processing, salvage, sale or other use or disposition of the same. The deposit or storage on a lot of two or more unlicensed, wrecked or disabled vehicles or the major part thereof shall be deemed to be a "junkyard."
Dedicated paved accommodation off the street for loading and unloading in the building or outside a building on the same lot within 50 feet of the use being served.
[Amended 9-13-2010 by Ord. No. 2604]
A tract or parcel of land held in single or separate ownership which is or may be occupied by a building or, where authorized, a group of buildings, including the open spaces required under this chapter.
Shall not include any part of the lot lying within the right-of-way lines of a street, road or highway or the narrow portion of a panhandle lot which serves primarily as access from a public street, road or highway to the portion of the lot on which buildings can be erected in conformity with yard and area requirements.
[Added 10-14-1975 by Ord. No. 1616]
A lot bounded on at least two sides by streets whenever the lines of such streets extended form an interior angle of 135° or less.
The distance between the front and rear lot lines of a lot measured along the median between the two side lot lines.
The street line or the line separating the lot from the street right-of-way.
Any lot line, except a front lot line, which is parallel to or within 45° of being parallel to and does not intersect any street line. In the case of a corner lot, see the definition of "yard, rear."
Any lot line which is not a front lot line or a rear lot line. In the case of a corner lot, see the definition of "yard, side."
The horizontal distance between the side lot lines measured at right angles to the lot depth at the building line.
Any machine, apparatus, or device which, upon the insertion of a ticket, coin, slug, token, plate, card, disk or key into any slot, crevice or other opening, or by the payment of any price, may be operated or used as a game, entertainment or amusement, whether or not registering a score and whether or not a prize or redeemable tickets or points are offered. It shall include, without limitation, such devices as game of skill machines, skill games, marble machines, pinball machines, skill ball, skee ball, mechanical grab or claw machines, mechanical or video bowling machines, electronic dart boards, golf simulator games, photoelectric or video shooting games or target machines, electronic video games, air-hockey tables, football games or other ball, disk, or bag throwing, rolling, or kicking games, riding or driving games or devices, virtual reality games, and all other games, operations, or transactions similar thereto under whatever name they may be designated or described. It shall not include devices or machines which dispense candy or merchandise unrelated to playing a game or Pennsylvania Lottery kiosks or devices. No mechanical amusement device shall be permitted within the same premises as a significant tobacco retailer.
[Added 4-8-2024 by Ord. No. 2997-2024]
A building constructed as a professional building for the offices of three or more medical practitioners.
Marijuana for certified medical use as legally permitted by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the provisions of Act 16 of 2016.
[Added 6-12-2017 by Ord. No. 2810]
Act 16 of 2016, 35 P.S. § 10231.101 et seq.
[Added 6-12-2017 by Ord. No. 2810]
A person, including a natural person, corporation, partnership, association, trust or other entity, or any combination thereof, which is registered by the Department of Health of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania under the Medical Marijuana Act to dispense medical marijuana. The term does not include a health care medical marijuana organization under Chapter 19 of the Medical Marijuana Act.
[Added 6-12-2017 by Ord. No. 2810]
A person, including a natural person, corporation, partnership, association, trust or other entity, or any combination thereof, which is registered by the Department of Health of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania under the Medical Marijuana Act to grow and process medical marijuana. The term does not include a health care medical marijuana organization under Chapter 19 of the Medical Marijuana Act.
[Added 6-12-2017 by Ord. No. 2810]
A multiple-family dwelling, each such building being over three but not more than five stories in height, with elevator service, and having common open spaces and designed in accordance with the special requirements of this chapter.
A transportable, single-family detached dwelling intended for permanent occupancy, contained in one unit, or in two or more units designed to be joined into one integral unit, which arrives at a site complete and ready for occupancy except for minor and incidental unpacking and assembly operations, and which is installed upon a mobile home lot. This term shall also apply to manufactured housing.
[Added 9-12-1983 by Ord. No. 1877]
The improvement of one or more contiguous tracts of land for the purpose of creating two or more mobile home lots which have been planned and improved for the placement of mobile homes for nontransient use, regardless of the form of ownership of the land.
[Added 9-12-1983 by Ord. No. 1877]
A parcel of land in a mobile home land development, improved with the necessary utility connections and other appurtenances necessary for the erection thereon of a single mobile home.
[Added 9-12-1983 by Ord. No. 1877]
A building or a group of buildings having units containing sleeping accommodations which are available for temporary, rental occupancy by transients and providing sufficient off-street parking facilities adjacent or convenient thereto. A tourist home containing provisions or facilities for accommodation of more than two transient occupants not normally quartered on the premises shall be considered as a "motel" or "hotel" facility under the provisions of this chapter.
A building used or designed as a residence for three or more families living independently of each other and doing their own cooking therein, including apartment buildings, apartment hotels, flats and group houses.
A building or structure manifestly not designed to comply with the applicable use provisions of this chapter or any amendment heretofore or hereafter enacted or which does not comply with the area and bulk requirements of this chapter or any amendment thereto where such building or structure lawfully existed prior to the enactment of this chapter or amendment.
Any lawful lot which does not conform to one or more of the applicable area regulations of the district in which it is located either on the effective date of this chapter or as a result of a subsequent amendment thereto.
A use, whether of land or of a structure, which does not comply with the applicable use provisions of this chapter or any amendment heretofore or hereafter enacted where such use was lawfully in existence prior to the enactment of this chapter or amendment.
A facility which provides daytime care and instruction to a number of persons between the ages of two and six years and operates on a regular or seasonal basis. Notwithstanding any provisions of this Code, a license from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Public Welfare, is required for all nursery school, days school or kindergarten facilities.
[Amended 10-11-1994 by Ord. No. 2212][2]
Any use, possession or tenancy of a property, including a subuse or tenant or portion of real estate not a part of the principal occupancy of a specific property.
[Added 1-9-1996 by Ord. No. 2237]
A person having possessory rights who has control over activities at a specific property, including a legal owner or tenant or real estate.
[Added 1-9-1996 by Ord. No. 2237]
That portion of a lot excluding areas set aside or used for building, parking, loading and streets. Land devoted to recreational purposes, including land for swimming pools, tennis courts and similar recreational uses, shall be considered open space or area for the purpose of this definition.
Outdoor dining area accessory to a restaurant as provided for in the use provisions of a zoning district.
[Added 4-8-2013 by Ord. No. 2681]
A tract or parcel of land in which the majority of the lot is remote from any public street and in which access to a public street is provided by a narrow strip of land which, at any point, is less in width than 80% of the street frontage required in its respective district.
[Added 10-14-1975 by Ord. No. 1616]
A paved accommodation for the parking of a motor vehicle on a lot provided for restricted use in connection with a particular business or private enterprise or as an adjunct to a housing development or private residence, whether cooperatively established and operated or not. Such parking spaces may consist of parking lots, private garages or, where permitted, other structures and accessories and may be surface facilities or facilities above or under the ground.
[Amended 10-14-1975 by Ord. No. 1616]
A portion of land paved with a weatherproof surface for parking space, driveways or streets. In the computation of such, the area covered by buildings shall be excluded.
Any premises in which food, shelter and personal assistance or supervision are provided for a period exceeding 24 consecutive hours for more than two adults who are not relatives of the operator and who require assistance or supervision in such matters as dressing, bathing, diet or medication prescribed for self-administration, but do not require hospitalization or care in a skilled nursing facility.
[Added 9-24-1984 by Ord. No. 1906]
A premises operated by a legal entity holding a certificate of compliance document issued by the Pennsylvania Department of Welfare (license) permitting the operation of a personal care home (PCH), at the location of said premises, according to appropriate Pennsylvania Department of Welfare program licensure or approval regulations, in which dwelling units, food and personal assistance or supervision are provided for aged adults who do not require the services in or of a Pennsylvania Department of Health licensed long-term care facility, but who do, because of their advanced age, require assistance or supervision in matters such as dressing, bathing, diet, financial management, evacuation of a residence in the event of an emergency or medication prescribed for self-administration.
[Added 8-11-1997 by Ord. No. 2277]
PORTABLE STORAGE UNIT (hereinafter referred to as "PSUs")
Any container, storage unit, shed-like container or other portable structure which is leased or rented that can or is used for the temporary storage of personal property of any kind and which is located for such purposes outside an enclosed building exclusive of an accessory building or shed complying with all building codes and land use requirements.
[Added 11-12-2013 by Ord. No. 2702]
A building or use which is the main building or use on a lot as distinguished from a building or buildings relating to an accessory, incidental or subordinate use or the main or primary purpose for which land, a building, a structure or the use thereof is designed, arranged or intended. All buildings, structures, signs or uses on the same lot and incidental or supplementary thereto and permitted in accordance with this chapter shall be considered accessory uses.
See "garage, private."
The office of a physician, dentist, psychiatrist, psychologist, attorney or similar member of a recognized profession, who customarily has offices in the dwelling in which such person resides, but not including an office such as a real estate office, insurance office or other office permitted only in commercial districts.
[Amended 1-9-1996 by Ord. No. 2237]
A formal meeting held pursuant to the provisions of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, as amended.[3]
[Added 1-9-1996 by Ord. No. 2237]
See "yard, rear."
A private or public space, including essential buildings and structures, used for play and recreational space for individuals.
Any place or premises used for the sale, dispensing or serving of food, refreshments or beverages whose design, method of operation or any portion of whose business includes the delivery of the food or beverage directly to the customer to consume the food or beverage within a motor vehicle parked on the subject property.
[Added 5-9-1977 by Ord. No. 1665]
Any place or premises used for the sale, dispensing or serving of food, refreshments or beverages whose design, method of operation or any portion of whose business involves the serving of the food or beverage in disposable or edible containers and in which food or beverage is not normally delivered to the customer's table by an employee of the restaurant.
[Added 5-9-1977 by Ord. No. 1665]
Any place or premises used for the sale, dispensing or serving of food, refreshments or beverages where the customer is normally involved with an individual menu and served the food or beverage by a restaurant employee at the table or counter at which said items are consumed, or a cafeteria-style operation where a variety of foods or beverages are visually displayed in nondisposable containers and where the customer selects the specific items he desires and takes them to a table or counter within the cafeteria to consume them.
[Added 5-9-1977 by Ord. No. 1665]
Any place or premises used for the sale, dispensing or serving of food, refreshments or beverages in a ready-to-consume state whose principal business, as determined by the Zoning Officer, is the delivery of said food or beverage to the customer in disposable or edible containers for consumption at a site other than that occupied by the take-out restaurant.
[Added 5-9-1977 by Ord. No. 1665]
The sale of a product or service to the ultimate consumer and not for resale.
Walls that prevent downslope movement or erosion and provide support for vertical or near-vertical grade changes.
[Added 10-9-2007 by Ord. No. 2512]
The total extent of land reserved or dedicated as a street or alley for public or private purpose.
[Added 11-14-2016 by Ord. No. 2786]
The required front yard or distance between the street line and a building.
See "yard, side."
Any name, nameplate, billboard, poster, panel, display, illustration, structure or device used for visual communication which is affixed, painted or represented, directly or indirectly, upon a building or other outdoor surface for the purpose of bringing the subject thereof to the attention of the public or advertising a business, commodity, service or product or for identifying a business structure or use of land
[Amended 11-14-1977 by Ord. No. 1679]
SIGN, OFF-SITE ADVERTISINGA sign which directs attention to, a business, commodity, service or entertainment which is conducted, sold or offered elsewhere than upon the property on which the sign is located. "An off-site advertising sign" shall include a billboard.
[Amended 6-9-2015 by Ord. No. 2753]
SIGN, BUSINESSAn accessory sign which directs attention to a business, profession, industry or similar activity conducted upon the property on which the sign is located.
ANIMATED SIGNA sign or any device designed to attract attention by visual means through the movement or semblance of movement by mechanical, electrical or natural means.
BANNERA graphic or sign which has its letters or design applied to cloth, canvas or other flexible material which is durable and weather-resistant.
DIRECTIONAL SIGNSAn informational sign indicating entry or exit, loading or service area, fire lanes, parking, no trespassing or a similar sign incidental to the primary use and not itself advertising or naming that use except as required by law.
ERECTION OF SIGNTo install, construct, place. relocate, enlarge substantially, alter, attach, suspend, paint, post or display a sign. Normal maintenance and repair, including refinishing of conforming signs, is not included in this definition.
FACADE AREA OF FIRST FLOORThe area of one side of a building or portion of a building from the curb level to the bottom edge of any second-story window or the upper edge of a roof or parapet line.
ITEM OF INFORMATIONA word; abbreviation; initial; number or group of numbers up to seven in a row, including a telephone number; a trademark; logo; symbol; illustration; or distinct shape or element. A legal or fictitious name shall count as one "item of information." Letters of less than four inches in height, lettering within a logo and exempted signs do not count as "items of information."
ILLUMINATION OF SIGN, DIRECTA sign which is designed to give forth artificial light directly or through transparent or translucent material from a source of light within or upon said sign.
[Amended 6-9-2015 by Ord. No. 2753]
ILLUMINATION OF SIGN, INDIRECTA sign which is designed to be illuminated by artificial light from a source adjacent to outside of the sign in such a manner that the source of light is not directly visible from the street or any other intended vantage point of the sign.
NAMEPLATE SIGNA sign indicating only the name and/or profession and address of a person or persons residing on the premises or legally occupying the premises.
OFFICIAL SIGNA sign erected by the state, county, Township or other legally constituted governmental body.
PERMANENT SIGNA sign which is constructed of durable, weather-resistant material and which is intended to be displayed for a long period of time, normally at least one year in duration.
ELECTION/POLITICAL SIGNA sign which indicates the name, cause or affiliation of a person seeking public office or on which reference is made to an issue for which a public election or referendum is scheduled to be held.
[Amended 1-12-2009 by Ord. No. 2556]
PROJECTING SIGNA sign mounted to a wall or other vertical building surface, other than a wall sign, which projects more than eight inches from the wall or surface to which it is mounted. Included are signs on canopies and marquees.
ROOF SIGNA sign erected on above or projecting above the eave, roof or parapet of any building.
SIGN, AREA OFThe face of a sign, including all lettering, wording, designs and symbols, together with background, whether open or enclosed, on which they are displayed, but not including any supporting framework and bracing incidental to the display itself. Where a sign consists of individual letters, numbers, characters or symbols attached to a building wall, window or door, the area of the signs shall be considered that of the smallest rectangle or other regular geometric shape which encompasses all of the letters and symbols. When a double-faced sign is erected in such a manner that both sides are not visible from the same vantage point, then only one face shall be used to compute the sign area. In the case of three- or-more-faced signs, only one side shall be excluded from the calculation of the sign area.
SIGNABLE AREAA rectangular continuous area on the facade of a building which is not interrupted by architectural detail or opening such as trim, cornice, doors or windows.
SIDEWALK, SANDWICH BOARD OR A-FRAME SIGNA movable sign which is not secured or attached permanently to the ground.
SUPER GRAPHICThe application of paint, acrylic or other material directly onto a permanent wail in such a manner as to create a mural or an aesthetic design which will enhance the urban landscape. A "super graphic" does not contain any items of information.
TEMPORARY SIGNA sign constructed of paper, cloth, canvas or other lightweight material intended to be displayed for a short period of time, normally less than 30 days or a sign designed for the placement of removable letters and symbols which announce events of short duration.
TIME-AND-TEMPERATURE SIGNSA sign or portion of a sign whose sole purpose is to indicate the time and/or temperature.
VEHICLE SIGNA sign affixed or painted on a vehicle or trailer and parked at a specific location for a period of four or more days so that its primary purpose is as a sign.
WALL SIGNA sign posted on, painted on, suspended from or otherwise affixed to a wall or vertical surface of a building which does not project more than eight inches from the wall or vertical surface to which it is attached.
WINDOW SIGNA sign attached or affixed to a window or door.
A freestanding sign constructed so that the maximum height from mean grade measured at points 10 feet from the face of the sign to the highest area of the sign face does not exceed four feet.
[Added 6-9-2015 by Ord. No. 2753]
Any of the following establishments:
[Added 4-8-2024 by Ord. No. 2997-2024]
Any retailer or wholesale establishment that devotes 10% or more of floor area or display area to, or maintains 20% or more of its total merchandise, whether on display or in stock, for, tobacco products, vape products, Delta-8 THC (or Delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol), kratom, ingestible CBD/cannabidiol products, electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS), and/or ENDS-related products and/or any materials that can be used in electronic nicotine delivery systems;
Any retailer or wholesale establishment that holds itself out as, or otherwise promotes or markets itself as, a tobacco store, a smoke shop, a vape shop, a cigar shop or a similar establishment selling tobacco products and/or vape products or predominantly advertises tobacco products or vape products on its storefront or website;
A hookah bar, regardless of whether tobacco products or vape products are sold from the premises.
A building designed for and occupied exclusively as a residence for only one family, having no party wall in common with an adjacent building and having yard areas on all four sides.
A building designed for and occupied exclusively as a residence for only one family, having one side and one rear party wall in common with an adjacent building and having yard area on the one remaining side and the front.
[Added 5-9-1977 by Ord. No. 1665]
A building designed for and occupied exclusively as a residence for only one family, having one party wall in common with an adjacent building and having yard areas on three sides.
Any premises in which nursing care and related medical and other health services are provided for a period exceeding 24 hours for two or more individuals who are not relatives of the operator and not in need of hospitalization but who, because of age, illness, disease, injury, convalescence or physical or mental infirmity, need such care.
[Added 9-24-1984 by Ord. No. 1906]
Any device, structure or electronics that:
[Added 3-12-2012 by Ord. No. 2657]
Converts solar energy into electrical energy;
Heats water; or
Produces hot air; or
Performs a similar function, through the use of solar panels.
A device containing one or more receptive cells equal to or greater than two square feet, the purpose of which is to convert solar energy into electrical or thermal energy.
[Added 3-12-2012 by Ord. No. 2657]
Special permission granted only by the Zoning Hearing Board in accordance with the provisions of § 182-1002C in any case where specific provision is made therefor by the terms of this chapter.
A device used as a temporary measure to direct attention to a business or other activity, including but not limited to: a string of lights, a search light, hot air balloon or other device, but not including a sign, which due to the nature of the device cannot be measured to determine compliance with the provisions of § 182-701.
[Added 1-9-1996 by Ord. No. 2237]
Development permitted pursuant to § 182-721 of this chapter.
[Added 7-24-2006 by Ord. No. 2471]
That portion of a building, other than the basement, except as indicated in the definition of "basement" within this section, included between the surface of any floor and the surface of the floor next above it or, if there is no floor above it, the portion included between the floor and the ceiling next above it.
A right-of-way or portion thereof publicly or privately owned, serving as a means of vehicular and pedestrian travel, furnishing access to abutting properties and space for public utilities and improved to the satisfaction of the Township. The term "street" shall include an existing state, county or public street, road, highway or way or any street shown on an approved final subdivision plan or on the Official Map of Haverford Township.
A line which is at an equal distance from both street or right-of-way lines.
The width or measurement of a lot, within the lot area, at the street line. Unless otherwise stated, no more than one street frontage shall be required for each lot.
[Amended 10-14-1975 by Ord. No. 1616]
The line dividing a lot from a public street, the street right-of-way or front lot line.
Any change in the supporting members of a building, such as bearing walls or partitions, columns, beams or girders, or any substantial change in the roof or in the exterior walls, except for a minor alteration as defined in this section.
Anything constructed or erected with a fixed location on the ground or attached to something having a fixed location on the ground.
A living arrangement for a number of students unrelated by blood, marriage or legal adoption attending or planning to attend either undergraduate or graduate programs at colleges or universities or who are on a semester or summer break from studies at colleges or universities or any combination of such persons. The residents of a "student home" share living expenses and may live and cook as a single housekeeping unit but may also only share access to cooking facilities and not live and cook as a single housekeeping unit. "Student homes" shall not include fraternities or sororities which are nationally recognized and/or chartered and which preexisted passage of this chapter. Furthermore, this chapter does not apply to property owned and operated by an accredited educational institution.
[Added 12-11-1989 by Ord. No. 2064]
A private club maintaining and operating a swimming pool and apparatus and equipment pertaining to such pool, with specified limitations upon the number of members and for the exclusive use of members and their guests.
A swimming pool and the apparatus and equipment pertaining to such pool maintained by an individual for the sole use of his household and guests without charge for admission and not for the purpose of profit or in connection with any business operated for profit and located on a lot as an accessory use to a residence.
The transmission, between or among points specified by the user, of information of the user's choosing, without change in the form or content of the information sent and received.
[Added 6-9-1997 by Ord. No. 2271]
Any provider of telecommunications services pursuant to the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
[Added 6-9-1997 by Ord. No. 2271]
Equipment, other than customer premises equipment used exclusively by said customer, used by a carrier to provide telecommunications services.
[Added 6-9-1997 by Ord. No. 2271]
The offering of telecommunications for a fee directly to the public, or to such classes of users as to be effectively available directly to the public regardless of the facilities used.
[Added 6-9-1997 by Ord. No. 2271]
A building and its equipment erected and used for purposes of facilitating transmission and exchange of telephone or radio-telephone messages between subscribers and other businesses of the telephone company.
[Added 1-9-1996 by Ord. No. 2237]
Any substance containing tobacco leaf or accessory items used with or for tobacco consumption, including, but not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, shisha, snuff, chewing tobacco, dipping tobacco, other noncombustible tobacco products, matches, lighters, grinders, hookahs, pipes, cigarette rolling machines or papers, ashtrays, pipe tools, pipe supplies and pipe accessories.
[Added 4-8-2024 by Ord. No. 2997-2024]
A structure or a group or complex of structures on a lot, containing not less than three nor more than eight one-family dwelling units in any one structure extending from basement to roof and attached in a series by approved masonry party or partition walls or a wall in the case of end units, which townhouse structure or development has common open spaces and is designed in accordance with the special requirements of this chapter.
One of the dwelling units in a townhouse structure.
A multiple-family dwelling, as defined herein, designed for occupancy as a residence for three families and having no party wall in common with an adjacent building and yard areas on all four sides.
[Added 12-8-2003 by Ord. No. 2400]
A building designed for and occupied exclusively as a residence for two families, with one family living wholly or partly over the other one and having no party wall in common with an adjacent building and yard areas on all four sides.
An institution for advanced education duly registered for this purpose with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Any purpose for which a building or other structure or a lot or tract of land may be designed, arranged, intended, maintained or occupied or any activity, occupation, business or operation carried on in a building or other structure on a lot or tract of land.
An area used for the storage and display of used automobiles advertised for sale.
Products containing nicotine and/or nicotine flavoring that are inhaled from a device designed for such purpose and/or products used to assist with the inhalation of nicotine, including, but not limited to, any device designed or used to transform an e-liquid (that may contain nicotine) into an aerosol that the user inhales, e-liquids, e-cigarettes, vape or e-cigarette cartridges or refills, vaporizers, vape pens, vapor products, hookah pens, electronic cigarettes, e-cigs, e-pipes, electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS), and/or ENDS-related products and/or any materials that can be used in ENDS. Vape products shall also be deemed a noncombustible tobacco product.
[Added 4-8-2024 by Ord. No. 2997-2024]
Special permission granted only by the Zoning Hearing Board to modify, waive or deviate from the exact provision of this chapter as applied to a specific property in accordance with the provisions of § 182-1002B of this chapter.
A lot or area of land, together with any structure(s) thereon, used for the retail sale of motor vehicle fuel. The building area of any enclosure associated with the vehicle fueling facility shall be limited to a floor area of 150 square feet. Fuel sales provided by a vehicle fueling facility shall not be offered in conjunction with the sale/rental of motor vehicles or parts, or maintenance, painting, repels, servicing, and/or washing of motor vehicles.
[Added 9-13-2010 by Ord. No. 2604]
An area of land in which one or more contiguous acres are mostly occupied or covered by mature trees. The area of the woodlands shall be measured from the dripline of the outer trees.
[Added 7-24-2006 by Ord. No. 2471]
The required open, unoccupied space on the same lot with a building or, where provided for in this chapter, a group or complex of buildings on a lot, which open space is unoccupied and unobstructed by any portion of a structure from the ground upward, except for projections permitted under § 182-712.
A yard extending the full width of the lot along the street line and not less in depth, measured from the street line to the building line, than the minimum required in each district. In the case of a corner lot, there shall be a front yard on each street on which the lot abuts.
A yard extending the full width of the lot along the rear lot line and not less in depth, measured from the rear lot line, than the minimum required in each district. In the case of a corner lot, the owner or developer may specify which yard shall be the rear yard at the time of application for a permit, taking into consideration the prevailing yard pattern where established.
A yard extending along the side lot line from the front yard to the rear yard and not less in width, measured from the side lot line, than the minimum required in each district. In the case of a corner lot, the owner or developer may specify which yard shall be the side yard at the time of application for a permit, taking into consideration the prevailing yard pattern where established.
Editor's Note: See also the definition of "sign."
Editor's Note: The former definition of “nursing or convalescent home, sanitorium,” which immediately followed, was repealed 9-24-1984 by Ord. No. 1906.
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10101 et seq.
Editor's Note: See also the definition of "signs."
Interpretation of regulations. The interpretation of the regulations of this chapter is intended, in addition to the provisions of §§ 182-103 and 182-105 to be such that whenever these requirements are at variance with any other lawfully adopted rules, regulations, ordinances, deed restrictions or covenants, as particularly refer to area and bulk regulations and impose higher standards, the most restrictive requirement shall govern.