In addition to the general goals listed in § 182-102 of this chapter, the districts established in these regulations are intended to achieve the following:
To provide sufficient space in appropriate locations for the types of commercial and service establishments believed to be appropriate in Haverford Township and anticipated in the Comprehensive Plan.
To protect commercial development against intrusive uses which are incompatible with it and against objectionable influences such as noise or glare and from hazards of fire.
To provide appropriate space for the requirements of present-day merchandising, including the provisions of off-street parking spaces and safe circulation of pedestrian and motor traffic in the district and in nearby areas.
To promote the most desirable use of land and an appropriate pattern of building development in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan, to strengthen the economic base of the Township, to protect the character of commercial areas and nearby districts, to conserve the value of land and buildings and to strengthen Township tax revenues.
Specific intent. It is the purpose of this section to make provision along certain major arterial routes for limited types of commercial development that complement each other and adjacent land uses.
Use regulations.
Uses by right. In any C-1 District, land, buildings or premises may be used or occupied by only one of the following:
[Amended 5-9-1977 by Ord. No. 1665; 12-13-1993 by Ord. No. 2189]
Any use permitted in an O-1 Office District, except that uses specified by § 182-302B(1)(d) and (f) must meet the area and bulk requirements for an O-1 District contained in § 182-302.
Standard restaurants, provided that there is a minimum lot size of 1.5 acres.
Any hotel, motel or inn on a lot not less than two acres.
Take-out restaurant.
[Added 4-8-2013 by Ord. No. 2681]
Accessory uses. Only the following accessory uses shall be permitted:
Accessory uses on the same lot with and customarily incidental to any of the above-permitted uses, including signs as permitted in § 182-701.
Solar energy equipment.
[Added 3-12-2012 by Ord. No. 2657]
Uses by special exception. The installation and/or construction of satellite dishes, earth station satellites and television satellites shall be permitted when authorized as a special exception.
[Added 9-30-1985 by Ord. No. 1934]
Area and bulk regulations. The following regulations shall be observed:
Lot size: 10,000 square feet minimum.
Street frontage: 100 feet minimum.
Building coverage: 20% maximum.
Front yard: 20 feet minimum.
Side yards: 15 feet aggregate total, with a seven-foot minimum each.
Rear yards: 15 feet minimum.
Height: 45 feet maximum or three stories.
Impervious surface ratio: 65% maximum.
[Added 12-13-1993 by Ord. No. 2189]
Conversion of dwelling to nonresidential use. The conversion of a dwelling to a nonresidential use shall be as required by § 182-709 of this chapter.
Off-street parking regulations. Off-street parking regulations shall be as required by § 182-707 of this chapter.
Off-street loading regulations. Off-street loading regulations shall be as required by § 182-708 of this chapter.
Performance and design standards. Performance and design standards shall be as required by §§ 182-717 and 182-718 of this chapter.
Specific intent. It is the purpose of this district to provide retail and service facilities which serve primarily the daily needs of the immediate surrounding neighborhood and to encourage attractive, compact retail commercial development in locations close to the residences served.
Use regulations.
Uses by right. In any C-2 District, land, buildings or premises may be used or occupied by only one of the following:
[Amended 10-14-1975 by Ord. No. 1616; 5-9-1977 by Ord. No. 1665; 12-13-1993 by Ord. No. 2189]
Any use permitted in an O-1 Office District, except that uses specified by § 182-302B(1)(d) and (f) must meet the area and bulk requirements for an O-1 District contained in § 182-302.
Convenience stores, but specifically excluding significant tobacco retailers.
[Amended 4-8-2024 by Ord. No. 2997-2024]
Standard restaurants, including outdoor dining, subject to the provisions of § 182-731.
[Amended 4-8-2013 by Ord. No. 2681]
Personal service establishments, including barber-, beautician and shoe repair shops.
Take-out restaurant.
[Added 4-8-2013 by Ord. No. 2681]
Accessory uses. Only the following accessory uses shall be permitted:
Accessory uses on the same lot with and customarily incidental to any of the above-permitted uses, which uses may include:
Storage within a completely enclosed building in conjunction with a permitted use.
Living accommodations or sleeping quarters for the proprietor of a store or business establishment or for a watchman or similar employee.
Signs as permitted in § 182-701.
Solar energy equipment.
[Added 3-12-2012 by Ord. No. 2657]
Uses by special exception.
[Amended 9-30-1985 by Ord. No. 1934]
Any use permitted in this section may exceed 10,000 square feet in floor area when authorized by the Zoning Hearing Board as a special exception after review by the Planning Commission.
The installation and/or construction of satellite dishes, earth station satellites and television satellites shall be permitted when authorized as a special exception.
Day-care facility, subject to the provisions of § 182-718 of this chapter.
[Added 10-11-1994 by Ord. No. 2212]
Area and bulk regulations. The following regulations shall be observed:
Lot size: 7,500 square feet minimum.
Street frontage: 50 feet minimum.
Building coverage: 20% maximum.
Front yard: 20 feet minimum.
Side yards: seven feet minimum each.
Rear yard: 15 feet minimum.
Height: 45 feet maximum or three stories.
Impervious surface ratio: 70% maximum.
[Added 12-13-1993 by Ord. No. 2189]
Conversion of dwelling to nonresidential use. The conversion of a dwelling to a nonresidential use shall be as required by § 182-709 of this chapter.
Off-street parking regulations. Off-street parking regulations shall be as required by § 182-707 of this chapter.
Off-street loading regulations. Off-street loading regulations shall be as required by § 182-708 of this chapter.
Performance and design standards. Performance and design standards shall be as required by §§ 182-717 and 182-718 of this chapter.
Specific intent. It is the purpose of this district to provide for the appropriate development of the Township's main and general business districts which are designed to offer Township-wide and regional services.
Use regulations.
Uses by right. In any C-3 District, land, buildings or premises shall be used by right for one or more of the following:
General merchandise stores, including department stores, five-and-ten variety stores, general merchandise discount stores, drug stores and sporting goods.
Apparel and accessory stores, including shoe stores, furriers and custom tailors.
Furniture, home furnishing and equipment establishments, including household appliance stores, hardware, paint and glass stores, radio and television stores and services.
Food stores, including supermarkets, bakeries and confectionary shops, where the production of baked goods is to be sold only at retail on the premises, and the sale of dairy products and meats.
Standard restaurants, including outdoor dining, subject to the provisions of § 182-731.
[Amended 10-14-1975 by Ord. No. 1616; 5-9-1977 by Ord. No. 1665; 4-8-2013 by Ord. No. 2681]
Gift shops, including camera, book, stationery, antique, musical supply, cosmetic, candy, flower, hobby, jewelry, leather and luggage shops.
[Amended 4-8-2024 by Ord. No. 2997-2024]
Offices for medical and other professions, real estate and insurance and banks, including branch banks, messenger or telegraph services and general business offices.
Business machine shops, sales and related services.
[Amended 10-14-1975 by Ord. No. 1616]
Personal service shops, including dry-cleaning, barber-, beautician, shoe repair, laundromat, tailor shops and related personal services.
Government offices serving the public, including a post office or other public or semipublic office.[1]
Editor's Note: Original Subsection No. 11, which permitted indoor recreational facilities and which immediately followed this subsection, was deleted 5-9-1977 by Ord. No. 1665.
Artists' and photographers' studios.
Motels, hotels or inns and related facilities such as a restaurant, meeting room, auditorium and swimming pool.
Telephone exchange buildings.[2]
Editor's Note: Original Subsection No. 16, which permitted newspapers publishing and job printing and which immediately followed this subsection, was deleted 10-14-1975 by Ord. No. 1616 and also by Ord. No. 5-9-1977.
Manufacture and sale of handcrafted articles.
[Added 10-14-1975 by Ord. No. 1616; amended 5-9-1977 by Ord. No. 1666]
Interior decorators.
[Added 10-14-1975 by Ord. No. 1616; amended 5-9-1977 by Ord. No. 1666]
Catering establishments.
Business schools, not including trade schools.
Governmental or utility uses or buildings as permitted in § 182-202B(1)(c).
Take-out restaurant.
[Added 4-8-2013 by Ord. No. 2681]
Fast-food restaurant, including outdoor dining.
[Added 4-8-2013 by Ord. No. 2681]
Accessory uses. Only the following accessory uses shall be permitted:
Accessory uses on the same lot with and customarily incidental to any of the above-permitted uses, including signs as permitted in § 182-701.
Solar energy equipment.
[Added 3-12-2012 by Ord. No. 2657]
Uses by special exception. The following uses shall be permitted as a special exception when authorized by the Zoning Hearing Board and after review by the Planning Commission as to conformance with the Comprehensive Plan:
Lodge halls for fraternal organizations and meeting places, public or private.
An apartment for one family in combination with a business use.
Fast-food restaurants with drive-in restaurant facilities and take-out restaurants with drive-in restaurant facilities, subject to the provisions of § 182-722.
[Added 5-9-1977 by Ord. No. 1665; amended 4-8-2013 by Ord. No. 2681]
Indoor recreational or amusement facilities, including theaters and bowling alleys, provided that said facility is supervised by an employee located on site at all times that said place of recreation or amusement is open for business.
[Added 5-9-1977 by Ord. No. 1665]
The installation and/or construction of satellite dishes, earth station satellites and television satellites.
[Added 9-30-1985 by Ord. No. 1934]
Area and bulk regulations. The following regulations shall be observed:
Lot size: 6,250 square feet minimum.
Street frontage: 50 feet minimum.
Building coverage: 25% maximum.
Front yard: 20 feet minimum.
Side yards: seven feet minimum each, for each building or group of attached buildings.
Rear yard: 15 feet minimum.
Height: 45 feet maximum or three stories.
Impervious surface ratio: 75% maximum.
[Added 12-13-1993 by Ord. No. 2189]
Conversion of dwelling to nonresidential use. The conversion of a dwelling to a nonresidential use shall be as required by § 182-709 of this chapter.
Off-street parking regulations. Off-street parking regulations shall be as required by § 182-707 of this chapter.
Off-street loading regulations. Off-street loading regulations shall be as required by § 182-708 of this chapter.
Performance and design standards. Performance and design standards shall be as required by §§ 182-717 and 182-718 of this chapter.
Specific intent. It is the purpose of this district to make appropriate provision for commercial activities which are basically oriented to automotive use and traffic. This includes heavier service-type businesses which ordinarily require major arterial locations and serve transient, as well as local, customers.
Use regulations.
[Amended 12-8-1975 by Ord. No. 1623; 5-9-1977 by Ord. No. 1665; 5-9-1977 by Ord. No. 1666; 6-25-1979 by Ord. No. 1748; 5-31-1983 by Ord. No. 1869; 9-30-1985 by Ord. No. 1934; 3-11-1996 by Ord. No. 2239]
Uses by right. In any C-4 District, land, building or premises shall be used by right for one or more of the following:
Any use permitted by right in a C-3 General Commercial District.
Gasoline service stations as defined in § 182-106B of this chapter and subject to the special requirements of Subsection D hereof.
Automobile sales agencies, including repair shops adjacent to and in connection therewith as defined in § 182-106B of this chapter.
Automobile repair shops.
Wholesale business establishments.
Office of a veterinarian, veterinary hospital and kennel, provided that buildings and runs are not within 150 feet of any lot zoned for residential use.
Dental and medical laboratories.
Beverage distributors.
Accessory uses. Only the following accessory uses shall be permitted:
Accessory uses on the same lot with and customarily incidental to any of the above-permitted uses, including signs as permitted in § 182-701.
Solar energy equipment.
[Added 3-12-2012 by Ord. No. 2657]
Uses by special exception. The following uses shall be permitted as a special exception when authorized by the Zoning Hearing Board and after review by the Planning Commission as to conformance with the Comprehensive Plan:
Outdoor places of amusement, recreation or assembly, not including drive-in theaters, on a lot not less than two acres in area, and provided that the following conditions have been met:
Such facility shall provide one off-street parking space for every four patrons permitted to enter the facility, in addition to those required for employees as defined in § 182-707B.
A planted visual barrier of at least 50 feet in width shall be provided along a side or rear property line which is adjacent to a residential district.
The applicant/operator of such place of amusement, recreation or assembly shall fully comply with all provisions of §§ 182-717 and 182-718 this chapter, excluding planted visual barrier provisions.
Express, trucking or hauling stations, provided that all off-street parking and buffering requirements have been met.
Trailer or truck sale agencies.
Used car lots.
Car wash establishments as defined in § 182-106B of this chapter and subject to the special regulations of Subsection E hereof.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection B(3)(f), regarding fast-food, drive-in or take-out restaurants, was repealed 4-8-2013 by Ord. No. 2681.
Indoor recreational or amusement facilities, including theaters and bowling alleys, provided that said facilities are supervised by an employee located on the site at all times that said places of recreation or amusement are open for business, and further provided that all off-street parking provisions of § 182-707B have been met.
Drive-through commercial establishments, provided that the following conditions have been met:
Each door, window or similar facility to serve consumers in motor vehicles contains a waiting lane of not less than 100 feet for each said facility to accommodate vehicles awaiting service. Said lanes shall be not less than 10 feet in width, shall be wholly located on the subject property and shall not block or cross circulation patterns for consumers not using drive-through facilities.
No drive accessway shall be located on any street within 150 feet from an intersecting street or driveway.
The installation and/or construction of satellite dishes, earth station satellites and televisions satellites.
Sales of consumer fireworks, subject to the following conditions:
[Added 5-14-2018 by Ord. No. 2838]
The facility shall be licensed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture.
The facility shall comply with the provisions of the Act of November 10, 1999 (P.L. 491, No. 45), known as the Pennsylvania Construction Code Act.[2]
Editor's Note: See 35 P.S. § 7210.101 et seq.
The facility shall be a standalone permanent structure.
Storage areas shall be separated from wholesale or retail sales areas to which a purchaser may be admitted by appropriately rated fire separation.
The facility shall be located no closer than 250 feet to a facility selling or dispensing gasoline, propane or other flammable products.
The facility shall be located at least 1,500 feet from another facility licensed to sell consumer fireworks.
The facility shall have a monitored burglar and fire alarm system.
Quarterly fire drills and preplanning meetings shall be conducted as required by the Township Manager or such person designated by the Township Manager.
The facility shall comply with the provisions of Title 72 P.S., Taxation and Fiscal Affairs, § 9409, Conditions for facilities.
The facility shall comply with the area and bulk provisions of the C-4 Highway Commercial Zoning District, including the parking requirements of § 182-707B for a retail stores.
Temporary sale of consumer fireworks subject to the following conditions:
[Added 5-14-2018 by Ord. No. 2838]
The sale of consumer fireworks from a temporary structure shall be limited to the following:
Helicopter, aerial Spinner (APA 87-1,
Roman candle (APA 87-1,
Mine and shell devices not exceeding 500 grams.
An evacuation plan shall be posted in a conspicuous location in accordance with NFPA 1124.
The outdoor storage unit, if any, shall be separated from the wholesale or retail sales area to which a purchaser may be admitted by appropriately rated fire separation.
The temporary structure shall be secured at all times during which consumer fireworks are displayed within the structure.
The sales period shall be limited to June 15 through July 8 and December 21 through January 2 of each year.
Consumer fireworks not on display for retail sale shall be stored in an outdoor storage unit.
The temporary structure and storage unit shall comply with NFPA 1124 as it relates to retail sales.
The temporary structure and associated facilities shall be inspected by the Fire Code Official prior to occupancy.
Conditional uses. In any C-4 District, land, buildings or premises may be occupied by the following as a conditional use upon application and approval by the Board of Commissioners:
Tourist, rooming or boardinghouses, subject to full compliance with all applicable off-street parking, buffering and design standards contained in §§ 182-707 and 182-718 of this chapter.
Area and bulk regulations. The following regulations shall be observed:
[Amended 12-13-1993 by Ord. No. 2189; 3-11-1996 by Ord. No. 2239]
Lot size: 10,000 square feet minimum.
Street frontage: 75 feet minimum.
Building coverage: 30% maximum.
Front yard: 25 feet minimum.
Side yards: 20 feet minimum each.
Rear yard: 25 feet minimum.
Height: 45 feet maximum or three stories.
Impervious surface ratio: 80% maximum.
Special regulations for gasoline service stations. Gasoline service stations shall be subject to the following special regulations:
The minimum lot size shall be 32,000 square feet.
The minimum lot depth shall be 100 feet.
The minimum lot width shall be 140 feet.
The minimum setback line from all street lines shall be 40 feet.
The minimum distance from all property lines other than street lines shall be 25 feet.
The minimum distance between any buildings, including accessory uses, and any residential district shall be 50 feet.
The minimum distance between any access driveway and any residential district shall be 50 feet.
The minimum distance between any service station and repair garage access driveways and any church, library, school, college, nursing home, hospital or similar use shall be 200 feet, measured along the same street line in the same block.
The minimum distance between structures of any service station and/or repair garage and another service station and/or repair garage shall be 400 feet, measured along the same street line in the same or adjoining block.
The minimum distance between gasoline pump islands, compressed-air connections and similar equipment and facilities and any street lines shall be 40 feet.
The maximum width of curb cuts for access driveways shall be 35 feet.
Spacing of access driveways shall be as follows:
Minimum distance from adjoining property lines: 10 feet.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection D(12)(b), Minimum distance from intersecting street lines, was repealed 3-11-1996 by Ord. No. 2239.
Minimum distance between access driveways: 20 feet.
Except for access driveway openings where the curb shall be depressed, a raised curb of at least six inches in height shall be provided along all street lines or within the right-of-way if approved by the State Department of Transportation.
Hydraulic hoists, pits and all lubrication, greasing, washing and repair equipment shall be entirely enclosed within a building.
Exterior lighting shall be shielded so that it is deflected away from adjacent properties and from passing motorists.
All pumps shall be at least 20 feet back from the right-of-way.
Impervious surface ratio: 65% maximum.
[Added 12-13-1993 by Ord. No. 2189]
Special regulations for car wash establishments. Any car wash establishment shall be subject to the following specifications and regulations:
The minimum lot size shall be 24,000 square feet.
The minimum lot width throughout the entire depth shall be 120 feet.
The minimum lot depth throughout the entire width shall be 200 feet.
The minimum setback from all street lines shall be 40 feet.
The minimum distance from all property lines other than street lines shall be 20 feet.
The minimum distance between any buildings, including accessory uses, and any residential district shall be 50 feet.
The minimum distance between any access driveway and any residential district shall be 50 feet.
The minimum distance between any access driveway and any adjoining property line shall be 10 feet.
The minimum distance between any access driveway and any church, library, school, college, nursing home, hospital or similar use shall be 200 feet, measured along the same street line in the same block.
Curb cuts shall be as follows:
The maximum width of curb cuts for ingress driveways shall be 35 feet.
The maximum width of curb cuts for egress driveways shall be 35 feet.
Parking requirements shall be as follows:
A waiting or stacking area on the lot for incoming automobiles, accessible to the entrance end of the washing equipment, to accommodate a number of vehicles equal to the maximum hourly processing capability of the aforesaid car wash establishment shall be provided.
An area beyond the exit end of the washing equipment sufficiently large to accommodate 1/4 of the maximum hourly processing capability of the aforesaid car wash establishment shall be provided.
Driveways providing entrance and exit shall not be located within 300 feet of the intersection of any two street lines.
Except for access driveway openings where the curb shall be depressed, a raised curb of at least six inches in height shall be provided along all street lines or within the right-of-way if approved by the State Department of Transportation.
Exterior lighting shall be shielded so that it is deflected away from adjacent properties and from passing motorists.
All parking spaces and access driveways shall be paved with a weatherproof material.
Impervious surface ratio: 65% maximum.
[Added 12-13-1993 by Ord. No. 2189]
Conversion of dwelling to nonresidential use. The conversion of a dwelling to a nonresidential use shall be as required by § 182-709 of this chapter.
Off-street parking regulations. Off-street parking regulations shall be as required by § 182-707 of this chapter.
Off-street loading regulations. Off-street loading regulations shall be as required by § 182-708 of this chapter.
Performance and design standards. Performance and design standards shall be as required by §§ 182-717 and 182-718 of this chapter.
Specific intent. It is the purpose of this district to provide areas for coordinated shopping centers which are developed in accordance with unified architectural, building and land use standards. Overall appearance and appropriate land use controls are important to assure compatibility with surrounding areas.
Use regulations.
[Amended 5-9-1977 by Ord. No. 1665; 5-31-1983 by Ord. No. 1869; 9-30-1985 by Ord. No. 1934; 3-11-1996 by Ord. No. 2239]
Uses by right. In any C-5 District, land, buildings or premises shall be used by right only for a planned community shopping center, which may include the following:
Offices or studios.
Uses permitted by right in a C-3 General Commercial District except mortuaries, telephone exchange buildings and utility uses.
Fast food or take-out restaurants, provided that said restaurant is not freestanding, that it is an integral part of the shopping center and that it is oriented for primary access from the main pedestrian traffic flow of the shopping center. Appropriate trash receptacles must be provided throughout the shopping center.
Beverage distributors.
Automobile sales and service agency as defined in § 182-106B of the chapter, provided that no such use shall be permitted on the same street within 2,000 feet of another such automobile sales agency within the Township, and further provided that the following standards are satisfied.
[Added 6-9-2008 by Ord. No. 2543]
The overall shopping center tract of which the automobile sales and service agency is a part shall contain an area of at least 20 acres.
The automobile sales and service agency shall have direct vehicular access to an internal site roadway with access to a Pennsylvania State Highway and/or directly to a Pennsylvania State Highway.
If the automobile sales and service agency is on a tract which adjoins lands used for residential purposes outdoor loud speakers shall be prohibited and outdoor lighting for the automobile dealership shall be reduced to appropriate security levels starting no later than one hour after the close of business, which lights shall be shielded to prevent glare on the adjoining properties or the roads adjacent to the automobile sales and service agency.
Notwithstanding §§ 182-406D(1), 182-718C, and 182-706A.4 outdoor storage and/or display of vehicles shall be permitted, including beyond the front line of the building and on surfaces other than parking areas, provided that no vehicles shall be displayed on lifts, in the applicable buffer areas or within a public right-of-way. Outdoor storage and/or display of vehicles shall be buffered from view of adjoining residential properties by opaque ornamental fencing, walls or evergreen planting, but need not be buffered from view of other portions of the shopping center, other adjoining commercial uses/parcels or the adjoining roadways. The remaining provisions of § 182-718 shall be applicable.
Notwithstanding and in lieu of any of the provisions of § 182-707B, in addition to areas for storage and/or display of inventory, four off-street parking spaces shall be provided for each service bay, which parking may be provided inside and/or outside of a building and in stacked aisles without individual access to a road or interior drive. Additionally, one parking space shall be provided for each 500 square feet of floor area excluding service bays, bathrooms, indoor space occupied by vehicles and any space not devoted to regular patron use.
Drive-through commercial establishments, provided that the following conditions have been met:
[Added 6-9-2008 by Ord. No. 2543]
For drive-throughs with one pick-up location, a stacking lane of not less than 100 feet in length, not including the space at the pick-up location, shall be provided. If multiple pick-up locations are provided, each pick-up location shall be provided with a stacking lane with a minimum length of 50 feet, not including the space at the pick-up locations. All stacking lanes required hereunder shall not be less than 10 feet in width, and shall not block or cross circulation patterns for vehicles not using the drive-through facilities.
[Amended 9-13-2010 by Ord. No. 2604]
No drive accessway for the drive-through shall be located on any street within 150 feet from an intersecting street or driveway.
Vehicle fueling facility, provided that the following conditions have been met:
[Added 9-13-2010 by Ord. No. 2604]
The vehicle fueling facility is accessory to a principal use on the tract on which it is located and/or is operated by the owner of a principal use on the tract on which it is located.
Underground fuel storage tanks shall meet applicable state fire codes and regulations.
Exterior lighting shall be shielded so that it is deflected downward and away from adjacent properties and passing motorists and shall comply with Township design standards for new subdivision or land development.
Accessory uses. Only the following accessory uses shall be permitted:
Accessory uses on the same lot with and customarily incidental to any of the above-permitted uses, including signs as permitted in § 182-701.
A garden center shall be among the accessory uses permitted. Provided that the garden center is contiguous to the principal building, not enclosed by more than two walls (not including any principal building wall to which the garden center is attached), and is not air-conditioned or heated, the area of the garden center shall not be counted as part of the gross leasable area of the building for purposes of applying the off-street parking requirements of the Code. For purposes of this section, a wall shall not include any fencing with openings in more than 50% of its surface area; a column, pier, or similar structure; or any fence or wall of four feet in height or less.
[Added 9-13-2010 by Ord. No. 2604]
Solar energy equipment.
[Added 3-12-2012 by Ord. No. 2657]
Uses by special exception. In any C-5 District, land, buildings or premises shall be used for the following when authorized by the Zoning Hearing Board as a special exception after review by the Planning Commission as to conformity with the Comprehensive Plan:
Indoor recreational or amusement facilities, including theaters and bowling alleys, provided that said facilities are supervised by an employee located on the site at all times that said places of recreation or amusement are open for business.
The installation and/or construction of satellite dishes, earth station satellites and television satellites, provided that any such facility is screened from view of any adjacent property owner or from a public right-of-way.
Telecommunications equipment of a licensed carrier providing telecommunications service, provided that the Zoning Hearing Board finds that the provisions of § 182-728 have been met.
[Added 6-9-1997 by Ord. No. 2271]
Fast food or take-out restaurant, subject to the provisions of § 182-722. Appropriate trash receptacles shall be provided for all fast food or take-out restaurants.
[Added 9-13-2010 by Ord. No. 2604]
Conditional uses. Subject to the general standards set forth in §§ 182-1201, 182-1202, 182-1203, 182-1204 and 182-1205 governing conditional uses, the following uses shall be permitted as conditional uses when authorized by the Board of Commissioners after review by the Township Planning Commission as to conformance with the Comprehensive Plan and this chapter:
[Amended 6-12-2017 by Ord. No. 2810]
Landfills, including sanitary landfills, when operated by a municipal authority or by a municipality.
Utility uses, other than satellites.
Medical marijuana dispensary. A medical marijuana dispensary shall be permitted as a conditional use in accordance with the specific standards set forth in § 182-1207, Standards applicable to medical marijuana dispensary uses, of this chapter.
Significant tobacco retailer. A significant tobacco retailer shall be permitted as a conditional use in accordance with the specific standards set forth in § 182-1209, Standards applicable to significant tobacco retailer uses, of this chapter.
[Added 4-8-2024 by Ord. No. 2997-2024]
Area and bulk regulations. The following regulations shall be observed:
[Amended 12-13-1993 by Ord. No. 2189; 3-11-1996 by Ord. No. 2239]
Lot size: three acres minimum.
Street frontage: 150 feet minimum.
Building coverage: 30% maximum.
Building setback and placement: perimeter setback of not less than 50 feet from a public street or 25 feet from any other property line bordering the tract.
Distance between buildings: 30 feet minimum.
Height: 45 feet maximum.
Impervious surface ratio: 90% maximum.
Special regulations.
[Amended 3-11-1996 by Ord. No. 2239]
Any application for development under the terms of this subsection shall provide initially at least for the construction of either a minimum of 60,000 square feet of floor area or a minimum of 25% of the total floor area of the anticipated permitted uses in the proposed shopping center, whichever is greater. Any development that contemplates phased improvements requires the submission of a concept plan for the entire site as a part of the initial land development application.
[Added 6-9-2008 by Ord. No. 2543]
Storage of merchandise, articles or equipment shall be permitted outside a building provided that all outdoor storage facilities shall be secured and enclosed by a fence, wall, or other enclosure, or combination thereof, adequate to properly enclose, secure and screen the stored items and not located between the front of the building and the adjoining street.
[Amended 9-13-2010 by Ord. No. 2604]
Pardons of outdoor storage facilities adjacent to a residential district shall be adequately screened with opaque fencing, walls, evergreen planting, or other means such that the materials stored within cannot be seen from the adjacent residential district when viewed by a person standing at ground level on the adjacent property.
No parking, loading or service area shall be located within the required ten-foot buffer planting strip provided in § 182-718B of this chapter.
The use and design of any property in the district shall comply with all provisions of §§ 182-718 and 182-719 of this chapter.
Seasonally related goods may be displayed for sale outside a building or other enclosed area during the applicable season, provided the display of such goods is arranged to provide safe pedestrian access to and around such goods, and provided that pedestrian access of a minimum of five feet between the display and any adjoining vehicle access ways is maintained at all times. Goods stacked on pallets and general outdoor storage shall not be permitted by this provision.
[Added 9-13-2010 by Ord. No. 2604]
Off-street parking regulations. Off-street parking regulations shall be as required by § 182-707 of this chapter.
Off-street loading regulations. Off-street loading regulations shall be as required by § 182-708 of this chapter.
Performance and design standards. Performance and design standards shall be as required by §§ 182-717 and 182-718 of this chapter.
Special procedural and plan requirements. In a C-5 Shopping Center District, the procedural and plan requirements as set forth in § 182-720 shall apply.