[Amended 4-19-1994 by Ord. No. 69]
Unless otherwise expressly stated, the following words shall, for the purposes of this chapter, have the meaning herein indicated:
A landowner or developer, as hereinafter defined, who has filed an application for development, including his heirs, successors and assigns.
Every application, whether preliminary, tentative or final, required to be filed and approved prior to start of construction or development, including but not limited to an application for a building permit, for the approval of a subdivision plat or plan or for the approval of a development plan.
That portion of a street lying on either side of the cartway where the soil is stabilized in order to protect the edge of the pavement or other road surfacing.
That portion of a street which is improved, designated, or intended for vehicular use.
An area of unobstructed vision at street intersections. It is defined by lines of sight between points at a given distance from the intersection of the street center lines.
A parcel or parcels of land or an area of water, or a combination of land and water within a development site and designed and intended for the use or enjoyment of residents of a development, not including streets, off-street parking areas, and areas set aside for public facilities.
The County of Adams, Pennsylvania.
A relatively short dead end street with a turnaround provided.
An excavation. The difference between a point on the original ground and a designated point of lower elevation on the final grade. Also, the material removed in excavation.
Any landowner, agents of such landowner or tenant with the permission of such landowner, who makes or causes to be made a subdivision of land or a land development.
The provisions for development, including a planned residential development, a plat of subdivision, all covenants relating to use, location and bulk of buildings and other structures, intensity of use or density of development, streets, ways and parking facilities, common open space and public facilities. The phrase "provisions of development plan," when used in this chapter, shall mean the written and graphic materials referred to in this definition.
A right-of-way granted for the limited use of land for public or quasi-public purposes.
The removal of surface materials by the action of natural elements.
Any act by which earth, sand, gravel, rock or any other similar material is dug into, cut, quarried, uncovered, removed, displaced, relocated or bulldozed and shall include the conditions resulting therefrom.
Any act by which earth, sand, gravel, rock or any other material is placed, pushed, dumped, pulled, transported or moved to a new location above the natural surface of the ground or on top of the stripped surface and shall include the conditions resulting therefrom. The difference in elevation between a point on the original ground and designated point of higher elevation on the final grade. The material used to make a fill.
The Borough Council of Bonneauville Borough, Adams County, Pennsylvania.
Any of the following activities:
The improvement of one lot or two or more contiguous lots, tracts or parcels of land for any purpose involving:
A group of two or more residential or nonresidential buildings, whether proposed initially or cumulatively, or a single nonresidential building on a lot or lots regardless of the number of occupants or tenure; or
The division or allocation of land or space, whether initially or cumulatively, between or among two or more existing or prospective occupants by means of, or for the purpose of streets, common areas, leaseholds, condominiums, building groups or other features;
A subdivision of land.
Development in accordance with § 503(1.1) of the Municipalities Planning Code, 53 P.S. § 10503(1.1).
[Amended 7-17-2007 by Ord. No. 94]
The legal or beneficial owner or owners of land, including the holder of an option or contract to purchase (whether or not such option or contract is subject to any condition), a lessee if he is authorized under the lease to exercise the rights of the landowner, or other person having a proprietary interest in land, shall be deemed to be a landowner for the purposes of this chapter.
A designated parcel, tract or area of land established by a plat or otherwise as permitted by law and to be used, developed or built upon as a unit.
A transportable, single-family dwelling intended for permanent occupancy, contained in one unit or in two or more units designed to be joined into one integral unit capable of again being separated for repeated towing, which arrives at a site complete and ready for occupancy except for minor and incidental unpacking and assembly operations, and constructed so that it may be used without a permanent foundation.
A parcel of land in a mobile home park, improved with the necessary utility connections and other appurtenances necessary for the erection thereon of a single mobile home.
A parcel or contiguous parcels of land which has been so designated and improved that it contains two or more mobile home lots for the placement thereon of mobile homes.
That part of an individual lot which has been reserved for the placement of the mobile home, appurtenant structures or additions.
A body politic and corporate created pursuant to the Act of May 2, 1945 (P.L. 382, No. 164), known as the "Municipalities Authority Act of 1945."[1]
A professional engineer licensed as such in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, duly appointed as the engineer for a municipality, planning agency or joint planning commission.
[Amended 7-17-2007 by Ord. No. 94]
The Borough of Bonneauville, Adams County, Pennsylvania.
Any individual or group of individuals, partnership, or corporation.
An area of land, controlled by a landowner, to be developed as a single entity for a number of dwelling units, or combination of residential and nonresidential uses, the development plan for which does not correspond in lot size, bulk, type of dwelling, or use, density or intensity, lot coverage and required open space to the regulations established in any one district created, from time to time, under the provisions of this chapter.
The Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, Act of July 31, 1968, P.L. 805, Act 247, 53 P.S. § 10101 et seq.
The Bonneauville Borough Planning Commission.
The map or plan of a subdivision or land development, whether preliminary or final.
PRELIMINARYA tentative plan indicating the proposed layout of a subdivision prepared by the subdivider for submission to the Planning Commission for its consideration.
FINALA complete and exact plan of subdivision which is presented to the Planning Commission for approval and which, if approved, will be submitted to the Recorder of Deeds of Adams County for recording in accordance with law.
Parks, playgrounds, trails, paths and other recreational areas and other public areas;
Sites for schools, sewage treatment, refuse disposal and other publicly owned or operated facilities; and
Publicly owned or operated scenic and historic sites.
A forum held pursuant to notice under 65 Pa.C.S.A. Ch. 7 (relating to open meetings).
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
A formal meeting held pursuant to public notice by the governing body or planning agency, intended to inform and obtain public comment, prior to taking action in accordance with this Act.
[Amended 7-17-2007 by Ord. No. 94]
Notice published once each week for two successive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the Borough. Such notice shall state the time and place of the hearing and the particular nature of the matter to be considered at the hearing. The first publication shall not be more than 30 days and the second publication shall not be less than seven days from the date of the hearing.
The surface water discharge or rate of discharge of a given watershed after a fall of rain or snow that does not enter the soil but runs off the surface of the land.
The process by which mineral or organic matter is accumulated or deposited by moving wind, water, or gravity. Once this matter is deposited (or remains suspended in water), it is usually referred to as "sediment."
A plan submitted at the option of the applicant, usually a freehand drawing of an idea for a proposed subdivision and land development; which may show the layout of streets, lots, and other pertinent features. It is advisable that it be drawn on a general topographic or Tax Map.
The face of an embankment or cut section; any ground whose surface makes an angle with the plane of the horizon. Slopes are usually expressed in a percentage based upon vertical difference in feet per 100 feet of horizontal distance.
Chemical or structural treatment of a mass of soil to increase or maintain its stability or otherwise to improve its engineering properties.
Includes street, avenue, boulevard, road, highway, freeway, parkway, lane, alley, viaduct or any other ways used or intended to be used by vehicular traffic or pedestrians, whether public or private.
Arterial streets are those which are used primarily for through, fast or heavy traffic.
Collector streets are those which carry traffic from minor streets to the major system of arterial streets, including principal entrance streets of a residential development and streets for major circulation within such developments.
Minor streets are those which are used primarily for access to the abutting properties. These may be primarily access to homes in which case they will be minor residential streets.
Marginal access streets are minor streets which are parallel to and adjacent to arterial streets and which provide access to abutting properties and protection from through traffic.
Alleys are minor ways which are used primarily for vehicular service access to the back or the side of properties otherwise abutting on a street.
Reverse frontage streets. A minor street that provides access to lots that would otherwise front on an arterial street. With the introduction of a reverse frontage street, the lots front on the minor street with the rear lot lines along the arterial.
Partial or half-streets are those where part of the right-of-way is provided by one property owner with the intent that the remaining part will be provided by the adjoining property owner.
Any man-made object having an ascertainable stationary location on or in land or water, whether or not affixed to the land.
A person, partnership, corporation, association or other entity who or which owns land in the municipality and for which a land subdivision application is filed and processed under the provisions of this chapter. (See also "applicant" and "developer.")
The division or redivision of a lot, tract or parcel of land by any means into two or more lots, tracts, parcels or other divisions of land, including changes in existing lot lines for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of lease, partition by the court for distribution to heirs or devisees, transfer of ownership or building or lot development; provided, however, that the subdivision by lease of land for agricultural purposes into parcels of more than 10 acres, not involving any new street or easement of access or any residential dwelling, shall be exempted.
MAJOR SUBDIVISIONAny subdivision involving five or more lots, parcels of land or other divisions of land, whether or not they involve new streets, additional utilities or other facilities immediate or future.
MINOR SUBDIVISIONAny subdivision involving not more than four lots, parcels of land, or other divisions of land which abut a street of sufficient width and does not require a new street, the installation of sanitary sewers, storm sewers, water mains or pipes, or other facilities. Any number of lots not meeting these criteria must be handled as a major subdivision.
Where in the judgment of the Municipal Engineer, at least 90% (based on the cost of the required improvements for which financial security was posted pursuant to the requirements of this chapter) of those improvements required as a condition for final approval have been completed in accordance with the approved plan, so that the project will be able to be used, occupied or operated for its intended use.
A low-lying stretch of land which gathers or carries surface water runoff.
A map showing the elevations of the ground by contours or elevations.
Surface soils and subsurface soils which presumably are fertile soils and soil material, ordinarily rich in organic matter or humus debris. Topsoil is usually found in the uppermost soil layer called the "A Horizon."
A permanent stream, intermittent stream, river, brook, creek, or a channel or ditch for water, whether natural or man-made.
An inventory of the source, quantity, yield and use of groundwater and surface water resources within the Borough.
Editor's Note: The Municipality Authorities Act of 1945 (53 P.S. § 301 et seq.) was repealed by Act 22 of 2001 (6-19-2001, P.L. 287, No. 22). See now the Municipality Authorities Act, 53 Pa.C.S.A. § 5601 et seq.