[Added 1-18-2000 by L.L. No. 1-2000]
The Board shall have the power to engage the services of professional engineers, architects, landscape architects, surveyors, attorneys, and other consultants to the extent reasonably necessary to assist in accurately and properly reviewing applications for major and minor subdivisions.
The Board shall have the power to establish additional costs and charges for applications in the following manner:
Upon submission of a proper sketch plan, the Board shall have the authority to obtain estimates of the costs of any professional or technical reviews or studies, of any type of application through all preliminary stages. Said estimates shall be made available to the applicant at no cost.
When the Board has received a statement in writing from the applicant that he has reviewed the estimate of costs for the preliminary stage and authorizes the Board to proceed with preliminary review, the Board shall have the authority to collect from the applicant a deposit sufficient to cover the estimated costs. Said deposit shall be held in an interest-bearing account for the benefit of the applicant until used to pay for such costs. Any part of said deposit not used to pay for such costs shall be returned to the applicant at the conclusion of the preliminary stage.
Upon completion of the preliminary stage, the Board shall have the authority to obtain estimates of costs of any professional or technical reviews or studies, of any type whatsoever, which shall be reasonably necessary to review the application through to final approval. Said estimate shall be made available to the applicant at no cost.
When the Board has received a statement in writing from the applicant that he has reviewed the estimate of costs for final approval and authorizes the Board to proceed to final approval, the Board shall have the authority to collect from the applicant a deposit sufficient to cover the estimated costs. Said deposit shall be held in an interest-bearing account for the benefit of the applicant until used to pay for such costs. Any part of said deposit not used to pay for such costs shall be returned to the applicant at the conclusion of the final approval stage.
In no event shall the additional costs and charges for applications as referred to in Subsection B above exceed the amount of those fees, based upon percentages of total project value, chargeable under § 617.3 of the State Environmental Quality Review Act.
Procedures. Any owners of land shall, prior to finalizing any boundary line adjustment, comply with the regulations applicable to the approval of a minor subdivision (Article III, §§ 167-5 and 167-6) except that the need for a public hearing maybe waived by the Board in its sole discretion.
Fees. All applications for approval of a boundary line adjustment shall be accompanied by a fee in the amount adopted by the Town Board pursuant to Town Code Chapter 110 and listed on the Fee Schedule.
[Amended 11-7-2012 by L.L. No. 4-2012]