Adopted 4-28-2000 ATM, Arts. 39 through 41]
[Amended 4-30-2004 ATM, Art. 22]
Service of the warrant for the Annual Town Meeting, and for any Special Town Meeting, shall be made by posting attested copies thereof at the Town Office Building, the Sunderland Public Library and the Sunderland Post Office, and by mailing or delivering a notice of meeting addressed to each residence in the town not later than the time required under Massachusetts General Laws for the giving of notice of such Town Meeting.
[Amended 4-30-2004 ATM, Art. 22; Ch. 141 of the Acts of 2019, approved 12-12-2019]
All articles for insertion in the warrant for the Annual Town Meeting must be presented in writing to the Selectboard in accordance with law on or before the Friday six (6) weeks prior to the Annual Town Meeting or such earlier time as may be fixed by the Selectboard, and all articles for Special Town Meetings must be so presented on or before the date fixed by the Selectboard for closing of the warrant for such a meeting. The warrant for any Special Town Meeting shall remain open for at least seven (7) days after it is called by the Selectboard. Within forty-eight (48) hours after calling any Town Meeting, the Selectboard shall post notice of the warrant closing date at the Sunderland Town Office Building, Sunderland Public Library and the Sunderland Post Office.
[Amended by Ch. 141 of the Acts of 2019, approved 12-12-2019]
Each article appearing in the warrant for every Town Meeting shall be accompanied therein by a printed statement, prepared by the Selectboard, of the quantum of vote required for taking action under the article and citation to the legal authority establishing said quantum of vote, except that where, in the opinion of the Selectboard, the quantum of vote and citation are not yet known with reasonable certainty at the time the warrant is prepared, a printed statement to this effect shall suffice.