The Selectmen shall have full authority as agents of the Town, acting upon the advice and consent of Town Counsel, to settle any claims or suits against the Town which, in their judgment, cannot be successfully defended. Unless otherwise provided by law, such settlement shall require Town Meeting approval unless the amount thereof is $10,000 or less or unless insurance coverage is available in an amount sufficient to reduce the Town's monetary contribution to the settlement to $10,000 or less.
The Selectmen shall report to the Annual Town Meeting the financial condition of the Town at the close of the fiscal year preceding such meeting. Said report shall state what expenditures have been made and what balance of appropriations, if any, remains unexpended and shall contain the warrant for the next Annual Town Meeting.
The Selectmen may appear in the interest of the Town, either personally or by Town Counsel, before any court, committee of the legislature, or any state or county board or commission. They shall have full authority as agents of the Town, acting upon the advice of the Town Counsel, to institute and prosecute any or all necessary suits and proceedings in favor of the Town and to appear and defend any and all suits and legal proceedings against or involving the Town's interest.
Property the Town may acquire or has acquired by tax taking or through tax title may be disposed of at auction by the Board of Selectmen as follows: said auction must be advertised in a newspaper published in Barnstable County and circulated in the Town of Harwich three consecutive days at least 14 days before said sale setting forth the date, place, time and terms of the sale.
The Board of Selectmen is authorized to dispose of any and all tangible personal property of the Town of Harwich which has been determined by the department having jurisdiction thereof to be surplus or no longer serviceable for the intended purpose. The Selectmen shall have authority to determine the best method of disposing thereof.