[Adopted 12-3-2001 by Ord. No. 001.13; amended in its entirety 12-20-2010 by Ord. No. 2010-18]
Promotional methods and procedures are herein established within the Dunellen Police Department for the ranks of Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain and Chief of Police as described below.
Captain, Lieutenant and Sergeant.
Promotions in the Police Department to the ranks of Captain, Lieutenant and Sergeant shall be made on the basis of merit and fitness.
The promotional review process shall consist of the following five components with the weight of each component of the process described below:
Police Committee review: 30%.
Time in service with Dunellen: 20%.
Chief of Police recommendation: 20%.
Training/education: 25%.
Volunteer work: 5%.
Contained within each component are areas of evaluation. The Police Committee shall make recommendations to the Council as to the promotion of candidates to the ranks of Sergeant, Lieutenant and Captain based upon the above five components.
The Police Committee's review shall be derived from the following areas of evaluation: personal profile, personnel file and oral interview. An oral interview shall be conducted for all candidates by the Police Committee.
Personal profile.
A minimum of two weeks prior to an oral interview before the Police Committee, each candidate shall prepare and provide to the Chief of Police a typed personal profile of himself/herself. The personal profile shall include, at a minimum, the career objective of the candidate; educational achievements (including academic achievements, as well as law enforcement, management, instructor and military training); responsibilities within the Police Department; commendations; disciplinary actions, including the results of any action taken against the candidate; volunteer work in the Borough; and sick record for the preceding five years.
The candidate may include any additional information which he/she believes would help the candidate and would be relevant to the Police Committee. Each candidate's personal profile will be reviewed by the Police Committee before the oral interview. It will be evaluated with the candidate during the oral interview.
Oral interview. The Police Committee shall evaluate the following areas during the oral interview.
Personnel file.
Personal profile.
Personal profile presentation.
Knowledge of community.
Communication skills.
Knowledge of policy and procedures.
Departmental file.
Professional judgment.
Upon completion of the Police Committee review, each candidate shall be given a numerical score. The numerical score will be derived from each area of the oral interview, utilizing a scale of zero to 10. Areas will be totaled for an overall score utilizing a scale of zero to 100. The weight of the Police Committee review component will be 30% of each candidates overall score.
The Chief of Police in rendering recommendations in connection with the promotional process will review the performance-related areas for each candidate.
Compliance with the Rules and Regulations of the Police Department;
Professional judgment;
Quality of work;
Promotional potential in a supervisory capacity defined as use of independent judgment in the performance of duties, ability to supervise personnel and give directions and orders;
Disciplinary record; and
Each candidate shall be given a numerical score for each area of the Chief of Police recommendation component utilizing a scale of zero to 10. Areas will be totaled for an overall score utilizing a scale of zero to 100. The weight of the Chief of Police Recommendation component will be 25% of each candidate's overall score.
Chief of Police shall forward to the Police Committee the Borough time in service of each applicant prior to the oral interview. A numerical score for each candidate shall be determined by giving the candidate with the longest time in service with the Borough a score of 100 and all other candidates a numerical score equal to the percentage, rounded to the nearest whole number, of his/her time in service in comparison to the candidate with the longest time in service. The weight of the time in service component will be 30% of each candidate's overall score.
Law enforcement training, management training, instructor training, military training and academic achievements shall be considered by the Police Committee in evaluating this component of the process. Each candidate shall be given a numerical score for each area of the training/education component utilizing a scale of zero to 20. Areas will be totaled for an overall score utilizing a scale of zero to 100. The weight of the training/education component will be 10% of each candidate's overall score.
The Police Committee shall evaluate the volunteer work of each candidate. Documentation of volunteer work in the Borough should accompany the candidate's personal profile. The organization, contact person, period of time that the candidate has been involved with the organization, and how the individual is involved with the organization. Each applicant shall be given a numerical overall score of zero to 100. The weight of the volunteer work component will be 5% of each candidate's overall score.
Council reserves the right to require that a candidate's promotion to a position be conditional on physical and/or psychological evaluation by physician(s) designated by the Borough. Each candidate shall execute a consent to transmittal of physician report(s) to Council for consideration in executive session. Council shall provide the candidate with the opportunity to oppose a negative recommendation. Any determination as to promotion based upon the physician report(s) will be made by the Council.
Every candidate shall sign a written waiver authorizing Council to review the candidate's personnel file during the promotional process and in executive session.
Pursuant to the Code of the Borough of Dunellen, no person shall be eligible for promotion to a supervisory officer position unless:
Sergeant: minimum of five years in the Dunellen Police Department as a patrolman.
Lieutenant: minimum 10 years in the Dunellen Police Department with at least two of those years as Sergeant.
Captain: minimum 10 years in the Dunellen Police Department with at least three of those years as Lieutenant.
[Amended 4-4-2011 by Ord. No. 2011-02]
All promotions are based on a probationary period of one year. Should a candidate be promoted and not meet the expectations of Council, he/she will return to his/her last rank and his/her pay will be reduced back to the appropriate level. In the event that a candidate does not fulfill the expectations of Council during the one-year probationary period, resulting in a return to former rank and pay, a new evaluation for promotion shall ensue of all eligible candidates.
The Council may solicit the opinion of the Chief of Police in assessing the candidate's probationary period.
Should there be a tie among two or more candidates for the same position after consideration by Council, the Mayor will cast the deciding vote to select the most qualified candidate.
Promotions in the Police Department to the rank of Chief of Police shall be made on the basis of merit and fitness.
The promotional review process shall consist of the following four components with the weight of each component of the process described below:
Police Committee review: 40%.
Time in service: 30%.
Training/education: 25%.
Volunteer work: 5%.
Each of the above components will be evaluated in the same manner as set forth for the ranks of Sergeant, Lieutenant and Captain. The Police Committee shall make recommendations to Council as to the promotion of candidates to the rank of Chief of Police based upon the above four components.
Submission to a physical and/or psychological examination in the manner described above also applies to candidates seeking to be promoted to Chief of Police.
Requirement of a written authorization pertaining to Council's review of a candidate's personnel file also applies to candidates seeking promotion of Chief of Police.
Pursuant to the Code of the Borough of Dunellen, no person shall be eligible for promotion to Chief of Police unless he/she has had a minimum of 10 years in the Dunellen Police Department with at least two of those years as Sergeant, Lieutenant and/or Captain.
The one-year probationary period described above shall also apply to promotion to the rank of Chief of Police with the exception that Council will not solicit the opinion of the Chief of Police in assessing the candidate's probationary period.
Should there be a tie among two or more candidates for the rank of Chief of Police after consideration by Council, the Mayor will cast the deciding vote to select the most qualified candidate.